class HS.Util.XSLTHelper extends %XML.XSLT.CallbackHandler
This class handles callbacks from the XSLT processor. You should create a subclass this class and override the 'evaluate' method to perform the processing that you require. An example of an stylesheet using this function is shown in the example XSL contained in the %XML.XSLT.Transformer classMethod Inventory
- ReportAccess()
- ResetAccess()
- createHL7Timestamp()
- createID()
- createOID()
- createUUID()
- dateDiff()
- dateNoDash()
- evaluate()
- getCodeForOID()
- getCodeForURL()
- getCodedEntryConfig()
- getConfigValue()
- getDescriptionForOID()
- getDescriptionForURL()
- getHierarchicalConfigValue()
- getOIDForCode()
- getPreviousUUID()
- getQuickStream()
- getServiceHostFromOID()
- getServiceNameFromOID()
- getServiceNameFromURL()
- getServiceOIDFromURL()
- getServiceURLFromOID()
- getSystemOID()
- getURLForCode()
- getUniqueTime()
- hex2dec()
- lookup()
- lookupIHETransaction()
- makeURL()
- returnAsLocal()
- returnAsUTC()
- timestamp()
- timestamptoxml()
- uuid2oid()
- varArgsToNameValue()
- varConcat()
- varData()
- varDebug()
- varGet()
- varInc()
- varKill()
- varReset()
- varSet()
- xmltimestamp()
- xmltimestampToUTC()
- xmltimestampisbefore()
classmethod ReportAccess()
classmethod ResetAccess()
classmethod createHL7Timestamp() as %String
Create a generic XML element ID unique for the current transform, with optional prefix
classmethod createOID() as %String
classmethod createUUID() as %String
classmethod dateDiff(pDatePart As %String = "", pStartDateODBCFormat As %String = "", pEndDateODBCFormat As %String = {$ZDateTime($Horolog, 3)}) as %Integer
classmethod dateNoDash(pDate) as %String
method evaluate(Args...) as %String
Inherited description: Evaluate receives a variable number of arguments, allowing you to pass multiple arguments on the evaluate
call. The number of arguments is available in the Args variable and each value can be accessed by subscripting.
The method has a single return value which will be returned as the result of the xslt evaluate function(). The return
value can either be a regular cache variable or it can be an instance of a stream object. This allows for returning a
value that is greater than 32k in size. The stream has to be wrapped in an instance of %XML.XSLT.StreamAdapter which
facilitates the XSLT processors reading of the stream. This example shows both techniques, change the 1 to 0 to test
the stream functionality (%XML.XSLT.Transformer.Example3() exercises this functionality)
classmethod getCodeForOID(pOID As %String = "", pType As %String = "", pDefault As %String = "") as %String
classmethod getCodeForURL(pURL As %String = "", pType As %String = "", pDefault As %String = "") as %String
Return the most specific coded entry XSL nodes for the given coded entry type as code^desc^scheme
Return a registry config value for the given key
classmethod getDescriptionForOID(pOID As %String = "", pType As %String = "", pDefault As %String = "") as %String
classmethod getDescriptionForURL(pURL As %String = "", pType As %String = "", pDefault As %String = "") as %String
Return the most specific registry config value for the given root and children
For example here are some outputs given the following keys:
\a = apple
\a\b = banana
\a\b\c = carrot
\a\\c = cucumber
getHierarchialConfigValue("\a",,,"b","c") -> carrot
getHierarchialConfigValue("\a",,,"b") -> banana
getHierarchialConfigValue("\a",,,"x","y") -> apple
getHierarchialConfigValue("\a",,,"","c") -> cucumber
This is used by the XDSb Document metadata generator transform to allow overriding coded entries (aka Classifications) based on context
classmethod getOIDForCode(pCode As %String = "", pType As %String = "", pDefault As %String = "") as %String
DEPRECATED -- This method is no longer supported by InterSystems and will be removed
Return the UUID of the previous submission for the given document key, if any
classmethod getQuickStream(pStreamId) as %String
Method to return the contents of a quickstream. For security purposes, the stream ID
must be one explictly labeled as one to be passed into here, starting with TXSLTHelper
(perhaps followed by $J)
classmethod getServiceHostFromOID(pOID As %String = "", pOIDType As %String = "", pFunction As %String = "", pServiceType As %String = "") as %String
Return a registry service host given an oid
classmethod getServiceNameFromOID(pOID As %String = "", pOIDType As %String = "", pFunction As %String = "", pServiceType As %String = "") as %String
Return a registry service name given an oid
Return a registry service name given an URL
Return a registry service OID given an URL
classmethod getServiceURLFromOID(pOID As %String = "", pOIDType As %String = "", pFunction As %String = "", pServiceType As %String = "") as %String
Return a domain and URL (e.g., http://host:port/url) given an OID
classmethod getURLForCode(pCode As %String = "", pType As %String = "", pDefault As %String = "") as %String
Work around for bug in viewer that looses documents with same date/time over different encounters
It will return a unique timestamp for the current transform as close to the input timestamp as possible
Convert a hexidecimal number to decimal
While $ZHEX has a max hex input length of 16, this method
has no limit -- only cpu/ram will affect max input length
classmethod lookup(table, value) as %String
Convert a lookup
Lookup an IHE transaction code and return the display name
classmethod makeURL(Args...) as %String
Create a valid URL
Used to take a UTC date/time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) and return as a local date/time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+/-HH:MM)
Used to take a standard date/time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) and return as UTC (YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ)
Compute a timestamp
classmethod varArgsToNameValue(pHasValue As %Boolean = 0, ByRef pName As %String, Args...) as %String
Turn an arg list into a variable name and optionally a value
classmethod varConcat(Args...) as %String
Concatenate a value onto a variable in the cache
classmethod varData(Args...) as %String
Check for data in a var
classmethod varDebug(Args...) as %String
Merge the variable cache into a debug global
classmethod varGet(Args...) as %String
Get a variable
classmethod varInc(Args...) as %String
Increment a variable
classmethod varKill(Args...) as %String
Kill a variable in the cache.
classmethod varReset() as %String
Clear the variable cache. Call before each transform either from code or the XSL itself
classmethod varSet(Args...) as %String
Set a variable in the cache
classmethod xmltimestamp(pDate) as %String
Convert an HL7 date of the form YYYYMMDDHHMM into a standard XML date
classmethod xmltimestampToUTC(pDateTime) as %String
Convert xmltimestamp with offset to timestamp with UTC
classmethod xmltimestampisbefore(pTS1 As %String, pTS2 As %String = "{$ZDateTime($Horolog, 3)}") as %Boolean
Compare two XML timestamps, returns true if pTS1 is the same as or before pTS2
Inherited Members
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %ValidateObject()