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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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Configuring Task Manager Email Settings

You can set the Task Manager to send email notification when a task completes, as described in Using the Task Manager. On the Task Manager Email Settings page (System Administration > Configuration > Additional Settings > Task Manager Email), you can configure the notification settings described on this page.

Email Configuration Settings

SMTP Server and Port

Address and port of your outgoing SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) mail server

SSL Config

The SSL configuration to use if you want to encrypt the email using SSL/TLS. If there are no SSL configurations on the instance, or you want to create a new one, see Create or Edit a TLS Configuration. If you do not select an SSL configuration, SSL/TLS will not be used.

SMTP Auth User and Password

Required only for SMTP authentication to the SMTP server. See RFC 2554 for details. If you do not provide entries, SMTP username and password are set to NULL.


Required only for SMTP authentication to the SMTP server. See RFC 2554 for details.

Reply To

Email address to which the recipient should reply

Success Subject

The formatted subject line of a successful task message. See the section “Parameters for Subjects and Messages” below.

Success Message

The formatted message sent after a successful task runs

Failure Subject

The formatted subject line of a failed task message

Failure Message

The formatted message sent after a task fails


You can also configure email settings programmatically through the %SYS.Task.ConfigOpens in a new tab class.

Parameters for Subjects and Messages

Format the information in the subject and message text boxes using the task parameters listed at the bottom of the web page and defined in the following table. The web page includes examples.

Task Parameter Description
ID Task ID
DESCRIPTION Task description
NAME Task name
LASTSTARTED Last time the task started
LASTFINISHED Last time the task finished
SCHEDULED Last scheduled starting time
CURRENTDATE Date the email sent
CURRENTTIME Time the email sent
STATUS Return value of the task:
  • If the task is successful, this returns "".

  • If the task results in a trapped error, this returns text from a %Status value.

  • If the task results in an untrapped error, this returns $ZERROR.

TASKCLASS Task class used for this task; for example, %SYS.Task.IntegrityCheckOpens in a new tab for a database integrity check task,
ERROR Error code if task failed
SUCCESS Completed message if task ran successfully
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