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Promotion Activity (2.9)

Promotes data to the final tables or files.


A promotion activity copies data from staging tables to their final tables or files, where they can be used by downstream consumers. A promotion activity consists of one or more promotion items, which are to be performed in a specific order. Each promotion item copies data to a final table or file. The data copied can use data from multiple staging tables.


For each promotion item, the following options apply:

  • Promotion Type—Specifies whether the data is to be promoted to a table within this database (that is, the database native to Data Fabric Studio) or to a table in another database. The choices are as follows:

    • Internal—This option loads data into a table within this database.

    • External—This option loads data into a table in another database or to an external file.

    After you create an item in a promotion activity, you cannot change this setting, and this option is no longer displayed.

  • Target ConnectionApplies if target is external. Specifies the database or external file system to promote the data into.

    After you create an item in a promotion activity, you cannot change this setting.

  • Run Order—Specifies the order in which this item should be executed, relative to other items in the same promotion activity. Select an integer.

  • Description—Specifies an optional description of this item, as an aid to yourself and others reviewing this recipe later.

  • Operation Type Applies if target is external.—Choose one of the following:

    • Insert

    • Insert or Update on Primary Key

  • SQL Expression—Specifies an SQL UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statement.

  • Target subfolder Applies if target is a file.—Specifies the subfolder into which the target file should be written. This option is optional. If you omit this value, the file is written to the main directory.

  • Target Filename Pattern Applies if target is a file.—Specifies the name of the file to create. The filename can include the %RUNDATE token, which is replaced with the date and time when the file is created.

  • Delimiter Applies if target is a file.—Specifies the field delimiter. This must be a single ASCII character. To specify a control character, wrap the name of the control character in angle brackets.

  • Line Terminator Applies if target is a file.—Specifies the line terminator to use when creating this file. Use a value appropriate for the target operating system.

See Also

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