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レジストリ・エントリを伴った JSON 戻りメッセージのサンプル

サービス・レジストリ・パブリック API 呼び出しのほとんどが、1 つ以上のレジストリ・エントリを返します。この節では、これらのエントリのフォーマットについて説明します。

複数のエントリを伴った JSON メッセージ

    "Name": "MathServiceSOAP",
    "Domain": "UnitTest",
    "Version": "1.0",
    "Stage": "Live",
    "Protocol": "SOAP",
    "Description": "Add 2 Numbers",
    "Endpoint": "https://jgm6457/enslatest/csp/support/Demo.SOAP.MathService.cls",
    "ResponseStyle": "Sync",
    "LastModified": "2022-03-16 19:07:47.469",
        "Identity": "QD Developer Moon",
        "Type": "Operator",
        "Details": "Details of contact",
        "BusinessPartner": "QD",
        "Notes": "This SOAP service is designed to have minimum moving parts"
       "Type": "Notes",
       "Ref": "https://jgm6457/enslatest/csp/support/Demo.SOAP.MathService.cls?wsdl=1",
       "Content": "<definitions targetNamespace=''> ...</definitions>",
       "Notes": "Some WSDL"
    "Public": true,
          "Name": "One",
          "Value": "1"
          "Filename": "SOAPMathService.WSDL",
          "FileExtention": ".WSDL",
          "MIMEType": "text/text",
          "CharEncoding": "UTF-8",
          "FileSize": "1.44 KB",
          "Contents": null
          "Name": "Sum",
          "Ref": "Sum",
          "Verb": "POST",
          "Description": "Add up 2 numbers",
          "ReadOnly": false,
          "Idempotent": true
    "Name": "PublicREST",
    "Domain": "UnitTest",
    "Version": "0.9",
    "Stage": "Live",
    "Protocol": "REST",
    "Description": "REST Call for the Public Registry",
    "Endpoint": "",
    "ResponseStyle": "Sync",
    "LastModified": "2022-03-05 16:15:33.38",
    "Public": true,
          "Name": "Security",
          "Value": "Username and Password"
           "Filename": "TestPlan",
           "MIMEType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
           "CharEncoding": "UTF-8",
           "FileSize": "16.95 KB",
            "Contents": null
          "Name": "public",
          "Ref": "public",
          "Verb": "GET",
          "Description": "Returns REST endpoint for public registry",
              "Type": "Notes",
              "Notes": "This is the REST endpoint to query the public Registry"
             "Type": "REST Information
          "ReadOnly": true,
          "Idempotent": true
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