Creating the Application Class
The first step in creating our Zen Contacts application is to create the Application class for the application. Here are the steps:
Open Studio. On the menu bar click File–>New. This opens the New dialog:
Click the Zen category. Next, click the Zen Application icon and then click OK. This launches the Zen Application Wizard:
Enter the following information:
Package Name: ZenTutorial
Class Name: Application
Application Name: ZenContacts
Click Finish. The Studio editor displays the following new Caché Zen class:
Notice that the HOMEPAGE parameter has no value. Assign it the value ZenTutorial.HomePage.cls. This is the main page and home page of our application. The following tutorial page contains instructions for creating it.
Parameter HOMEPAGE="ZenTutorial.HomePage.cls";
Compile ZenTutorial.Application by clicking Build–>Compile on the Studio menu bar.