About This Book
Zen provides an extensible framework called Zen reports for generating reports based on data stored in Caché. This book explains how to use Zen reports. It contains the following chapters:
“Introducing Zen Reports” provides an overview of Zen reports, a list of background reading, and a tutorial.
“Gathering Zen Report Data” shows how to specify the data contents of a report.
“Formatting Zen Report Pages” describes how to set up basic page characteristics.
“Displaying Zen Report Data” explains how to position and style individual data items on the page.
“Building Zen Report Classes” explores Zen report class internal structure and organization.
“Running Zen Reports” explains how to view or print a report from a browser or command line.
“Using Callback Charts in Zen Reports” describes how to add charts to reports.
“Using XPath Charts in Zen Reports” describes an older approach to creating charts.
“Troubleshooting Zen Reports” shows how to diagnose and solve common problems.
With these appendices:
“Zen Report Class Parameters” lists the parameters you can change to customize report behavior.
“Default Format and Style” outlines default style settings for HTML and PDF output.
“Using an Alternative Version of Saxon” describes how to use a version of Saxon other than the Saxon9he JAR file that is installed with Zen reports.
“Generated XSL-FO and HTML” summarizes the XSL-FO and HTML generated by Zen reports elements.
“Configuring for TIFF Generation” describes Java installation to enable TIFF generation..
There is also a detailed table of contents.
The following books provide related information:
Using Zen provides the conceptual foundation for developing Web applications using Zen.
Using Zen Components details each of the built-in Zen components for Web application development.
Developing Zen Applications explores Web application programming issues and explains how to extend the Zen component library with custom code and client-side components.
For general information, see Using InterSystems Documentation.
Zen Reports Attribute Data Types
Many attributes of Zen objects have one of the following underlying data types:
%ZEN.Datatype.booleanOpens in a new tab which can have the value "true" or "false", or 1 or 0 in XData Contents, and 1 or 0 (but not "true" or "false") in ObjectScript methods.
%ZEN.Datatype.captionOpens in a new tab which makes it easy to localize text into other languages, as long as a language DOMAIN parameter is defined in the Zen page class. The %ZEN.Datatype.captionOpens in a new tab data type also enables you to use $$$Text macros when you assign values to the property from client-side or server-side code.