About This Book
This book addresses advanced Zen application programming issues such as security, localization, client side layout management, and custom components.
This book contains the following sections:
“Zen Applications” provides details about Zen applications.
“Zen Pages” provides details about Zen page classes.
“Zen Security” explains how to provide security at the application, page, or component level.
“Zen Localization” explains how to substitute translated messages for different language locales.
“Custom Components” explains how to fit new components into the Zen framework.
“Client Side Layout Managers” explains how users can adjust page layout at runtime.
“Client Side Menu Components” describes menu components that are easily fine-tuned.
“Client Side Library” describes the Zen library of client side functions and properties.
There is also a detailed table of contents.
The following books provide related information:
Using Zen provides the conceptual foundation for developing web applications using Zen.
Using Zen Components details the simple built-in Zen components for web application development.
Using JSON in Caché describes how to use the %Object and %Array classes, which provide support for JSON, which is a useful format to ship data between a client and a server.
Using Zen Reports explains how to generate reports in XHTML and PDF formats based on data stored in Caché.
For general information, see Using InterSystems Documentation.