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deprecated class %ZEN.Component.dataGrid extends %ZEN.Component.control, %ZEN.Component.dataView

Implements a component for viewing and editing tabular data.
This is an HTML5 component; it will only correctly run on HTML5 compliant browsers.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


Inherited description: Subclasses can set this to change default enclosingClass used for this component.
parameter DOMAIN = %ZEN;
Domain used for localization.
parameter INCLUDEFILES = dsparser.js;
Pick up formula code.
parameter SYSMODULE;
Do not include in "form" module.


property alwaysString as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Sometimes datagrid is *never* used to enter numbers only strings, for instance diagnostic codes with 0s trailing to the left or after a decimal point
Property methods: alwaysStringDisplayToLogical(), alwaysStringGet(), alwaysStringIsValid(), alwaysStringLogicalToDisplay(), alwaysStringLogicalToOdbc(), alwaysStringLogicalToXSD(), alwaysStringNormalize(), alwaysStringSet(), alwaysStringXSDToLogical()
property canResizeColumns as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
If true, the user can resize columnns with the mouse.
Property methods: canResizeColumnsDisplayToLogical(), canResizeColumnsGet(), canResizeColumnsIsValid(), canResizeColumnsLogicalToDisplay(), canResizeColumnsLogicalToOdbc(), canResizeColumnsLogicalToXSD(), canResizeColumnsNormalize(), canResizeColumnsSet(), canResizeColumnsXSDToLogical()
property cellHoverColor as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "#EEEEEE" ];
Background color of cells when mouse is over them.
Property methods: cellHoverColorDisplayToLogical(), cellHoverColorGet(), cellHoverColorIsValid(), cellHoverColorLogicalToDisplay(), cellHoverColorLogicalToOdbc(), cellHoverColorNormalize(), cellHoverColorSet()
property checkedRows as %ZEN.Datatype.csv;
This property contains a csv-list of the row numbers (1-based) in which the row selector checkbox is currently set.
If all rows are checked, it is set to "all".
Property methods: checkedRowsDisplayToLogical(), checkedRowsGet(), checkedRowsIsValid(), checkedRowsLogicalToDisplay(), checkedRowsLogicalToOdbc(), checkedRowsNormalize(), checkedRowsSet()
property columnDescriptors as list of %ZEN.Auxiliary.gridColumnDescriptor (XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT", XMLREF = 1, XMLTYPECONSTRAINT = "CHOICE", ZENSETTING = 0);
Optional column descriptors for this grid.
Property methods: columnDescriptorsBuildValueArray(), columnDescriptorsCollectionToDisplay(), columnDescriptorsCollectionToOdbc(), columnDescriptorsDisplayToCollection(), columnDescriptorsGet(), columnDescriptorsGetObject(), columnDescriptorsGetObjectId(), columnDescriptorsGetSwizzled(), columnDescriptorsIsValid(), columnDescriptorsOdbcToCollection(), columnDescriptorsSet(), columnDescriptorsSetObject(), columnDescriptorsSetObjectId()
property columnHeaderStyle as;
Additional style to apply to column headers in this grid.
Property methods: columnHeaderStyleDisplayToLogical(), columnHeaderStyleGet(), columnHeaderStyleIsValid(), columnHeaderStyleLogicalToDisplay(), columnHeaderStyleLogicalToOdbc(), columnHeaderStyleNormalize(), columnHeaderStyleSet()
property columnLabelSpan as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
This specifies how parent column labels with multiple child labels are displayed.
If true, then one parent label is displayed for each set of children. If false, then the parent row label is repeated for each child.
Property methods: columnLabelSpanDisplayToLogical(), columnLabelSpanGet(), columnLabelSpanIsValid(), columnLabelSpanLogicalToDisplay(), columnLabelSpanLogicalToOdbc(), columnLabelSpanLogicalToXSD(), columnLabelSpanNormalize(), columnLabelSpanSet(), columnLabelSpanXSDToLogical()
property columnWidth as %ZEN.Datatype.integer;
This is the default width (in pixels) used for columns that do not supply a width. If not defined, then a width is calculated.
Property methods: columnWidthDisplayToLogical(), columnWidthGet(), columnWidthIsValid(), columnWidthLogicalToDisplay(), columnWidthLogicalToOdbc(), columnWidthNormalize(), columnWidthSet()
property currCellBackground as [ InitialExpression = "#D0D0FF" ];
Background color to apply to the current cell.
Property methods: currCellBackgroundDisplayToLogical(), currCellBackgroundGet(), currCellBackgroundIsValid(), currCellBackgroundLogicalToDisplay(), currCellBackgroundLogicalToOdbc(), currCellBackgroundNormalize(), currCellBackgroundSet()
property currCellColor as [ InitialExpression = "#000000" ];
Foreground color to apply to the current cell.
Property methods: currCellColorDisplayToLogical(), currCellColorGet(), currCellColorIsValid(), currCellColorLogicalToDisplay(), currCellColorLogicalToOdbc(), currCellColorNormalize(), currCellColorSet()
property currColumn as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
This is the column number (1-based) of the current selected cell.
Property methods: currColumnDisplayToLogical(), currColumnGet(), currColumnIsValid(), currColumnLogicalToDisplay(), currColumnLogicalToOdbc(), currColumnNormalize(), currColumnSet()
property currPage as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
This is the current "page" when this grid is paging through data. Use the getCurrPage() method to view this.
Property methods: currPageDisplayToLogical(), currPageGet(), currPageIsValid(), currPageLogicalToDisplay(), currPageLogicalToOdbc(), currPageNormalize(), currPageSet()
property currRow as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
This is the row number (1-based) of the current selected cell.
Property methods: currRowDisplayToLogical(), currRowGet(), currRowIsValid(), currRowLogicalToDisplay(), currRowLogicalToOdbc(), currRowNormalize(), currRowSet()
property evenRowBackground as [ InitialExpression = "#F8F8F8" ];
Background color to apply to even rows when zebra striping is on.
Property methods: evenRowBackgroundDisplayToLogical(), evenRowBackgroundGet(), evenRowBackgroundIsValid(), evenRowBackgroundLogicalToDisplay(), evenRowBackgroundLogicalToOdbc(), evenRowBackgroundNormalize(), evenRowBackgroundSet()
property evenRowColor as;
Foreground color to apply to even rows when zebra striping is on.
Property methods: evenRowColorDisplayToLogical(), evenRowColorGet(), evenRowColorIsValid(), evenRowColorLogicalToDisplay(), evenRowColorLogicalToOdbc(), evenRowColorNormalize(), evenRowColorSet()
property filterKey as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
If supplied, this is a key used to filter results that are already on the client.
Property methods: filterKeyDisplayToLogical(), filterKeyGet(), filterKeyIsValid(), filterKeyLogicalToDisplay(), filterKeyLogicalToOdbc(), filterKeyNormalize(), filterKeySet()
property format as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Default format to apply to cells in this grid.
This is a DeepSee format string: e.g., "###.##" This is overridden by row and column-level formatting.
Property methods: formatDisplayToLogical(), formatGet(), formatIsValid(), formatLogicalToDisplay(), formatLogicalToOdbc(), formatNormalize(), formatSet()
property gridStatusStyle as;
Optional style to apply to grid status area.
Property methods: gridStatusStyleDisplayToLogical(), gridStatusStyleGet(), gridStatusStyleIsValid(), gridStatusStyleLogicalToDisplay(), gridStatusStyleLogicalToOdbc(), gridStatusStyleNormalize(), gridStatusStyleSet()
property gridTitle as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Optional title to display along top of grid.
Property methods: gridTitleDisplayToLogical(), gridTitleGet(), gridTitleIsValid(), gridTitleLogicalToDisplay(), gridTitleLogicalToOdbc(), gridTitleNormalize(), gridTitleSet()
property gridTitleStyle as;
Optional style to apply to grid title.
Property methods: gridTitleStyleDisplayToLogical(), gridTitleStyleGet(), gridTitleStyleIsValid(), gridTitleStyleLogicalToDisplay(), gridTitleStyleLogicalToOdbc(), gridTitleStyleNormalize(), gridTitleStyleSet()
property hasFormulas as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, this grid will display formula values when a cell is edited. Otherwise the current value of the cell is displayed.
Property methods: hasFormulasDisplayToLogical(), hasFormulasGet(), hasFormulasIsValid(), hasFormulasLogicalToDisplay(), hasFormulasLogicalToOdbc(), hasFormulasLogicalToXSD(), hasFormulasNormalize(), hasFormulasSet(), hasFormulasXSDToLogical()
property lblErrorAdjustSizes as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Error in adjustSizes.") ];
Property methods: lblErrorAdjustSizesDisplayToLogical(), lblErrorAdjustSizesGet(), lblErrorAdjustSizesIsValid(), lblErrorAdjustSizesLogicalToDisplay(), lblErrorAdjustSizesLogicalToOdbc(), lblErrorAdjustSizesNormalize(), lblErrorAdjustSizesSet()
property lblErrorRenderCells as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Error in renderCells.") ];
Property methods: lblErrorRenderCellsDisplayToLogical(), lblErrorRenderCellsGet(), lblErrorRenderCellsIsValid(), lblErrorRenderCellsLogicalToDisplay(), lblErrorRenderCellsLogicalToOdbc(), lblErrorRenderCellsNormalize(), lblErrorRenderCellsSet()
property lblErrorRenderContents as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Error in renderContents.") ];
Property methods: lblErrorRenderContentsDisplayToLogical(), lblErrorRenderContentsGet(), lblErrorRenderContentsIsValid(), lblErrorRenderContentsLogicalToDisplay(), lblErrorRenderContentsLogicalToOdbc(), lblErrorRenderContentsNormalize(), lblErrorRenderContentsSet()
property lblErrorRenderSkeleton as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Error in renderSkeleton.") ];
Property methods: lblErrorRenderSkeletonDisplayToLogical(), lblErrorRenderSkeletonGet(), lblErrorRenderSkeletonIsValid(), lblErrorRenderSkeletonLogicalToDisplay(), lblErrorRenderSkeletonLogicalToOdbc(), lblErrorRenderSkeletonNormalize(), lblErrorRenderSkeletonSet()
property lblErrorSelectCell as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Error in selectCell.") ];
Property methods: lblErrorSelectCellDisplayToLogical(), lblErrorSelectCellGet(), lblErrorSelectCellIsValid(), lblErrorSelectCellLogicalToDisplay(), lblErrorSelectCellLogicalToOdbc(), lblErrorSelectCellNormalize(), lblErrorSelectCellSet()
property lblSearch as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Search") ];
Property methods: lblSearchDisplayToLogical(), lblSearchGet(), lblSearchIsValid(), lblSearchLogicalToDisplay(), lblSearchLogicalToOdbc(), lblSearchNormalize(), lblSearchSet()
property lblWorking as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Working") ];
Property methods: lblWorkingDisplayToLogical(), lblWorkingGet(), lblWorkingIsValid(), lblWorkingLogicalToDisplay(), lblWorkingLogicalToOdbc(), lblWorkingNormalize(), lblWorkingSet()
property multiSelect as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, users can select a range of cells in the grid.
Property methods: multiSelectDisplayToLogical(), multiSelectGet(), multiSelectIsValid(), multiSelectLogicalToDisplay(), multiSelectLogicalToOdbc(), multiSelectLogicalToXSD(), multiSelectNormalize(), multiSelectSet(), multiSelectXSDToLogical()
property oddRowBackground as;
Style to apply to odd rows when zebra striping is on. Background color to apply to odd rows when zebra striping is on.
Property methods: oddRowBackgroundDisplayToLogical(), oddRowBackgroundGet(), oddRowBackgroundIsValid(), oddRowBackgroundLogicalToDisplay(), oddRowBackgroundLogicalToOdbc(), oddRowBackgroundNormalize(), oddRowBackgroundSet()
property oddRowColor as;
Foreground color to apply to odd rows when zebra striping is on.
Property methods: oddRowColorDisplayToLogical(), oddRowColorGet(), oddRowColorIsValid(), oddRowColorLogicalToDisplay(), oddRowColorLogicalToOdbc(), oddRowColorNormalize(), oddRowColorSet()
property onaction as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onaction event handler:
If defined, this event is fired when the user executes an action within a cell (such as clicking on a column-defined checkbox, button, or link.)
The current cell row and column number is updated before this call is made.
The event handler is passed 3 variables, row, name, and value, which contain the row number of the current cell (1-based), the logical name of the column, and the current value of the action control, if applicable.
Property methods: onactionDisplayToLogical(), onactionGet(), onactionIsValid(), onactionLogicalToDisplay(), onactionLogicalToOdbc(), onactionNormalize(), onactionSet()
property onchangecell as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onchangecell event handler:
If defined, this event is fired when the user finished editing a cell value.
The current cell row and column number is updated before this call is made.
The event handler is passed value (the new cell value). It should return the value to be placed into the cell or null to cancel the edit.
Property methods: onchangecellDisplayToLogical(), onchangecellGet(), onchangecellIsValid(), onchangecellLogicalToDisplay(), onchangecellLogicalToOdbc(), onchangecellNormalize(), onchangecellSet()
property ondrawcell as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
ondrawcell event handler: If defined, this event is fired when a cell is about to be drawn. The event is passed value, row, and col (1-based). If this event handler returns a value, then it is used to render the cell contents.
The return of this event is either null, in which case the default rendering is used for the cell or an object with any of the following properties:
content - HTML to display within the cell.
align - horizontal alignment for the cell.
style - CSS style for the cell.
format - format string for the cell (ignored if content is supplied).
image - image for the cell (ignored if content is supplied).
type - type for the cell (ignored if content is supplied).
value - value for the cell (ignored if content is supplied).
Property methods: ondrawcellDisplayToLogical(), ondrawcellGet(), ondrawcellIsValid(), ondrawcellLogicalToDisplay(), ondrawcellLogicalToOdbc(), ondrawcellNormalize(), ondrawcellSet()
property onfiltercell as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onfiltercell event handler:
If defined, this event is fired when the user enters a new filter key.
The event handler is passed an object, info, with the properties row,col,value, and key. The event handler should return true if the row containing the cell matches the filter or false otherwise.
Property methods: onfiltercellDisplayToLogical(), onfiltercellGet(), onfiltercellIsValid(), onfiltercellLogicalToDisplay(), onfiltercellLogicalToOdbc(), onfiltercellNormalize(), onfiltercellSet()
property ongetlookupdata as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
ongetlookupdata event handler:
Return a javascript array of data to display within the popup for a lookup column. This can be any array of object or literal values.
Property methods: ongetlookupdataDisplayToLogical(), ongetlookupdataGet(), ongetlookupdataIsValid(), ongetlookupdataLogicalToDisplay(), ongetlookupdataLogicalToOdbc(), ongetlookupdataNormalize(), ongetlookupdataSet()
property ongetstatus as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
ongetstatus event handler: If defined, this event returns the HTML that will be displayed within the status area of this grid (bottom of grid).
Property methods: ongetstatusDisplayToLogical(), ongetstatusGet(), ongetstatusIsValid(), ongetstatusLogicalToDisplay(), ongetstatusLogicalToOdbc(), ongetstatusNormalize(), ongetstatusSet()
property ongettitle as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
ongettitle event handler: If defined, this event returns the HTML that will be displayed within the title area of this grid (top of grid). This supercedes the gridTitle property if defined.
Property methods: ongettitleDisplayToLogical(), ongettitleGet(), ongettitleIsValid(), ongettitleLogicalToDisplay(), ongettitleLogicalToOdbc(), ongettitleNormalize(), ongettitleSet()
property onheaderclick as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onheaderclick event handler: If defined, this event is fired when the user clicks on a row or column header. The variable which will indicate which header is clicked: "row" or "column". The variable index will indicate the ordinal number of the header (1-based).
Property methods: onheaderclickDisplayToLogical(), onheaderclickGet(), onheaderclickIsValid(), onheaderclickLogicalToDisplay(), onheaderclickLogicalToOdbc(), onheaderclickNormalize(), onheaderclickSet()
property onselectcell as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onselectcell event handler:
If defined, this event is fired when the user navigates to a new cell.
The current cell row and column number is updated before this call is made.
The event handler is passed 2 variables, row and col, which contain the row and column number of the current cell (1-based).
Property methods: onselectcellDisplayToLogical(), onselectcellGet(), onselectcellIsValid(), onselectcellLogicalToDisplay(), onselectcellLogicalToOdbc(), onselectcellNormalize(), onselectcellSet()
property onselectrow as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onselectrow event handler:
If defined, this event is fired when the user toggles any of the visible row selector checkboxes within the grid
The event handler is passed one variable, range, a string enumerating the currently checked rows. This range has two special values: "" indicating that no rows are currently checked, or the reserved value "all" indicating that all rows have been checked. Between these extremes, the range parameter will become a CSV string listing the (1-based) indices of the currently checked rows.
As this event is linked to the toggling of the row selectors, it only fires if showRowSelector is true
Property methods: onselectrowDisplayToLogical(), onselectrowGet(), onselectrowIsValid(), onselectrowLogicalToDisplay(), onselectrowLogicalToOdbc(), onselectrowNormalize(), onselectrowSet()
property pageSize as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
This is the current "page" size when this grid is paging through data. Use the getPageSize() method to view this.
Property methods: pageSizeDisplayToLogical(), pageSizeGet(), pageSizeIsValid(), pageSizeLogicalToDisplay(), pageSizeLogicalToOdbc(), pageSizeNormalize(), pageSizeSet()
property pagingMode as %ZEN.Datatype.string (VALUELIST = ",client,server") [ InitialExpression = "client" ];
Indicates where data paging should occur.
Property methods: pagingModeDisplayToLogical(), pagingModeGet(), pagingModeIsValid(), pagingModeLogicalToDisplay(), pagingModeLogicalToOdbc(), pagingModeNormalize(), pagingModeSet()
property rowDescriptors as list of %ZEN.Auxiliary.gridRowDescriptor (XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT", XMLREF = 1, XMLTYPECONSTRAINT = "CHOICE", ZENSETTING = 0);
Optional row descriptors for this grid.
Property methods: rowDescriptorsBuildValueArray(), rowDescriptorsCollectionToDisplay(), rowDescriptorsCollectionToOdbc(), rowDescriptorsDisplayToCollection(), rowDescriptorsGet(), rowDescriptorsGetObject(), rowDescriptorsGetObjectId(), rowDescriptorsGetSwizzled(), rowDescriptorsIsValid(), rowDescriptorsOdbcToCollection(), rowDescriptorsSet(), rowDescriptorsSetObject(), rowDescriptorsSetObjectId()
property rowHeaderStyle as;
Additional style to apply to row headers in this grid.
Property methods: rowHeaderStyleDisplayToLogical(), rowHeaderStyleGet(), rowHeaderStyleIsValid(), rowHeaderStyleLogicalToDisplay(), rowHeaderStyleLogicalToOdbc(), rowHeaderStyleNormalize(), rowHeaderStyleSet()
property rowHeight as %ZEN.Datatype.integer;
This is the default height (in pixels) used for rows that do not supply a height. If not defined, then the height is calculated.
Property methods: rowHeightDisplayToLogical(), rowHeightGet(), rowHeightIsValid(), rowHeightLogicalToDisplay(), rowHeightLogicalToOdbc(), rowHeightNormalize(), rowHeightSet()
property rowLabelSpan as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
This specifies how parent row labels with multiple child labels are displayed.
If true, then one parent label is displayed for each set of children. If false, then the parent row label is repeated for each child.
Property methods: rowLabelSpanDisplayToLogical(), rowLabelSpanGet(), rowLabelSpanIsValid(), rowLabelSpanLogicalToDisplay(), rowLabelSpanLogicalToOdbc(), rowLabelSpanLogicalToXSD(), rowLabelSpanNormalize(), rowLabelSpanSet(), rowLabelSpanXSDToLogical()
property rowLabelWidth as %ZEN.Datatype.integer;
Width used for row labels. This is a number of pixels. If not defined, then a width is calculated.
Property methods: rowLabelWidthDisplayToLogical(), rowLabelWidthGet(), rowLabelWidthIsValid(), rowLabelWidthLogicalToDisplay(), rowLabelWidthLogicalToOdbc(), rowLabelWidthNormalize(), rowLabelWidthSet()
property selectMode as %ZEN.Datatype.string (VALUELIST = ",rows,cells") [ InitialExpression = "rows" ];
Specifies how selection works within the grid.
If "rows", then the user selects entire rows at a time.
If "cells", then the user can select and move between individual cells.
Property methods: selectModeDisplayToLogical(), selectModeGet(), selectModeIsValid(), selectModeLogicalToDisplay(), selectModeLogicalToOdbc(), selectModeNormalize(), selectModeSet()
property selectedRange as %ZEN.Datatype.csv;
This specifies the current selected range of cells as a comma-separated list of integers. The list is of the form:
All cells numbers are 1-based.
If the range is equal to "", then no cells are selected.
This is only used if multiSelect is true.
Property methods: selectedRangeDisplayToLogical(), selectedRangeGet(), selectedRangeIsValid(), selectedRangeLogicalToDisplay(), selectedRangeLogicalToOdbc(), selectedRangeNormalize(), selectedRangeSet()
property showColumnLabels as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Specifies whether column labels should be displayed.
Property methods: showColumnLabelsDisplayToLogical(), showColumnLabelsGet(), showColumnLabelsIsValid(), showColumnLabelsLogicalToDisplay(), showColumnLabelsLogicalToOdbc(), showColumnLabelsLogicalToXSD(), showColumnLabelsNormalize(), showColumnLabelsSet(), showColumnLabelsXSDToLogical()
property showRowLabels as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Specifies whether row labels should be displayed.
Property methods: showRowLabelsDisplayToLogical(), showRowLabelsGet(), showRowLabelsIsValid(), showRowLabelsLogicalToDisplay(), showRowLabelsLogicalToOdbc(), showRowLabelsLogicalToXSD(), showRowLabelsNormalize(), showRowLabelsSet(), showRowLabelsXSDToLogical()
property showRowSelector as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, display a check box in each row to allow selection of the row.
Property methods: showRowSelectorDisplayToLogical(), showRowSelectorGet(), showRowSelectorIsValid(), showRowSelectorLogicalToDisplay(), showRowSelectorLogicalToOdbc(), showRowSelectorLogicalToXSD(), showRowSelectorNormalize(), showRowSelectorSet(), showRowSelectorXSDToLogical()
property showZebra as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Specify whether zebra striping should be applied to the grid.
Property methods: showZebraDisplayToLogical(), showZebraGet(), showZebraIsValid(), showZebraLogicalToDisplay(), showZebraLogicalToOdbc(), showZebraLogicalToXSD(), showZebraNormalize(), showZebraSet(), showZebraXSDToLogical()
property sortColumn as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
For sortable tables, this is the column used for sorting results (1-based).
Property methods: sortColumnDisplayToLogical(), sortColumnGet(), sortColumnIsValid(), sortColumnLogicalToDisplay(), sortColumnLogicalToOdbc(), sortColumnNormalize(), sortColumnSet()
property sortMode as %ZEN.Datatype.string (VALUELIST = ",client,server") [ InitialExpression = "client" ];
Indicates where column-wise sorting should occur. This can be "client" or "server".
Property methods: sortModeDisplayToLogical(), sortModeGet(), sortModeIsValid(), sortModeLogicalToDisplay(), sortModeLogicalToOdbc(), sortModeNormalize(), sortModeSet()
property sortOrder as %ZEN.Datatype.string (VALUELIST = ",asc,desc");
For sortable tables, this is the order to sort values within the current column. Values can be "", "asc" (ascending), or "desc" (descending).
Property methods: sortOrderDisplayToLogical(), sortOrderGet(), sortOrderIsValid(), sortOrderLogicalToDisplay(), sortOrderLogicalToOdbc(), sortOrderNormalize(), sortOrderSet()
property style as;
Additional style to apply to cells in this grid.
This is applied before any row and column-level styles.
Property methods: styleDisplayToLogical(), styleGet(), styleIsValid(), styleLogicalToDisplay(), styleLogicalToOdbc(), styleNormalize(), styleSet()
property summaryRow as %ZEN.Auxiliary.gridRowDescriptor (XMLNAME = "summaryRow", ZENSETTING = 0);
Optional descriptor for the summary row.
Property methods: summaryRowGet(), summaryRowGetSwizzled(), summaryRowIsValid(), summaryRowNewObject(), summaryRowSet()
property useEngine as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Setting this to 0 will disable code execution when loading and rendering the grid This is useful when you want to enter = and not a formula in a particular column. This is a grid wide setting
Property methods: useEngineDisplayToLogical(), useEngineGet(), useEngineIsValid(), useEngineLogicalToDisplay(), useEngineLogicalToOdbc(), useEngineLogicalToXSD(), useEngineNormalize(), useEngineSet(), useEngineXSDToLogical()
property valueColumn as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
This is the column number (1-based) of the column that supplies the value for a row within the table.
Property methods: valueColumnDisplayToLogical(), valueColumnGet(), valueColumnIsValid(), valueColumnLogicalToDisplay(), valueColumnLogicalToOdbc(), valueColumnNormalize(), valueColumnSet()


clientmethod applyValue(value, text) [ Language = javascript ]
Value applied from popup.
clientmethod beginWait() [ Language = javascript ]
Start "wait" state for this grid.
clientmethod cellActionHandler(r, name, value) [ Language = javascript ]
Notification that user has fired a cell action.
clientmethod cellClickHandler(row, col, evt) [ Language = javascript ]
User has clicked on a cell.
clientmethod cellDblClickHandler(row, col, evt) [ Language = javascript ]
User has dbl-clicked on a cell.
clientmethod cellEditBlur() [ Language = javascript ]
Focus taken from the grid's cell edit control.
clientmethod cellEditKeyHandler(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Process keys pressed within the grid's cell edit control.
clientmethod cellEditKeyUpHandler(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Process key up event within the grid's cell edit control.
clientmethod cellMouseOut(row, col, evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse out for a cell.
clientmethod cellMouseOver(row, col, evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse over for a cell.
clientmethod cellScrollHz() [ Language = javascript ]
Horizontal Scroll handler..
clientmethod cellScrollVt() [ Language = javascript ]
Vertical Scroll handler.
clientmethod columnClickHandler(evt, col) [ Language = javascript ]
User has clicked on a column header.
clientmethod columnDblClickHandler(evt, col) [ Language = javascript ]
User has double-clicked on a column header.
clientmethod editCell(defval, which) [ Language = javascript ]
Display edit control in the current cell. If defval is defined, then use it as the initial value in the editor. which indicates what type of cell is being edited: "row" (row label), "column" (column label), otherwise a data cell.
clientmethod endWait() [ Language = javascript ]
End "wait" state for this grid.
clientmethod evaluate(expr, row, col) [ Language = javascript ]
Evaluate a single expression (outside of the general set of cells).
clientmethod focus() [ Language = javascript ]
Client-side method to give input focus to this control.
clientmethod getCellEditor() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the html element for the current cell editor, if there is one.
clientmethod getCellSelector() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the html element for the current cell selector, if there is one.
clientmethod getColumnCount() [ Language = javascript ]
Return number of displayed columns in this grid.
clientmethod getColumnDescriptor(c) [ Language = javascript ]
Return an object containing the descriptor for column c (0-based). c is an index into the actual set of column descriptors.
clientmethod getColumnDescriptorCount() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the number of column descriptors.
clientmethod getColumnDescriptors() [ Language = javascript ]
Return an array of column descriptors (or null).
clientmethod getColumnInfo(c) [ Language = javascript ]
Return an object containing display information for column c (0-based). If there are nested columns, this always refers to the bottom-most set of columns.
clientmethod getCurrColumn() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the number of the current column (1 based).
clientmethod getCurrRow() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the number of the current row (1 based).
clientmethod getPagingHTML() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the HTML for the paging buttons.
clientmethod getPopupContent(group) [ Language = javascript ]
Return the content for the popup/dropdown.
clientmethod getRowCount(filtered) [ Language = javascript ]
Return number of displayed rows in this grid.
If filtered (the default), return only filtered results.
clientmethod getRowDescriptor(r) [ Language = javascript ]
Return an object containing the descriptor for row r (0-based). r is an index into the actual set of row descriptors.
clientmethod getRowDescriptorCount() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the number of row descriptors.
clientmethod getRowDescriptors() [ Language = javascript ]
Return an array of row descriptors (or null).
clientmethod getRowHeaderLabels() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the array of row header labels to be displayed in the upper left nub.
clientmethod getRowInfo(r) [ Language = javascript ]
Return an object containing display information for row r (0-based). r is a resolved row number within the current page!!!.
clientmethod getRowValue(row) [ Language = javascript ]
Return the value (using the valueColumn) of the given row (1-based).
clientmethod gridKeyBlur() [ Language = javascript ]
Focus taken from the grid's invisible edit control.
clientmethod gridKeyDownHandler(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Process keydown event within the grid's invisible edit control.
clientmethod gridKeyFocus() [ Language = javascript ]
Focus passed to the grid's invisible edit control.
clientmethod gridKeyPressHandler(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Process keypress event within the grid's invisible edit control.
clientmethod hideGroupHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Notification that the popup group is hidden.
clientmethod hideMessage() [ Language = javascript ]
Hide the message for this form.
clientmethod hideOverlay() [ Language = javascript ]
Hide the overlay for this grid.
clientmethod highlightCells(flag) [ Language = javascript ]
Hilight (or unhighlight) the current selected cell headers.
clientmethod initEngine() [ Language = javascript ]
Initialize the calculation engine.
clientmethod isCellEditable(r, c) [ Language = javascript ]
Return whether a given cell can be edited; Row and column are 1-based.
clientmethod moveCellSelector(startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol) [ Language = javascript ]
Move the cell selector to the given cells (1-based).
clientmethod moveToCell(dir, updateRange) [ Language = javascript ]
Move to a new, editable, cell. dir is "up","down","left","right","end",or "home". Returns true if move was successful.
updateRange indicates that we are in "select range" mode.
clientmethod nextPage() [ Language = javascript ]
Show next page in grid.
clientmethod notifyViewHandler(reason, data1, data2, data3) [ Language = javascript ]
Notification that the dataController associated with this grid has raised an event.
clientmethod onCreate() [ Language = javascript ]
Initialize additional client-side values
clientmethod prevPage() [ Language = javascript ]
Show previous page in grid.
clientmethod recalc() [ Language = javascript ]
Recalculate values of cells using the formula engine.
clientmethod renderContents() [ Language = javascript ]
Client-side method to render this component.
clientmethod resizeMouseDblClick(evt, index) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse double-click handler for column resize.
clientmethod resizeMouseDown(evt, index) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse down handler for column resize.
clientmethod resizeMouseMove(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse move handler for column resize.
clientmethod resizeMouseUp(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse up handler for resize handle (connected to window).
clientmethod rowClickHandler(evt, row) [ Language = javascript ]
User has clicked on a row header.
clientmethod rowDblClickHandler(evt, row) [ Language = javascript ]
User has double-clicked on a row header.
clientmethod selectCell(row, col, notify, updateRange) [ Language = javascript ]
Make the specified cell the current cell.
row and col are 1-based.
If notify is true, then raise an onSelectCell event.
clientmethod selectCellHandler(r, c) [ Language = javascript ]
Notification that user is about to move to a new cell.
clientmethod selectPopupItem(index) [ Language = javascript ]
Select an item within the popup (used by keyboard handling).
clientmethod selectorClickHandler(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
User has clicked on the cell selector.
clientmethod selectorDblClickHandler(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
User has dbl-clicked on the cell selector.
clientmethod setCellValue(value, r, c) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the value of grid cell; Row and column are 0-based.
clientmethod setFilterKey(key, update) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the client-side filter key.
clientmethod setProperty(property, value, value2) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the value of a named property.
clientmethod showGroupHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Notification that the popup group is displayed.
clientmethod showMessage(msg) [ Language = javascript ]
Display a message for this form.
clientmethod showOverlay(content) [ Language = javascript ]
Show the given content in the overlay for this grid.
clientmethod showPopup(spec) [ Language = javascript ]
Display the dropdown popup window.
spec is an object with any of the following properties:
top - top edge of popup.
left - left edge of popup.
parentDiv - if supplied, use this to place the popup.
value - current logical value.
data - array of data elements to display; can be an array of objects or literal values.
propertyList - if data contains objects, this is a csv-list of properties to display.
idProperty - if data contains objects, this the name of the property supplying the id value.
textProperty - if data contains objects, this the name of the property supplying the display value.
title - title to display in popup.
applyValue - function to call a value is selected within the popup.
clientmethod sizeHandleMouseDown(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse down handler for selector resize.
clientmethod sizeHandleMouseMove(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse move handler for selector resize.
clientmethod sizeHandleMouseUp(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse up handler for size handle (connected to window).
clientmethod stopEditCell(cancel) [ Language = javascript ]
Stop editing of the current cell.
If cancel is true, then do not save current control value.
clientmethod updateCells(immediate, reindex, delay) [ Language = javascript ]
Re-render the data cells within this grid.
If immediate is true, execute immediately. Otherwise use a timer.
clientmethod updateGrid(reset) [ Language = javascript ]
Reset and re-render the entire grid contents.
clientmethod wheelHandler(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse wheel handler.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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