deprecated class %ZEN.Report.Display.COSChart.cxyChart extends %ZEN.Report.Display.COSChart.cchart
Property Inventory
Method Inventory
Default value for the markersVisible property.
This is an SVG chart component that displays an X-Y chart.
This chart plots two or more series of data as a series of x,y points on the chart. The first data series provides the x values, the second provides the correlated y values.
Additional data series are plotted as y values correlated to the x values provided by the first series.
The first series name is used as the name of the first series containing y-values.
You can supply more than one set of x values using the independentXSeries property. Default value for plotToEdge property.
This chart plots two or more series of data as a series of x,y points on the chart. The first data series provides the x values, the second provides the correlated y values.
Additional data series are plotted as y values correlated to the x values provided by the first series.
The first series name is used as the name of the first series containing y-values.
You can supply more than one set of x values using the independentXSeries property. Default value for plotToEdge property.
property independentXSeries as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Optional: if false (the default) the first data series is used to supply
x values for the chart and all other data series provide y values.
If false, then the chart will display multiple x series. In this case, the first data series provides the first set of x values, the second data provides the first set of y values, the third data series provides the second set of x values, and so on.
If false, then the chart will display multiple x series. In this case, the first data series provides the first set of x values, the second data provides the first set of y values, the third data series provides the second set of x values, and so on.
Property methods: independentXSeriesDisplayToLogical(), independentXSeriesGet(), independentXSeriesIsValid(), independentXSeriesLogicalToDisplay(), independentXSeriesLogicalToOdbc(), independentXSeriesLogicalToXSD(), independentXSeriesNormalize(), independentXSeriesSet(), independentXSeriesXSDToLogical()
property seriesYAxes as %ZEN.Datatype.csv (XMLPROJECTION = "none");
Inherited description: Optional. If defined, specifies which y-axis should be used for each data
series. This is a csv-list of y-axis numbers (0-based).
By default, the every data series uses y-axis 0.
Property methods: seriesYAxesDisplayToLogical(), seriesYAxesGet(), seriesYAxesIsValid(), seriesYAxesLogicalToDisplay(), seriesYAxesLogicalToOdbc(), seriesYAxesNormalize(), seriesYAxesSet()
method findDataRange(yAxisNo As %Library.String)
Internal method: return (as an object) the minimum
and maximum data values for this chart. This is used
for ranges that are automatically calculated.
method getLegendLabels()
Return an array of labels to display within the Legend box.
For xy chart we have to skip the first series, as it contains x-values, and not a logical data series.
For xy chart we have to skip the first series, as it contains x-values, and not a logical data series.
method getXAxisType()
Return the type of x axis (category or value) used by
this chart.
method getYAxisType()
Return the type of y axis (category or value) used by
this chart.
method renderSeries(group)
Draw data series for this chart.
group is the SVG container for the chart components.
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
- %controlBarH
- %dataDrivenSeriesColors
- %dataSeries
- %date1900
- %endUnits
- %firstXLabelWidth
- %hzMaxStep
- %labelBottom
- %labelPad
- %labelPadL
- %labelPadR
- %lastXLabelWidth
- %legendHeight
- %legendRight
- %legendVisible
- %legendWidth
- %majorUnits
- %marginBottom
- %marginLeft
- %marginRight
- %marginTop
- %maxScrollLeft
- %maxXHeight
- %minorUnits
- %offset
- %oldXMax
- %pixPerSec
- %plotBottom
- %plotBottomOut
- %plotHeight
- %plotLeft
- %plotLeftOut
- %plotRight
- %plotRightOut
- %plotTop
- %plotTopOut
- %plotWidth
- %rplotRight
- %rplotRightOut
- %rplotWidth
- %scaleX
- %scaleY
- %seriesColors
- %startUnits
- %timeEvents
- %titleHeight
- %titleImageLeft
- %titleImageTop
- %titleImageWidth
- %xAxisLabelH
- %xAxisTitle
- %xAxisTitleH
- %xBaseValue
- %xGridType
- %xLabelAngle
- %xLabelOnTheBottom
- %xLabelOnTheTop
- %xLabelStyle
- %xLabelUnits
- %xMajorGrid
- %xMajorGridStyle
- %xMajorUnits
- %xMaxValue
- %xMinValue
- %xMinorGrid
- %xMinorGridStyle
- %xMinorUnits
- %xRange
- %yAxisForSeries
- %yAxisTitle
- %yBaseValue
- %yGridType
- %yLabelAngle
- %yLabelOnTheLeft
- %yLabelOnTheRight
- %yLabelStyle
- %yLabelUnits
- %yMajorGrid
- %yMajorGridStyle
- %yMajorUnits
- %yMaxValue
- %yMinValue
- %yMinorGrid
- %yMinorGridStyle
- %yMinorUnits
- %yRange
- FontXScale
- FontYScale
- appearance
- applyLevel
- autoScaleText
- axisLineStyle
- axisTitleStyle
- backgroundStyle
- bandLeft
- bandLeftStyle
- bandLower
- bandLowerStyle
- bandRight
- bandRightStyle
- bandUpper
- bandUpperStyle
- baseLineStyle
- blockContainerProperty
- borderOffset
- borderRadius
- borderStyle
- caption
- chartPivot
- children
- class
- colcount
- colspan
- composite
- controllerId
- crosstabDataGroup
- crosstabFooterDataField
- crosstabFooterFormatNumber
- crosstabFooterGroup
- crosstabHeaderDataField
- crosstabHeaderGroup
- crosstabHeaderGroupLabels
- crosstabHeaderGroupTooLongText
- crosstabHeaderLabelDataField
- crosstabHeaderMatchField
- crosstabRowGroup
- crosstabTruncationHeight
- crosstabTruncationWidth
- currYAxis
- dataDrivenSeriesColors
- dataSeries
- dateFormat
- debugBBox
- endTime
- field
- foblock
- gridStyle
- group
- grouppath
- hasFooter
- hasHeader
- hasZoom
- height
- htmlstyle
- id
- ifexpression
- ifxpath
- includeBlockContainer
- includeColIfExpression
- includeColIfXPath
- includeColUnlessExpression
- includeColUnlessXPath
- indicatorStyle
- indicatorsVisible
- labelStyle
- labelsVisible
- legendHeight
- legendLabelStyle
- legendLabels
- legendPosition
- legendRectStyle
- legendStyle
- legendTitle
- legendVisible
- legendWidth
- legendX
- legendY
- level
- lineStyle
- linefeedTreatment
- marginBottom
- marginLeft
- marginRight
- marginTop
- markerScale
- markerShapes
- markerStyle
- markersVisible
- maxLabelLen
- msgIfNoData
- multipleTitleStyle
- noDataFill
- noDataOpacity
- noDataStroke
- oldLabelCalc
- ongetData
- ongetLabelX
- ongetLabelY
- ongetSeriesName
- ongetTimeEvents
- onrenderData
- passChartObject
- plotAreaStyle
- plotEdgeStyle
- plotStyle
- plotToEdge
- removeEmpty
- rowspan
- scrollButtonStyle
- selectedItem
- selectedItemStyle
- selectedSeries
- selectstylecond
- selectstylelist
- seriesColorScheme
- seriesColors
- seriesColorsOverride
- seriesCount
- seriesNames
- seriesNumber
- seriesSize
- showMultiples
- startTime
- stripeStyle
- stripesVisible
- style
- stylecall
- styleparamNames
- styleparams
- subtitle
- subtitleStyle
- svgGroup
- tag
- template
- textSize
- timeBased
- title
- titleAlign
- titleBoxStyle
- titleImage
- titleImageStyle
- titleStyle
- titleX
- titleY
- tooLongText
- topLevel
- truncate
- truncationHeight
- truncationWidth
- unlessexpression
- unselectedItemStyle
- valueBoxStyle
- valueLabelFormat
- valueLabelStyle
- valueLabelsVisible
- viewBoxHeight
- viewBoxWidth
- warnIfNoData
- width
- withinSmallmultiple
- xAxis
- xmlnamespace
- xmlnamespaceprefix
- xpath
- xslfostyle
- yAxis
- yAxisList
- zenMonthShortNames
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ApplyClass()
- %ApplyLevelParameters()
- %BeginGroup()
- %BeginGroupNoInc()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DeclareLevelParameters()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %DrawCellFO()
- %DrawCellFO1()
- %DrawCellToHTML()
- %DrawCellToHTML1()
- %DrawFooterFO()
- %DrawFooterToAnnotatedXML()
- %DrawFooterToHTML()
- %DrawHeaderFO()
- %DrawHeaderToHTML()
- %DrawSort()
- %DrawToAnnotatedXML()
- %DrawToHTML()
- %DrawToXSLFO()
- %EndGroup()
- %EndLevel()
- %Extends()
- %FooterWidth()
- %GetAbsoluteURL()
- %GetParameter()
- %HeaderWidth()
- %IncLevel()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OldWidth()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %QuoteValue()
- %QuoteValueEmbedded()
- %QuoteValueL10N()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %StyleHTML()
- %StyleXSLFO()
- %ValidateObject()
- %Width()
- ApplyClass()
- CSPLinkToFileLink()
- CountSpaces()
- DoDocForHTML()
- GetBBox()
- GetDocForXSLFO()
- HTMLStyle()
- OutputId()
- ParseCSSStyle()
- Test()
- XMLExport()
- XMLExportToStream()
- XMLExportToString()
- XMLNew()
- XMLSchema()
- XMLSchemaNamespace()
- XMLSchemaType()
- XSLFOStyle()
- adjustChartTitle()
- calcVertex()
- calculateAxisConstraints()
- calculateLegendDimensions()
- calculateViewBox()
- calculateXAxisHeight()
- calculateXAxisTitleHeight()
- computeEffectiveExtents()
- computeScale()
- computeStyle()
- computeXAxisTimeLine()
- computeXFontSize()
- computeYFontSize()
- createMarker()
- createSVGTextNode()
- createXLabelNode()
- embedStyle()
- getCellInfo()
- getChartSubtitle()
- getChartTitle()
- getColorSchemeArray()
- getComputedFontSize()
- getComputedTextLength()
- getCurrYAxis()
- getDataSeriesCount()
- getDataSeriesLength()
- getEndTime()
- getLegendRectStyle()
- getLegendsCount()
- getMarkerShape()
- getNumericAbbreviation()
- getPelToPixelHRatio()
- getPelToPixelVRatio()
- getPlotX()
- getPlotY()
- getRangeGroupForSeries()
- getSelectedItem()
- getSelectedSeries()
- getSelectedStyle()
- getSeriesColor()
- getSeriesCount()
- getSeriesData()
- getSeriesNames()
- getSeriesNamesSize()
- getSeriesSVGGroup()
- getSeriesSize()
- getSeriesType()
- getStartTime()
- getStyleArray()
- getTextWidth()
- getTimeX()
- getXAxis()
- getXAxisTitle()
- getXLabelText()
- getYAxis()
- getYAxisCount()
- getYAxisTitle()
- getYLabelText()
- hasAxes()
- hasFooterGet()
- hasHeaderGet()
- hasMultiples()
- hasSelectedItem()
- initializeAxisProperties()
- insertAxis()
- integrateStyleSpec()
- is3D()
- isCSPLink()
- isTimeBased()
- makeId()
- max()
- min()
- myCountSpaces()
- needsURL()
- parent()
- pickVerticalSkips()
- plotLineForSeries()
- prepareAxisGroup()
- processExclamationPoint()
- qualify()
- removeChildNodes()
- renderAxes()
- renderBands()
- renderContents()
- renderLegend()
- renderPlotArea()
- renderSeriesGroup()
- renderTimeEvents()
- renderTitle()
- renderXAxisTimeLine()
- renderXAxisTitle()
- renderXLabels()
- renderYAxisTitle()
- renderYLabels()
- split()
- stripWhitespace()
- tagGet()
- unrender()
- updateIndicator()
- usePercentForRange()
- useSumForRange()
- xToLogical()
- yToLogical()
- zenGet()