Caché MultiValue Basic Commands
- ABORT, ABORTE, ABORTM – Terminates program execution and returns to MVBasic shell.
- ASSIGN – Assigns a value to the SYSTEM or STATUS functions.
- BEGIN TRANSACTION – Begins a transaction.
- BREAK – Enables or disables keys that pause program execution.
- BSCAN – Traverses the unique keys in an index, or the item ids in an inode-type file.
- CALL – Transfers control to an external subroutine.
- CASE – Selects one of several statements based on the value of expressions.
- CATCH – Identifies a block of code to execute when an exception occurs.
- CHAIN – Executes a MultiValue command from a program, exiting the program.
- CHANGE – Replaces all instances of a substring in a variable.
- CLEAR – Resets variables not assigned to a common storage area.
- CLEARCOM (CLEARCOMMON) – Resets variables assigned to a common storage area.
- CLEARDATA – Clears all data stored by the DATA statement.
- CLEARFILE – Deletes all records from a MultiValue file.
- CLEARINPUT – Clears input data from the type-ahead buffer.
- CLEARSELECT – Resets active select lists.
- CLOSE – Closes a MultiValue file.
- CLOSESEQ – Closes a file opened for sequential access.
- COMMIT – Commits all changes made during the current transaction.
- COM (COMMON) – Lists variables available to external subroutines.
- CONTINUE – Jumps to FOR or LOOP statements and re-executes test and loop.
- CONVERT – Replaces single characters in a string.
- CREATE – Creates a file for sequential access.
- CRT – Displays on the terminal screen.
- DATA – Provides user input data.
- DEBUG – Interrupts program execution to enter debug mode.
- DEFFUN – Declares a user-defined function
- DEL – Deletes an element from a dynamic array.
- DELETE, DELETEU – Deletes a record from a MultiValue file.
- DELETELIST – Deletes a saved select list.
- DELETESEQ – Deletes a sequential file.
- DIM (DIMENSION) – Dimensions an array of variables.
- DISPLAY – Displays on the terminal screen.
- ECHO – Suppresses user input display on the screen.
- END – Terminates a block of code or a program.
- END TRANSACTION – Specifies where to continue execution after a transaction.
- ENTER – Transfers control to an external subroutine.
- EQUATE – Replaces a symbol with a value at compile time.
- ERRMSG – Displays the specified error message.
- EXECUTE – Executes a MultiValue command from within a program, passing and returning values.
- EXIT – Exits a LOOP...REPEAT or FOR...NEXT statement.
- FILELOCK – Locks a MultiValue file.
- FILEUNLOCK – Unlocks a MultiValue file.
- FIND – Finds an element of a dynamic array by exact value.
- FINDSTR – Finds an element of a dynamic array by substring value.
- FLUSH – Flushes (immediately applies) writes to a sequential I/O file.
- FOOTING – Prints a footer at the bottom of each output page.
- FORMLIST – Selects field ids into a numbered select list.
- FOR...NEXT – Repeats a group of statements a specified number of times.
- FUNCTION – Defines an external function.
- GET(ARG.) – Retrieves the next command line argument.
- GETLIST – Retrieves a saved select list.
- GOSUB – Transfers program execution to a label, with return option.
- GOTO – Transfers program execution to a label.
- HEADING – Prints a header at the top of each output page.
- HUSH – Suppresses all screen display.
- IF...THEN...ELSE – Conditionally executes a group of statements, depending on the value of an expression.
- IN – Reads a single character of user input.
- INPUT – Receives user input.
- INPUTCLEAR – Clears input data from the type-ahead buffer.
- INPUTCTRL – Filters control characters from input.
- INPUTERR – Writes a message to the user terminal.
- INPUTIF – Receives data from input buffer.
- INPUTNULL – Specifies a null character for INPUT.
- INS – Inserts data in a dynamic array.
- $KILL – Deletes variables.
- LET – Assigns a value to a variable.
- LOCATE – Finds an element in a specified part of a dynamic array by exact value.
- LOCK – Obtains a logical process lock.
- LOOP...REPEAT – Repeats a block of statements while a condition is true or until a condition becomes true.
- MAT – Assigns values to all the elements in a dimensioned array.
- MATBUILD – Builds a dynamic array from a dimensioned array.
- MATPARSE – Builds a dimensioned array from a dynamic array.
- MATREAD, MATREADL, MATREADU – Reads data from a MultiValue file to a dimensioned array.
- MATWRITE, MATWRITEU – Writes data from a dimensioned array to a MultiValue file record.
- $MERGE – Merge two arrays.
- NAP – Suspends processing for a specified number of milliseconds.
- NOBUF – Turns off buffering for sequential file I/O.
- NULL – Performs no operation, used in a clause.
- ON – Transfers program execution to one of several internal subroutines or labels.
- OPEN – Opens a MultiValue file.
- OPENINDEX – Opens an index.
- OPENPATH – Opens a directory.
- OPENSEQ – Opens a file for sequential access.
- $OPTIONS – Sets configuration options for MultiValue implementations.
- OUT – Displays the character(s) specified by the corresponding numeric code(s).
- PAGE – Advances printing to the next output page.
- PCPERFORM – Issues an operating system command and returns to MVBasic.
- PERFORM – Executes a MultiValue command from a program and returns.
- PRECISION – Specifies the maximum number of decimal digits when transforming a floating point number.
- PRINT – Prints to the terminal or to a specified device.
- PRINTER – Specifies whether to direct output to the printer.
- PRINTER RESET – Resets terminal or default printer channel characteristics.
- PROCREAD – When called by a procedure, reads the input buffer contents.
- PROCWRITE – When called by a procedure, writes to the input buffer.
- PROG (PROGRAM) – Specifies the program name.
- PROMPT – Sets the user input prompt.
- RANDOMIZE – Initializes the random-number generator.
- READ, READL, READU, READV, READVL, READVU – Reads data from a MultiValue file.
- READBLK – Reads a block of data from a sequential file.
- READLIST – Reads the remaining field ids from a select list.
- READNEXT – Reads the next field id from a select list.
- READNEXT KEY – Reads the next key and item id from an index.
- READPREV – Reads the previous field id from a select list.
- READSEQ – Reads a line of data from a sequential file.
- RECORDLOCKL, RECORDLOCKU – Locks a record in a MultiValue file.
- RELEASE – Releases record locks.
- REM – Includes a comment in a program.
- REMOVE – Extracts sequential elements of a dynamic array.
- RETURN – Returns from a subroutine or function.
- REVREMOVE – Extracts sequential elements of a dynamic array in reverse order.
- ROLLBACK – Reverts all changes made during the current transaction.
- RQM – Suspends processing for a specified duration.
- SEEK – Repositions the file pointer for a sequential file.
- SEEK(ARG.) – Points to the next command line argument.
- SELECT, SELECTN, SELECTV – Selects items into a select list.
- SELECT ATKEY – Selects a specified key type into a select list.
- SELECTE – Copies select list 0 to a named select list.
- SELECTINDEX – Selects an index.
- SETREM – Positions the remove pointer in a dynamic array.
- SLEEP – Suspends processing for a specified duration.
- SSELECT, SSELECTN, SSELECTV – Selects and sorts items into a select list.
- STATUS – Provides file status information.
- STOP, STOPE, STOPM – Terminates program execution and returns to the calling environment.
- SUBROUTINE – Defines an external subroutine.
- SWAP – Replaces all instances of a substring in a variable.
- TCLREAD – Copies the terminal command line into a variable.
- THROW – Throws an exception from a TRY block to a CATCH exception handler.
- TRANSACTION ABORT – Reverts all changes made during the current transaction.
- TRANSACTION COMMIT – Commits all changes made during the current transaction.
- TRANSACTION START – Begins a transaction.
- TRY – Identifies a block of code to monitor for exceptions during execution.
- UNLOCK – Releases a process lock.
- WEOFSEQ – Writes an end-of-file to a sequential file.
- WRITE, WRITEU, WRITEV, WRITEVU – Writes data to a record in a MultiValue file.
- WRITEBLK – Writes data to a sequential file.
- WRITELIST – Saves a select list.
- WRITESEQ, WRITESEQF – Writes a line of data to a sequential file.
- $XECUTE – Executes an ObjectScript command.