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deprecated class %ZEN.SVGComponent.trafficLight extends %ZEN.SVGComponent.meter

SVG traffic light meter.
This displays a value within a stylized representation of a trafic light.
The light logic depends on the relative values of the rangeLower and rangeUpper properties and works as follows:
If rangeLower is less than (or equal to) rangeUpper, then the light is green when the level is less than (or equal to) thresholdLower and the light is red when the level is greater than (or equal to) thresholdUpper otherwise the light is yellow.
If rangeLower is greater then rangeUpper, then the light is red when the level is less than (or equal to) thresholdLower and the light is green when the level is greater than (or equal to) thresholdUpper otherwise the light is yellow.
This control looks best when its width is half of its height.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


Override viewBoxWidth for this component.


property outerBodyStyle as;
Optional. Style applied to outer region.
Property methods: outerBodyStyleDisplayToLogical(), outerBodyStyleGet(), outerBodyStyleIsValid(), outerBodyStyleLogicalToDisplay(), outerBodyStyleLogicalToOdbc(), outerBodyStyleNormalize(), outerBodyStyleSet()


clientmethod renderMeter() [ Language = javascript ]
Render the inner SVG contents of this component.
clientmethod setProperty(property, value, value2) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the value of a named property.
clientmethod updateLamps() [ Language = javascript ]
Internal method: update lamps

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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