Caché Managed Provider for .NET Tutorial
- Preface
- The Basics
- Features
- Requirements
- Components and Resources
- Preparing A Project: Basic Steps
- Adding A Reference
- Adding using Directives
- Generating Proxy Classes
- Connecting to Caché
- Adding a Configuration File
- Example Configuration File
- Loading Configuration Information
- Enabling Logging Dynamically
- Clean Up
- Recap
- Caché Managed Provider: Object Interface
- Proxy Classes
- Persistence Methods and Properties
- Connection Methods and Properties
- Class Specific Methods and Properties
- CacheProvider Classes
- Updating an Existing Object
- Creating a New Object
- Using Statement
- Collections: Lists
- Collections: Arrays
- Collections: Relationships
- Application Overview: Design
- Application Overview: Data Model
- Application Overview: Windows Form
- Getting Started
- Declare Class Variables
- InitContactList
- Initialization
- DisplayTreeView: Part 1
- DisplayTreeView: Part 2
- The Application So Far
- DisplayContact
- UpdateContact
- ClearContact
- The Application So Far
- AddContact
- DeleteContact
- The Application So Far
- The Way Forward
- Exercises
- Recap
- Caché Managed Provider: Relational Interface
- What is ADO.NET?
- Direct and Disconnected Access
- Caché Managed Provider Classes: Part 1
- Caché Managed Provider Classes: Part 2
- ADO.NET Classes: Part 1
- ADO.NET Classes: Part 2
- A Simple Query
- A Query with Parameters
- An Insert
- Transactions
- Project Overview: Application Design
- Project Overview: Data Model
- Project Overview: Windows Form
- Getting Started
- Class Variables
- Initialization
- Preparing a CacheDataAdapter: Overview
- AddInputParams
- InitConAdapter: Part 1
- InitConAdapter: Part 2
- InitPhoneAdapter: Part 1
- InitPhoneAdapter: Part 2
- InitDataSet
- DisplayTreeView: Part 1
- DisplayTreeView: Part 2
- The Application So Far
- DisplayContact
- UpdateContact
- The Application So Far
- AddContact
- DeleteContact
- The Application So Far
- The Way Forward
- Exercises
- Recap
- Example and Exercise Files
- Installing Caché Classes and Populating the Database