class HS.Util.XSLTTransformer extends %Library.RegisteredObject
XSLT utility that will cache and compile transforms. It can either be used standalone or as a super class to an ensemble business host.Property Inventory
- CallbackHandler
- DoHSTrace
- ErrorHandler
- UseXSLT2
- XSLTCacheMode
- XSLTCallbackHandlerClass
- XSLTDirectory
- XSLTErrorHandlerClass
Method Inventory
- CanonicalizeStream()
- GetXSLTDirectory()
- ImportObject()
- Initialize()
- Transform()
- TransformFile()
- TransformFromObject()
- TransformIntoObject()
- TransformObjects()
- debugParams()
- getLastModified()
parameter LogTransformEnabled = 0;
parameter SETTINGS = XSLTDirectory,XSLTCallbackHandlerClass,XSLTErrorHandlerClass,XSLTCacheMode;
property CallbackHandler as %XML.XSLT.CallbackHandler [ InitialExpression = $$$NULLOREF ];
Instance of the callback handler for isc:evaluate() functions
Property methods: CallbackHandlerGet(), CallbackHandlerGetSwizzled(), CallbackHandlerIsValid(), CallbackHandlerNewObject(), CallbackHandlerSet()
property DoHSTrace as %Boolean;
Controls sending HSTrace messages when extending Ensemble hosts. If not set by the caller,
will look at the "TraceOperations" setting
Property methods: DoHSTraceDisplayToLogical(), DoHSTraceGet(), DoHSTraceIsValid(), DoHSTraceLogicalToDisplay(), DoHSTraceNormalize(), DoHSTraceSet()
property ErrorHandler as %XML.XSLT.ErrorHandler [ InitialExpression = $$$NULLOREF ];
Instance of the XSLT error handler
Property methods: ErrorHandlerGet(), ErrorHandlerGetSwizzled(), ErrorHandlerIsValid(), ErrorHandlerNewObject(), ErrorHandlerSet()
property UseXSLT2 as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
The boolean to indicate whether XSLT2.0 engine is used (1 = XSLT 2.0; 0 = XSLT 1.0)
Property methods: UseXSLT2DisplayToLogical(), UseXSLT2Get(), UseXSLT2IsValid(), UseXSLT2LogicalToDisplay(), UseXSLT2Normalize(), UseXSLT2Set()
property XSLTCacheMode as %String (DISPLAYLIST = ",Always,Timestamp,Never", VALUELIST = ",A,T,N") [ InitialExpression = "T" ];
How stylesheets should be cached
Always - The stylesheet is loaded and compiled once
Timestamp - The stylesheet is loaded if file modification time is after the load time
Never - The stylesheet is never cached (desirable during development)
NOTE: Currently, timestamps are checked only for file transforms, not XData or URLs
Property methods: XSLTCacheModeDisplayToLogical(), XSLTCacheModeGet(), XSLTCacheModeIsValid(), XSLTCacheModeLogicalToDisplay(), XSLTCacheModeLogicalToOdbc(), XSLTCacheModeNormalize(), XSLTCacheModeSet()
property XSLTCallbackHandlerClass as Ens.DataType.Class;
XSLT transformer callback class name
Defaults to HS.Util.XSLTHelper
Property methods: XSLTCallbackHandlerClassDisplayToLogical(), XSLTCallbackHandlerClassGet(), XSLTCallbackHandlerClassIsValid(), XSLTCallbackHandlerClassLogicalToDisplay(), XSLTCallbackHandlerClassLogicalToOdbc(), XSLTCallbackHandlerClassNormalize(), XSLTCallbackHandlerClassSet()
property XSLTDirectory as Ens.DataType.Directory;
Location for file transforms (defaults to %install dir%/csp/xslt)
Property methods: XSLTDirectoryDisplayToLogical(), XSLTDirectoryGet(), XSLTDirectoryIsValid(), XSLTDirectoryLogicalToDisplay(), XSLTDirectoryLogicalToOdbc(), XSLTDirectoryNormalize(), XSLTDirectorySet()
property XSLTErrorHandlerClass as Ens.DataType.Class;
XSLT error handler callback class name, if any
Property methods: XSLTErrorHandlerClassDisplayToLogical(), XSLTErrorHandlerClassGet(), XSLTErrorHandlerClassIsValid(), XSLTErrorHandlerClassLogicalToDisplay(), XSLTErrorHandlerClassLogicalToOdbc(), XSLTErrorHandlerClassNormalize(), XSLTErrorHandlerClassSet()
method CanonicalizeStream(pInput As %Stream.Object, Output pOutput As %Stream.Object) as %Status
Canonicalize an XML stream
classmethod GetXSLTDirectory() as %String
method ImportObject(pInput, Output pObject As %XML.Adaptor, pClassname As %String = "", pXMLName As %String = "", pCanonicalize As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Import an object from a stream, optionally canocalizing the stream before import
method Initialize() as %Status
Setup default values
method Transform(pInput="", pLocation As %String = "", ByRef pOutput, ByRef pParameters="", pDisableCache=0) as %Status
Transform a string or stream
method TransformFile(pInput="", pLocation As %String = "", pOutput As %String = "", ByRef pParameters="", pDisableCache=0) as %Status
Transform a file
method TransformFromObject(pInput As %XML.Adaptor, pLocation As %String = "", ByRef pOutput, ByRef pParameters="", ByRef pXMLName As %String, pAsStream As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
Transform an object into a string or stream
method TransformIntoObject(pInput, pLocation As %String = "", Output pOutput As %XML.Adaptor, ByRef pParameters="", pClassname As %String = "", pXMLName As %String = "", pCanonicalize As %Boolean = 0, pTempStream As %Stream.Object) as %Status
Transform a string or stream into an object
method TransformObjects(pInput As %XML.Adaptor, pLocation As %String = "", ByRef pOutput As %XML.Adaptor, ByRef pParameters="", pClassname As %String = "", pXMLName As %String = "", pCanonical As %Boolean = 0, pTempStream As %Stream.Object) as %Status
Transform an object into another object
classmethod debugParams(ByRef pParams="") as %Stream.GlobalCharacter
Dump parameters out to a stream
Return last modified time for file as an integer
Inherited Members
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %ValidateObject()
- HS.AU.HI.Consumer.Operations
- HS.AU.PCEHR.Consumer.Operations
- HS.HC.IHE.XDR.Recipient.CommonProcess
- HS.HC.IHE.XDSb.Consumer.Operations
- HS.IHE.DSUB.Notification.Operations
- HS.IHE.DSUB.NotificationBroker.Operations
- HS.IHE.DSUB.Subscriber.Operations
- HS.IHE.PDQv3.Consumer.Operations
- HS.IHE.PIXv3.Consumer.Operations
- HS.IHE.PIXv3.Source.Operations
- HS.IHE.XCA.InitiatingGateway.Operations
- HS.IHE.XDR.Source.Operations
- HS.IHE.XDSb.DocumentSource.Abstract
- HS.IHE.XDSb.Repository.Router