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deprecated class %ZEN.Component.desktop extends %ZEN.Component.abstractDragGroupMgr

This is a desktop group.
A desktop is a specialized group that allows the user to drag and position its child components within a matrix of rows and columns. The immediate children of a desktop component MUST be dragGroups but there are no restrictions placed on the contents of the dragGroups themselves.
The desktop honors all the innate functionality of the dragGroup component, including: free resize; maximize; minimize; close; and, restore
The desktop component supports interactive layout changes via mouse drag operations. DragGroups may be rearranged, resized or removed at will.
The arrangement of dragGroups within the Desktop is biased in favor of row collapse. This means that if a dragGroup is removed from a given row, any other groups in the same row will move to the left, collapsing the length of the row and possibly creating blank space at the extreme right end ofthe row. This is done to bias ithe display in favor of maximizing ther use of the visible portions of the window and minimizing the need for horizontal scrolling.
In addition to the auto row collapse, the component supports row and column style settings that can enforce certain geometry and alignment constraints on the dragGroups sub-windows of the widget as a whole
The initial layout of the groups within the destkop may be hinted at via the use of CSS top and left properties. The page designer may suggest the initial location of the window and the desktop manager will make every effort to abide by the suggestion within the other contraints actively being enforced by the widget. Row and column styles, automatic row colapse and a prohibition against overlapping dragGroups make it impossible to guarantee that the placement suggested via CSS will be respected to the pixel. If an exact location for the dragGroup sub- windows is required, see the corkboard component.
The current state of the desktop's internal layout may be querried or saved at any time. The return value of the query function may also be used to restore the layout at a later time.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


Subclasses can change this to alter the default geometry and alignment of dragGroups within rows.
Subclasses can change this to alter the default geometry and alignment of dragGroups within rows.
parameter INCLUDEFILES = zenDesktop.js;
Inherited description: CSV list of additional include files (either .js or .css) that should be included when this component is used on a page.
By default, the file extension (.js or .css) is used to determine whether an item in the list is a script include or a style include. You can override this behavior by adding the terms "script:" or "style:" to the beginning of the file name or names. This prefix is not used as part of the include filename.


The desktop enforces sizing and alignment constraints on the groups within its columns. The matrix of the desktop container is row biased and does not, by default, recognize the existence of columns. Changing the column style, however, will alter this behavoir such that all the first elements of the rows will be treated as column one, all the second elements become column two, etc. Unlike rows (which repack themselves when are removed or added) columns are allowed to have embedded gaps where a short row does not reach a given column. There are thirteen possible configurations.
(null): (the default) The concept of columns is ignored, only row-based constraints apply. The width of individual dragGroups is allowed to vary at will
FILL_COLUMN: All dragGroups within a given column take on the width of the widest group within the column. All subwindows become both left and right aligned. The spacing of the columns is allowed to vary from one column to the next
ALIGN_COLUMN_LEFT: The width of the column is dictated by the width of the widest group within that column but the width of individual sub- windows is allowed to vary. All dragGroups are left aligned within their columns. The spacing of the columns is allowed to vary from one column to the next
ALIGN_COLUMN_CENTER: The width of the column is dictated by the width of the widest group within that column but the width of individual subwindows is allowed to vary. All dragGroups are centered within their columns. The spacing of the columns is allowed to vary from one column to the next
ALIGN_COLUMN_RIGHT: The width of the column is dictated by the width of the widest group within that column but the width of individual sub- windows is allowed to vary. All dragGroups are right aligned within their columns. The spacing of the columns is allowed to vary from one column to the next
FILL_WIDTH: The total width of the longest row dictates the layout bounds for the entire desktop container. The widths of dragGroups within shorter rows are scaled up proportionately so as to ensure that right edge of the the last group in each row is aligned with that of every other row on the desktop.
ALIGN_WIDTH_LEFT: Similar to FILL_WIDTH, the subwindows within rows are horizontally spaced based on the width of the longest row. The widths of individual windows is not padded, creating (seemingly) random spacing between groups within a row.
ALIGN_WIDTH_CENTER: Similar to FILL_WIDTH, the subwindows within rows are horizontally spaced based on the width of the longest row. The widths of individual windows is not padded, and the subwindows are centered within the revised spacing bounds.
ALIGN_WIDTH_RIGHT: Similar to FILL_WIDTH, the subwindows within rows are horizontally spaced based on the width of the longest row. The widths of individual windows is not padded. The subwindows are right aligned within the revised spacing bounds.
FILL_UNIFORM: All columns take on the width and spacing dictated by the widest dragGroup within the desktop. All groups are given uniform width, and are automatically left and right aligned
ALIGN_UNIFORM_LEFT: All columns take on the width and spacing dictated by the widest dragGroup within the desktop. The widths of individual dragGroups is allowed to vary. All groups within a column are left aligned.
ALIGN_UNIFORM_CENTER: All columns take on the width and spacing dictated by the widest dragGroup within the desktop. The widths of individual dragGroups is allowed to vary. All groups within a column are centered within the column spacing.
ALIGN_UNIFORM_RIGHT: All columns take on the width and spacing dictated by the widest dragGroup within the desktop. The widths of individual dragGroups is allowed to vary. All groups within a column are right aligned.
Property methods: colStyleDisplayToLogical(), colStyleGet(), colStyleIsValid(), colStyleLogicalToDisplay(), colStyleLogicalToOdbc(), colStyleNormalize(), colStyleSet()
property groupName as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "desktop" ];
The logical name of the manager with respect to the external JavaScript code that actually manages the space
Property methods: groupNameDisplayToLogical(), groupNameGet(), groupNameIsValid(), groupNameLogicalToDisplay(), groupNameLogicalToOdbc(), groupNameNormalize(), groupNameSet()
The desktop enforces sizing and alignment constraints on the groups within its rows. There are eight possible configurations.
FILL_ROW: All groups within a row have the height of the tallest group in the row. By default the top and bottom edges of all the sub-windows align. Height is allowed to vary from one row to the next.
ALIGN_ROW_TOP: (the default) The top edge of all subwidows within a row align. The height of individual subwindows within the row is allowed to vary. The row spacing is driven by the tallest group within the row.
ALIGN_ROW_CENTER: All subwidows are centered vertically within their respective rows. The height of individual dragGroups is allowed to vary. The row spacing is driven by the tallest group within the row.
ALIGN_ROW_BOTTOM: The bottom edge of all subwidows within a row align. The height of individual subwindows within the row is allowed to vary. The row spacing is driven by the tallest group within the row.
FILL_UNIFORM: ALL subwindows within the desktop take on the height of the tallest dragGroup. This results in all rows being uniformly spaced vertically and all dragGroups being both top and bottom aligned.
ALIGN_UNIFORM_TOP: All rows within the desktop take on uniform spacing dictated by the height of the tallest group within the component. Within each row, the top edges of individual dragGroups align. The height of individual dragGroups is aloowed to vary.
ALIGN_UNIFORM_CENTER: All rows within the desktop take on uniform spacing dictated by the height of the tallest group within the component. Within each row, individual dragGroups are centered vertically. The height of individual dragGroups is aloowed to vary.
ALIGN_UNIFORM_BOTTOM: All rows within the desktop take on uniform spacing dictated by the height of the tallest group within the component. Within each row, the bottom edges of individual dragGroups align. The height of individual dragGroups is aloowed to vary.
Property methods: rowStyleDisplayToLogical(), rowStyleGet(), rowStyleIsValid(), rowStyleLogicalToDisplay(), rowStyleLogicalToOdbc(), rowStyleNormalize(), rowStyleSet()


method %DrawHTML()
Inherited description: Static HTML display method: draw the BODY of this component as HTML.
Subclasses implement this in order to render the static HTML contents of a component.
clientmethod doDeferredRefresh() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod getState() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod onRefreshContents() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: This client event, if present, is fired when the page is loaded.
clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
This client event, if present, is fired when the page is loaded.
clientmethod restoreState(layout) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod setColumnStyle(style) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod setHorizontalGap(size) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the horizontal spacing between rows of dragGroups within the desktop area
clientmethod setLeftMargin(size) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the left margin between first rows of dragGroups within the desktop area and the left edge of the desktop itself
clientmethod setProperty(property, value, value2) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the value of a named property.
clientmethod setRowStyle(style) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod setTopMargin(size) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the top margin between first rows of dragGroups within the desktop area and the top of the desktop itself
clientmethod setVerticalGap(size) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the vertical spacing between rows of dragGroups within the desktop area

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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