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Performing the Initial Business Intelligence Setup

This page describes setup activities to perform at the start of the Business Intelligence implementation process.

Setting Up the Web Applications

In order to use InterSystems IRIS® data platform Business Intelligence in a web application, it is necessary to configure that web application so that it is Analytics-enabled. Specifically, a web application is Analytics-enabled if you select the Enable Analytics check box when you configure the application. For details on defining and configuring web applications, see Defining Applications.

The application name has an effect on how the application can be accessed; see the table below.

Web Application Configuration In the Management Portal, the Business Intelligence menus link to this web application
  • Name is /csp/namespace

  • Namespace is namespace

  • Enable Analytics is selected

YES (note that the Business Intelligence menus always try to access this web application — even if another web application is configured as the default, via the Namespace Default Application option)
  • Name is any name other than /csp/namespace

  • Namespace is namespace

  • Enable Analytics is selected

NO (you can still access the web application by entering its URL in the browser)

Placing the Business Intelligence Globals in a Separate Database

When you use Business Intelligence in a given namespace, that increases the amount of data stored in the database (or databases) used by that namespace. If the source table is large, the system correspondingly stores a large amount of its own data. The Business Intelligence caches further increase the storage needs. As a consequence, it is generally a good idea to map some of the Business Intelligence globals to different databases. You can map all the Business Intelligence globals to a single database or you can define multiple mappings. As an example, the following steps describe how to place all the Business Intelligence globals in a single separate database:

  1. Create the database.

    When you do so, you might consider pre-expanding the database (that is, setting its initial size), to avoid disk fragmentation created by runtime expansion.

  2. Add a global mapping in the namespace that contains the classes that you plan to use with Business Intelligence. When you do so:

    • For Globals Database Location, select the database that you just created.

    • For Global Name, type DeepSee.*

    Also see the next section for more specific mappings you might use.

  3. Recompile all cube, subject area, and KPI classes in this namespace.

    Also rebuild all cubes.

For details on creating databases and mapping globals, see Configuring Databases and Add Global, Routine, and Package Mapping to a Namespace .

Alternative Mappings for the Globals

In some cases, you might want to separately map the Business Intelligence and related globals to separate databases. The following table lists the key globals:

Items Globals Comments
Fact tables and their indexes
  • ^DeepSee.Fact

  • ^DeepSee.FactRelation

  • ^DeepSee.Index

When you initially build the cube, you might disable journaling for the database that contains these globals. After that, enable journaling for the databases.
Globals used to keep cube synchronized with the source table

  • ^DeepSee.Update

See Keeping the Cubes Current.
Cube internals
  • ^DeepSee.Cubes

  • ^DeepSee.Dimension

  • ^DeepSee.DimensionI

Cube Manager
  • ^DeepSee.CubeManager

  • ^DeepSee.CubeManager.CubeEventD

  • ^DeepSee.CubeManager.CubeEventI

  • ^DeepSee.CubeManager.CubeRegistr

See Using the Cube Manager.
Listing groups ^DeepSee.ListingGroups See Defining Listing Groups.
Result cache (for large data sets)
  • ^DeepSee.BucketList

  • ^DeepSee.Cache.*

  • ^DeepSee.JoinIndex

  • ^DeepSee.UpdateCounter

  • ^DeepSee.Listing

You can disable journaling for the database that contains these globals. For information on the result cache, see Cube Updates and the Result Cache.
Items created in the Analyzer and in the Dashboard Designer
  • ^DeepSee.Filters

  • ^DeepSee.Folder*

  • ^DeepSee.FolderItem*

See Using the Analyzer and Creating Dashboards.

Term lists
  • ^DeepSee.TermList

See Advanced Modeling for InterSystems Business Intelligence.
Quality measures
  • ^DeepSee.QMsrs

See Advanced Modeling for InterSystems Business Intelligence.
Pivot variables
  • ^DeepSee.Variables

See Defining and Using Pivot Variables.
Other portal options
  • ^DeepSee.DashboardSettings (user-specific dashboard settings)

  • ^DeepSee.User.SendTo (user email addresses)

  • ^DeepSee.User.Settings (runtime variables)

  • ^DeepSee.User.Icons (custom icons)

  • ^DeepSee.UserPortalSettings (general settings and worklist settings)

  • ^DeepSee.UserPreferences (recent items, per user)

  • ^DeepSee.PaperSizes (see Adding Paper Sizes. )

For most of these, see Configuring Settings.
Custom code
  • ^DeepSee.InitCode

  • ^DeepSee.AuditCode

See Other Development Work.
Recent history and logs
  • ^DeepSee.AgentLog

  • ^DeepSee.Last*

  • ^DeepSee.PivotError

  • ^DeepSee.QueryLog

  • ^DeepSee.Session

  • ^DeepSee.SQLError

InterSystems IRIS NLP
  • ^IRIS.IK.*

Internals used for processing
  • ^DeepSee.ActiveTasks

  • ^DeepSee.Build

  • ^DeepSee.Cancel

  • ^DeepSee.ComputedSQL

  • ^DeepSee.Functions

  • ^DeepSee.IDList

  • ^DeepSee.Pivot

  • ^DeepSee.Shell

  • ^DeepSee.TaskGroups

  • ^DeepSee.Tasks

  • ^DeepSee.UI.Charts


This is not a comprehensive list; the system uses additional globals with names that start ^DeepSee. Globals not listed here typically contain only small amounts of data or are typically defined only briefly.

Adjusting the Web Session Timeout Period

The User Portal respects the web session timeout period for the namespace you are working in. The default session timeout period is 15 minutes, which might not be long enough.

To increase the web session timeout period:

  1. Go to the Management Portal.

  2. Click System > System Administration> Security > Applications > Web Application.

  3. Click Edit in the row for the namespace in which you are using Business Intelligence.

  4. Change the value of Session Timeout, which specifies the default timeout period for the web session, in seconds.

  5. Click Save.

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