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deprecated class %ZEN.SVGComponent.indicatorLamp extends %ZEN.SVGComponent.meter

SVG indicator lamp meter.
This meter displays a stylized lamp displaying a label. When its value is above the the threshholdUpper value, the lamp will turn on.
This control looks best when its height is one quarter of its width.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


Override viewBoxHeight for this component.
Override viewBoxWidth for this component.


property highStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.svgStyle [ InitialExpression = "fill: url(#glow-green);" ];
Style applied to lamp when the meter value is above the high threshold.
Property methods: highStyleDisplayToLogical(), highStyleGet(), highStyleIsValid(), highStyleLogicalToDisplay(), highStyleLogicalToOdbc(), highStyleNormalize(), highStyleSet()
property lowStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.svgStyle [ InitialExpression = "fill: url(#glow-red);" ];
Style applied to lamp when the meter value is below the low threshold.
Property methods: lowStyleDisplayToLogical(), lowStyleGet(), lowStyleIsValid(), lowStyleLogicalToDisplay(), lowStyleLogicalToOdbc(), lowStyleNormalize(), lowStyleSet()
property normalStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.svgStyle [ InitialExpression = "fill: url(#glow-blue);" ];
Style applied to lamp when the meter value is between the high and low threshold values.
Property methods: normalStyleDisplayToLogical(), normalStyleGet(), normalStyleIsValid(), normalStyleLogicalToDisplay(), normalStyleLogicalToOdbc(), normalStyleNormalize(), normalStyleSet()


clientmethod renderMeter() [ Language = javascript ]
Render the inner SVG contents of this component.
clientmethod setProperty(property, value, value2) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the value of a named property.
clientmethod updateLamp() [ Language = javascript ]
Internal method: update lamp

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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