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Web Application Configuration

The examples and exercises in this part of the tutorial assume that you have imported the provided example multivalue application into Caché. Read Migrating a MultiValue Application for instructions.

In order to use CSP, Zen, or Web Services with an imported multivalue application, you must first create a new Web application definition for the Caché namespace containing the imported application. In this case, we create a Web application for the MYACCOUNT namespace. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Management Portal.

  2. From the Mangagement Portal Home page click System Administration–>Security–>Applications–>Web Applications.

  3. Click the Create New Web Application. Enter the following information:

    • Web Application Name*: /csp/myaccount

    • Allowed Authentication Methods: Unauthenticated

    • Namespace: MYACCOUNT

    • CSP Files Physical Path: <cachesys>\CSP\myaccount\

      Note: <cachesys> is the directory in which you installed Caché.

    generated description: webappconfigure2 20142

  4. Click Save.

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