A Query with Parameters
To execute a more complex query that uses input parameters, you must use CacheParameter to define the parameters. The following method displays all of the contacts of a particular type. The type is passed to the method at runtime.
public void DisplayContacts(string type)
string sql = "Select %ID, Name, ContactType From Provider.Contact "+
"Where ContactType %startswith ? Order By Name";
CacheParameter type_param = new CacheParameter();
type_param.CacheDbType = CacheDbType.NVarChar;
type_param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
type_param.Size = 50;
type_param.Value = type;
CacheCommand command = new CacheCommand(sql, cnCache);
CacheDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
Console.WriteLine("ID: {0} Name: {1}", reader[reader.GetOrdinal("ID")],
catch (CacheException e){}
Note that cnCache represents an open CacheConnection instance.