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deprecated class %ZEN.Report.Display.COSChart.cbarChart extends %ZEN.Report.Display.COSChart.cchart

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


Default appearance of this component.
This is an SVG chart component that displays a bar chart.
This chart displays one or more data series as rectangular bars whose size is proportional to the data value.
If there are multiple data series, the bars are plotted either side-by-side or stacked, as specified by the chartStacked property.
You can view data as a set of horizontal columns by setting the chartPivot property.
Note: the plotToEdge property is always treated as false for bar charts. Default value for plotToEdge property.


property %edgeArray as list of node (XMLPROJECTION = "none");
Property methods: %edgeArrayBuildValueArray(), %edgeArrayCollectionToDisplay(), %edgeArrayCollectionToOdbc(), %edgeArrayDisplayToCollection(), %edgeArrayGet(), %edgeArrayGetObject(), %edgeArrayGetObjectId(), %edgeArrayGetSwizzled(), %edgeArrayIsValid(), %edgeArrayOdbcToCollection(), %edgeArraySet(), %edgeArraySetObject(), %edgeArraySetObjectId()
property %lastValueLabel as list of node (XMLPROJECTION = "none");
Property methods: %lastValueLabelBuildValueArray(), %lastValueLabelCollectionToDisplay(), %lastValueLabelCollectionToOdbc(), %lastValueLabelDisplayToCollection(), %lastValueLabelGet(), %lastValueLabelGetObject(), %lastValueLabelGetObjectId(), %lastValueLabelGetSwizzled(), %lastValueLabelIsValid(), %lastValueLabelOdbcToCollection(), %lastValueLabelSet(), %lastValueLabelSetObject(), %lastValueLabelSetObjectId()
property chartPivot as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, pivot this chart: display categories vertically and values horizontally.
Property methods: chartPivotDisplayToLogical(), chartPivotGet(), chartPivotIsValid(), chartPivotLogicalToDisplay(), chartPivotLogicalToOdbc(), chartPivotLogicalToXSD(), chartPivotNormalize(), chartPivotSet(), chartPivotXSDToLogical()
property chartStacked as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, this is a stacked bar chart. That is, data series are plotted on top of one another.
If false, then data series are plotted side-by-side.
Property methods: chartStackedDisplayToLogical(), chartStackedGet(), chartStackedIsValid(), chartStackedLogicalToDisplay(), chartStackedLogicalToOdbc(), chartStackedLogicalToXSD(), chartStackedNormalize(), chartStackedSet(), chartStackedXSDToLogical()


method getChartElementStyle(series, item)
Return default style for a bar element.
method getSeriesType(series)
Return the type (how a series should be displayed) for the given data series (0-based). Overridden in combo chart.
method getXAxisType()
Return the type of x axis (category or value) used by this chart.
method getYAxisType()
Return the type of y axis (category or value) used by this chart.
method hasMultiples()
Indicates that this chart supports "show multiples" mode.
method plotTargetForSeries(group, sno, data)
Plot a set of target lines based on the given data series.
method renderSeries(group)
Draw data series for this chart. group is the SVG container for the chart components.
method useSumForRange()
This method returns true if data series should be summed when calculating data range for the chart.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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