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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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Matches a value with at least one matching value from a subquery.


scalar-expression comparison-operator ANY (subquery)


The ANY keyword works in conjunction with a comparison operator to create a predicate (a quantified comparison condition) that is true if the value of a scalar expression matches one or more of the corresponding values retrieved by the subquery. The ANY predicate compares a single scalar-expression item with a single subquery SELECT item. A subquery with more than one select item generates an SQLCODE -10 error.


The ANY and SOME keywords are synonyms.

ANY can be used wherever a predicate condition can be specified, as described in Overview of Predicates.

Where applicable, the system automatically applies Set-Valued Subquery Optimization (SVSO) to an ANY subquery. For details on this optimization, and using the %NOSVSO keyword to override it, refer to “Query Optimization Options” on the FROM clause reference page.



A scalar expression (most commonly a data column) whose values are being compared with the result set generated by subquery.


One of the following comparison operators: = (equal to), <> or != (not equal to), < (less than), <= (less than or equal to), > (greater than), >= (greater than or equal to), [ (contains), or ] (follows).


A subquery, enclosed in parentheses, which returns a result set that is used for the comparison with scalar-expression.


The following example selects those employees with salaries greater than $75,000 that live in any of the states west of the Mississippi River:

SELECT Name,Salary,Home_State FROM Sample.Employee
WHERE Salary > 75000
AND Home_State = ANY
 (SELECT State FROM Sample.USZipCode
  WHERE Longitude < -93)
ORDER BY Home_State

See Also

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