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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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Managing the behavior of code when an error (particularly an unexpected error) occurs is called error handling or error processing. Error handling includes the following operations:

  • Correcting the condition that caused the error

  • Performing some action that allows execution to resume despite the error

  • Diverting the flow of execution

  • Logging information about the error

InterSystems IRIS® data platform supports a TRY-CATCH mechanism for handling errors. Note that in code migrated from older applications, you might see traditional error processing, which is still fully supported, but is not intended for use in new applications.

Also see %Status Processing, which is not error handling in a strict sense. Typically status processing is fully contained within a TRY block.


With TRY-CATCH, you can establish delimited blocks of code, each called a TRY block; if an error occurs during a TRY block, control passes to the TRY block’s associated CATCH block, which contains code for handling the exception. A TRY block can also include THROW commands; each of these commands explicitly issues an exception from within a TRY block and transfers execution to a CATCH block.

To use this mechanism in its most basic form, include a TRY block within ObjectScript code. If an exception occurs within this block, the code within the associated CATCH block is then executed. The form of a TRY-CATCH block is:

 TRY {
      protected statements
 } CATCH [ErrorHandle] {
      error statements
 further statements


  • The TRY command identifies a block of ObjectScript code statements enclosed in curly braces. TRY takes no arguments. This block of code is protected code for structured exception handling. If an exception occurs within a TRY block, InterSystems IRIS sets the exception properties (oref.Name, oref.Code, oref.Data, and oref.Location), $ZERROR, and $ECODE, then transfers execution to an exception handler, identified by the CATCH command. This is known as throwing an exception.

  • The protected statements are ObjectScript statements that are part of normal execution. (These can include calls to the THROW command. This scenario is described in the following section.)

  • The CATCH command defines an exception handler, which is a block of code to execute when an exception occurs in a TRY block.

  • The ErrorHandle variable is a handle to an exception object. This can be either an exception object that InterSystems IRIS has generated in response to a runtime error or an exception object explicitly issued by invoking the THROW command (described in the next section).

  • The error statements are ObjectScript statements that are invoked if there is an exception.

  • The further statements are ObjectScript statements that either follow execution of the protected statements if there is no exception or follow execution of the error statements if there is an exception and control passes out of the CATCH block.

Depending on events during execution of the protected statements, one of the following events occurs:

  • If an error does not occur, execution continues with the further statements that appear outside the CATCH block.

  • If an error does occur, control passes into the CATCH block and error statements are executed. Execution then depends on contents of the CATCH block:

    • If the CATCH block contains a THROW or GOTO command, control goes directly to the specified location.

    • If the CATCH block does not contain a THROW or GOTO command, control passes out of the CATCH block and execution continues with the further statements.


InterSystems IRIS issues an implicit exception when a runtime error occurs. To issue an explicit exception, the THROW command is available. The THROW command transfers execution from the TRY block to the CATCH exception handler. The THROW command has a syntax of:

THROW expression

where expression is an instance of a class that inherits from the %Exception.AbstractExceptionOpens in a new tab class, which InterSystems IRIS provides for exception handling. For more information on %Exception.AbstractExceptionOpens in a new tab, see the following section.

The form of the TRY/CATCH block with a THROW is:

 TRY {
      protected statements
      THROW expression
      protected statements
 CATCH exception {
      error statements
 further statements

where the THROW command explicitly issues an exception. The other elements of the TRY-CATCH block are as described in the previous section.

The effects of THROW depends on where the throw occurs and the argument of THROW:

  • A THROW within a TRY block passes control to the CATCH block.

  • A THROW within a CATCH block passes control up the execution stack to the next error handler. If the exception is a %Exception.SystemException object, the next error handler can be any type (CATCH or traditional); otherwise there must be a CATCH to handle the exception or a <NOCATCH> error will be thrown.

If control passes into a CATCH block because of a THROW with an argument, the ErrorHandle contains the value from the argument. If control passes into a CATCH block because of a system error, the ErrorHandle is a %Exception.SystemExceptionOpens in a new tab object. If no ErrorHandle is specified, there is no indication of why control has passed into the CATCH block.

For example, suppose there is code to divide two numbers:

div(num,div) public {
 TRY {
  SET ans=num/div
 } CATCH errobj {
  IF errobj.Name="<DIVIDE>" { SET ans=0 }
  ELSE { THROW errobj }
 QUIT ans

If a divide-by-zero error happens, the code is specifically designed to return zero as the result. For any other error, the THROW sends the error on up the stack to the next error handler.

Using $$$ThrowOnError and $$$ThrowStatus Macros

InterSystems IRIS provides macros for use with exception handling. When invoked, these macros throw an exception object to the CATCH block.

The following example invokes the $$$ThrowOnError() macro when an error status is returned by the %Prepare() method:

  #include %occStatus
  TRY {
    SET myquery = "SELECT TOP 5 Name,Hipness,DOB FROM Sample.Person"
    SET tStatement = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
    SET status = tStatement.%Prepare(myquery)
    WRITE "%Prepare succeeded",!
  CATCH sc {
    WRITE "In Catch block",!
    WRITE "error code: ",sc.Code,!
    WRITE "error location: ",sc.Location,!
    WRITE "error data:",$LISTGET(sc.Data,2),!

The following example invokes $$$ThrowStatus after testing the value of the error status returned by the %Prepare() method:

  #include %occStatus
  TRY {
    SET myquery = "SELECT TOP 5 Name,Hipness,DOB FROM Sample.Person"
    SET tStatement = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
    SET status = tStatement.%Prepare(myquery)
    IF ($System.Status.IsError(status)) {
      WRITE "%Prepare failed",!
      $$$ThrowStatus(status) }
    ELSE {WRITE "%Prepare succeeded",!
      RETURN }
  CATCH sc {
    WRITE "In Catch block",!
    WRITE "error code: ",sc.Code,!
    WRITE "error location: ",sc.Location,!
    WRITE "error data:",$LISTGET(sc.Data,2),!

See System Macros for more information.

Using the %Exception.SystemException and %Exception.AbstractException Classes

InterSystems IRIS provides the %Exception.SystemExceptionOpens in a new tab and %Exception.AbstractExceptionOpens in a new tab classes for use with exception handling. %Exception.SystemExceptionOpens in a new tab inherits from the %Exception.AbstractExceptionOpens in a new tab class and is used for system errors. For custom errors, create a class that inherits from %Exception.AbstractExceptionOpens in a new tab. %Exception.AbstractExceptionOpens in a new tab contains properties such as the name of the error and the location at which it occurred.

When a system error is caught within a TRY block, the system creates a new instance of the %Exception.SystemExceptionOpens in a new tab class and places error information in that instance. When throwing a custom exception, the application programmer is responsible for populating the object with error information.

An exception object has the following properties:

  • Name — The error name, such as <UNDEFINED>

  • Code — The error number

  • Location — The label+offset^routine location of the error

  • Data — Any extra data reported by the error, such as the name of the item causing the error

Other Considerations with TRY-CATCH

The following describe conditions that may arise when using a TRY-CATCH block.

QUIT within a TRY-CATCH Block

A QUIT command within a TRY or CATCH block passes control out of the block to the next statement after the TRY-CATCH as a whole.

TRY-CATCH and the Execution Stack

The TRY block does not introduce a new level in the execution stack. This means that it is not a scope boundary for NEW commands. The error statements execute at the same level as that of the error. This can result in unexpected results if there are DO commands within the protected statements and the DO target is also within the protected statements. In such cases, the $ESTACK special variable can provide information about the relative execution levels.

Using TRY-CATCH with Traditional Error Processing

TRY-CATCH error processing is compatible with $ZTRAP error traps used at different levels in the execution stack. The exception is that $ZTRAP may not be used within the protected statements of a TRY clause. User-defined errors with a THROW are limited to TRY-CATCH only. User-defined errors with the ZTRAP command may be used with any type of error processing.

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