What's Left?
There are serveral different ways that we can or maybe even should enhance or expand our application, including:
Form validation. At this point our form provides data validation for only two of its eight fields. We initially used the wizard to generate our form for a data model that include only the Contact class and its two properties: Name and Type. The generated form included data validation for the form fields provided for the two properties. We have since added form fields for the properties of the Address and PhoneNumber classes, but we have not added any data validation. We should add validation for these remaining form fields. To learn more about providing form validation using Zen, please read the Validating a Form in the Zen Forms section of Using Zen Components.
Style. At this point we have not customized the appearance: style or layout, of our Zen page. To learn more about customizing the style and layout of Zen pages and components, please read Zen Style and Zen Layout in Using Zen.
Search. At this point it is not easy to search for a contact by, for example, name or address. We could add filters to the form's search table. To learn more about column filters on Zen tables, read Column Filters in the Zen Tables section of Using Zen Components.
Data Model. Our data model could be expanded or changed in many ways. For example, perhaps parent-child is not the right relationship for contacts and phone numbers, or maybe we should use a class hierarchy rather than a property to separate the contacts into different types. To learn more about designing and using Caché object and data models, please read Using Caché Objects.