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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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Listing and Documenting REST APIs

This topic discusses how to discover the REST services that are available on an instance and how to generate documentation for REST services.

Using the /api/mgmnt Service to Discover REST Services

The /api/mgmnt service includes calls you can use to discover REST service classes and REST-enabled web applications.

Discovering REST Services

To use the /api/mgmnt service to discover the REST services that are available on an instance, use the following REST call:

  • For the HTTP action, select or specify GET.

  • For the URL, specify a URL of the following form, using the <baseURL> for your instance:


    Or, if you want to examine only one namespace:


    Where namespace is the namespace you want to examine.

(Note that these calls ignore manually-coded REST services. To discover manually-coded REST applications, use the calls GET /api/mgmnt/ and GET /api/mgmnt/:v1/:namespace/restapps.)

If the call is successful, InterSystems IRIS returns an array that lists the REST services, in JSON format. For example:

    "name": "%Api.Mgmnt.v2",
    "webApplications": "/api/mgmnt",
    "dispatchClass": "%Api.Mgmnt.v2.disp",
    "namespace": "%SYS",
    "swaggerSpec": "/api/mgmnt/v2/%25SYS/%Api.Mgmnt.v2"
    "name": "myapp",
    "webApplications": "/api/myapp",
    "dispatchClass": "myapp.disp",
    "namespace": "USER",
    "swaggerSpec": "/api/mgmnt/v2/USER/myapp"

Discovering REST-Enabled Web Applications

To use the /api/mgmnt service to discover the REST-enabled web applications that are available on an instance, use the following REST call:

  • For the HTTP action, select or specify GET.

  • For the URL, specify a URL of the following form, using the <baseURL> for your instance:


    Or, if you want to examine only one namespace:


    Where namespace is the namespace you want to examine.

See the reference sections for GET /api/mgmnt/ and GET /api/mgmnt/:v1/:namespace/restapps.

Using the %REST.API Class to Discover REST Services

The %REST.APIOpens in a new tab class provides methods you can use to discover REST service classes and REST-enabled web applications.

Discovering REST Service Classes

To use the %REST.APIOpens in a new tab class to discover the REST services that are available on an instance, use the following methods of that class:

GetAllRESTApps(Output appList As %ListOfObjects) as %Status

Returns, as output, a list of the REST services on this server. The output argument applist is an instance of %ListOfObjectsOpens in a new tab, and each item in the list is an instance of %REST.ApplicationOpens in a new tab that contains information about the REST service. This includes any REST services that do not have an associated web application. This method ignores any manually-coded REST services.

GetRESTApps(namespace as %String,
            Output appList As %ListOfObjects) as %Status

Returns, as output, a list of the REST services in the namespace indicated by namepace. See GetAllWebRESTApps(). See GetAllRESTApps().

Discovering REST-Enabled Web Applications

To use the %REST.APIOpens in a new tab class to discover the REST-enabled web applications that are available on an instance, use the following methods of that class:

GetAllWebRESTApps(Output appList As %ListOfObjects) as %Status

Returns, as output, a list of the REST-enabled web applications on this server. The output argument applist is an instance of %ListOfObjectsOpens in a new tab, and each item in the list is an instance of %REST.ApplicationOpens in a new tab that contains information about web application.

GetWebRESTApps(namespace as %String,
               Output appList As %ListOfObjects) as %Status

Returns, as output, a list of the REST-enabled web applications in the namespace indicated by namepace. See GetAllWebRESTApps().

Providing Documentation for a REST Service

It is useful to document any API so that developers can easily use the API. In the case of a REST API that follows the OpenAPI 2.0 specificationOpens in a new tab, you can use the SwaggerOpens in a new tab open-source framework to provide interactive documentation for your API, based upon the contents of the specification.

One option is to use Swagger UIOpens in a new tab and provide a hosted copy of the documentation. For a demo:

  1. Go to in a new tab

  2. Click Live Demo.

  3. In the box at the top of the page, enter the URL of the OpenAPI 2.0 specificationOpens in a new tab for the REST service, in JSON format.

    For example, use the GET /api/mgmnt/v2/:namespace/:application call on the InterSystems IRIS server.

  4. Click Explore.

The lower part of the page then displays the documentation as shown in the following example:

Swagger editor displaying methods for coffermaker sample including GET, PUT, and DELETE

Here you can view details about each call, try test calls and see the responses. For more details, see the SwaggerOpens in a new tab web site.

Other third-party tools enable you to generate static HTML. InterSystems has no specific recommendations for this.

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