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class HS.FHIRServer.Storage.BuiltIn.EverythingNew extends %Library.RegisteredObject, HS.FHIRServer.Util.Bundle, HS.FHIRServer.Util.FHIRQueryUtils

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter filterResourceProperty;
list of Resource and top level property to be omitted when returned by the $everything operation Useful to omit data that might not be relevant to the patient context, or could include data for other patients Here we are removing the Group member list as it negatively impacts BulkFHIR performance, and includes data for patients outside the context of the $everything request.
parameter referringSearchParams;
List of search parameters (resource type, search parameter name). These search parameters are used for detecting and adding resources that are not in the requested compartment but do refer to resources that are in the compartment.


property context [ MultiDimensional , Transient ];
holds context for the $everything operation
Property methods: contextDisplayToLogical(), contextGet(), contextIsValid(), contextLogicalToDisplay(), contextLogicalToOdbc(), contextNormalize(), contextSet()
Property methods: interactionsGet(), interactionsGetSwizzled(), interactionsIsValid(), interactionsNewObject(), interactionsSet()
property resultSet as HS.FHIRServer.Util.SearchResult [ InitialExpression = ##class(HS.FHIRServer.Util.SearchResult).Create() ];
Property methods: resultSetGet(), resultSetGetSwizzled(), resultSetIsValid(), resultSetNewObject(), resultSetSet()
property schema as HS.FHIRServer.Schema;
Property methods: schemaGet(), schemaGetSwizzled(), schemaIsValid(), schemaNewObject(), schemaSet()
property since as %String;
holds the value of the _since parameter if specified
Property methods: sinceDisplayToLogical(), sinceGet(), sinceIsValid(), sinceLogicalToDisplay(), sinceLogicalToOdbc(), sinceNormalize(), sinceSet()
property type as %String;
holds the value of the _type parameter if specified
Property methods: typeDisplayToLogical(), typeGet(), typeIsValid(), typeLogicalToDisplay(), typeLogicalToOdbc(), typeNormalize(), typeSet()


classmethod AddSupportedOperations(pMap As %DynamicObject)
@API Enumerate the name and url of each Operation supported by this class
classmethod FHIRInstanceOpEverything(pService As HS.FHIRServer.API.Service, pRequest As HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.Request, pResponse As HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.Response)
Implementation of $Everything (Instance scope - requires type and id)
method OnReference(ByRef pContext, pRefObj As %DynamicObject)
Add any newly detected reference value to our set and recurse searching for references from that referenced object.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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