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Installing InterSystems IRIS on Microsoft Windows

This chapter describes how to install InterSystems IRIS® data platform on a Microsoft Windows system. It assumes you are familiar with Windows directory structures, utilities, and commands.


It is not possible to perform multiple simultaneous installations on the same machine.

Before Installing

Before beginning the installation, be sure you have read all the information that applies to Windows in the “Preparing to Install InterSystems IRIS” chapter of this guide. Additionally, review the following topics:

Windows User Accounts

When installing InterSystems IRIS, you must choose the Windows user account to run the InterSystems service, InterSystems IRIS Controller for <instance-name>. There are two options:

  • The default SYSTEM account (Windows Local System account). This is used in Minimal security installations.

  • A defined Windows user account.

Running the InterSystems service under the default SYSTEM account is appropriate for many installations, but in some cases can cause issues relating to file permissions and network security access. If you anticipate potential problems in these areas for an InterSystems IRIS instance—for example due to your network configuration or security arrangements—specify a Windows account for the InterSystems service that has the needed privileges and access, such as a domain administrator account.

For instructions on how to change the service account after installation, see Managing Access to the InterSystems IRIS Instance.


If you are using Kerberos, you must configure a Windows account before installing InterSystems IRIS. InterSystems recommends you use a separate account specifically set up for this purpose as described in Preparing the Security Environment for Kerberos.


If running InterSystems IRIS under a defined Windows user account, be sure to grant that account the Windows “Lock Pages in Memory” (SELockMemory) privilege. See Configuring Large Pages on Windows in the “Preparing to Install InterSystems IRIS” chapter for details.

Choosing a Configuration Strategy

You can define an installation manifest that describes a specific InterSystems IRIS configuration and invoke it when executing the installation file. This is useful when considering automated deployment, as it reduces the need to adjust settings after the installation is complete.

For more information on installation manifests, see Creating and Using an Installation Manifest.

InterSystems IRIS Installation Procedure

This section contains the procedure to install InterSystems IRIS on a Windows computer. After the initial steps, the procedure diverges depending on which components you would like to install. The differences are described in subsections beneath the main procedure.

To perform an InterSystems IRIS installation:

  1. Ensure that the installation kit is available on your computer or on a network.

  2. Execute the installation file, either by double-clicking it in Windows Explorer or executing it on the command line as follows:


    By default, a newly installed InterSystems IRIS instance starts immediately after installation and the InterSystems IRIS launcher is placed in the system tray. You can prevent these actions by setting ISCSTARTIRIS and ISCSTARTLAUNCHER each to 0 using the command line. For example:

    C:\Users\Public\Downloads\IRIS-<version_number>-win_x64.exe ISCSTARTIRIS=0 ISCSTARTLAUNCHER=0

    The Command Line Properties table in the Unattended Installation Procedure section of this chapter contains a description of all InterSystems IRIS Windows installer properties.

  3. The InterSystems IRIS setup begins in the language specified by the Windows language for non-Unicode programs setting. Within setup, you can click Next to continue to the next dialog box, Back to return to the previous dialog box, and Cancel to stop the installation.

  4. If there is an existing InterSystems IRIS instance installed on the system, the Select Instance dialog box lists its installation directories. Select New Instance to install a new InterSystems IRIS instance.


    Select an existing instance to reinstall or upgrade that instance.

  5. If you are installing a new instance of InterSystems IRIS on this computer, setup displays the License Agreement dialog box. Click I accept the terms in the license agreement to confirm that you accept the license agreement.

  6. The InterSystems IRIS Instance Name dialog box lets you assign a name to the new instance you are installing. The default name is IRIS (or if other instances exist, IRISn, where n is the number of InterSystems IRIS instances including this new one). Accept the default or enter another name, using only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes. You cannot change the instance name after the instance is installed.

  7. The Destination Folder dialog box lets you select a destination directory for the InterSystems IRIS software for the new instance. You can select or create a directory by clicking Change. If the specified directory does not exist, setup lets you create it.

    For information about the requirements for choosing an installation directory, see Installation Directory in the “Preparing to Install InterSystems IRIS” chapter.

  8. The Setup Type dialog box lets you specify how you intend to use InterSystems IRIS. Review the Setup Type section in the “Preparing to Install InterSystems IRIS” chapter of this book to decide which components of InterSystems IRIS you need.


    If the CSP Gateway is already installed on your system when you install the Web Gateway, the installer automatically upgrades the CSP Gateway to the Web Gateway. For details, see Preexisting CSP Gateway.

The next steps of the installation procedure differ based on the Setup Type you choose. To finish installing InterSystems IRIS, follow the steps in the section that corresponds to your chosen Setup Type:

Installing Development or Server Components Only

If you wish, you can install only the components of InterSystems IRIS that are required on a development system or on a server system.

To perform a Development or Server installation, first complete the steps in the InterSystems IRIS Installation Procedure, then continue:

  1. Select Development or Server in the Setup Type dialog box.

  2. The Install Unicode Support dialog box lets you select either 8-bit or Unicode character support for your installation (the default depends on your operating system locale).

  3. The Initial Security Settings dialog box lets you decide how restrictive you want the initial InterSystems security settings to be: Minimal, Normal, or Locked Down. For a detailed explanation of these security settings, see Initial InterSystems Security Settings.

    Minimal is only available for InterSystems IRIS installations. If you choose Minimal, skip to the Ready to Install step.


    If you select Minimal for your initial security setting but InterSystems IRIS requires network access to shared drives and printers, you must manually change the Windows user account under which to run the InterSystems service to one that has the desired access privileges. For instructions on how to do so, see Managing Access to the InterSystems IRIS Instance.

  4. The Enter Credentials for InterSystems Service dialog lets you choose the credentials under which the Windows InterSystems service runs.

    The default is the local default SYSTEM account. You can instead specify a defined (existing) Windows user account and password; if you do, the installer verifies that:

    • the account exists on the domain.

    • the password is correct.


    The default SYSTEM account is not always appropriate, and may cause issues relating to file permissions and network security access. Also, if you are using Kerberos, you must enter a defined account that you have set up to run the InterSystems service. To decide what account should run the Windows InterSystems Service, review the Windows User Accounts section of this chapter.

  5. The InterSystems IRIS Users configuration dialog let you enter the initial password for the predefined InterSystems IRIS user accounts listed in the dialog box. The password must meet the criteria described in the Initial User Security Settings table. After clicking Next, the installer prompts you for the initial password for the CSPSystem predefined account.

    If you specified a Windows account in the previous step, the installation creates a “privileged user account” with the same name as the Windows account to grant that user access to services necessary to administer InterSystems IRIS. For more details on all these predefined accounts, see Predefined User Accounts.

  6. The Ready to Install dialog box lets you review the installation name, type, and installation directory, as well as the license key status.

    You can also click the License button to select an InterSystems IRIS license key. If the key is valid, the license is automatically activated and the license key is copied to the instance’s install-dir/mgr directory as iris.key during installation, and no further activation procedure is required. If you do not select a key, you can activate your InterSystems IRIS license key following installation. See Activating a License Key in the “Managing InterSystems IRIS Licensing” chapter of the System Administration Guide for information about licenses, license keys and activation.

    Click Install to continue. Setup installs InterSystems IRIS in the selected directory.

  7. The InterSystems IRIS Installation Completed dialog box indicates the installation has completed successfully. Choose whether you want to see the Getting Started page and click Finish.

By default, the system starts automatically after installation is complete and the InterSystems IRIS launcher icon appears in the system tray area of the Windows tool bar. Click the launcher to bring up the InterSystems IRIS menu. In addition, there is an InterSystems IRIS item on the Windows Programs menu.

Continue to the Post-Installation Tasks section to complete the installation process.

Installing Client Components Only

If you wish, you can install only those parts of InterSystems IRIS that are required on a client machine.

To perform a client installation, first complete the steps in the InterSystems IRIS Installation Procedure, then continue:

  1. Select Client in the Setup Type dialog box and click Next.

  2. The Ready to Install dialog box lets you review the installation name, type, and destination directory for the software files.

    Click Install to continue. Setup installs InterSystems IRIS in the selected directory.

  3. The InterSystems IRIS Installation Completed dialog box indicates the installation has completed successfully. Click Finish.

After InterSystems IRIS is installed on a client, the InterSystems IRIS launcher icon appears in the system tray area of the Windows tool bar; it appears dimmed because there is no InterSystems IRIS server running.


Before you can use the client, you must specify the preferred server for this client; this procedure is described in the Define a Remote Server Connection section of the “Connecting to Remote Servers” chapter of the System Administration Guide.

Continue to the Post-Installation Tasks section to complete the installation process.

Installing the Web Gateway Only

If you wish, you can install only those parts of InterSystems IRIS that are required for the Web Gateway.

To perform a Web Gateway installation, first complete the steps in the InterSystems IRIS Installation Procedure, then continue:

  1. Select Web Server in the Setup Type dialog box and click Next.

  2. The Ready to Install dialog box lets you review the installation name, type, and destination directory for the software files.

    Click Install to continue. Setup installs InterSystems IRIS in the selected directory.

  3. The InterSystems IRIS Installation Completed dialog box indicates the installation has completed successfully. Click Finish.

If a web server is running, a dialog box asks if you want to restart the web server. If you click Yes, the installation procedure restarts the web server. If you click No, the procedure does not restart the web server, in which case it does not start until you restart it manually or restart the system.

If the installer detects an Internet Information Services (IIS) web server installed on the system, it configures the web server for the Web Gateway. The installer also displays a check box for IIS; if you select this, Web Gateway IIS modules are installed in C:\InetPub\CSPGateway.

The Web Gateway configures the following application paths pointing to the server configured for the instance:

  • /

  • /csp

  • /<instancename> (by default, /IRIS)

You can change the configurations manually after installation from the Web Gateway application; for information, see the Web Gateway Guide.


The installer cannot automatically configure an Apache web server for use with InterSystems IRIS and CSP; for information on the required manual configuration procedures, see the Web Gateway Guide.

Continue to the Post-Installation Tasks section to complete the installation process.

Performing a Custom Installation

The InterSystems IRIS installation program allows you to select certain InterSystems IRIS components to install on the system. For example, you may want to install only the Web Gateway. Keep in mind that some selections require that you also install other components.

To perform a custom InterSystems IRIS installation, first complete the steps in the InterSystems IRIS Installation Procedure, then continue:

  1. Select Custom in the Setup Type dialog box.

  2. In the Custom Setup dialog box, select the components you want to install. Some of the components include sub-items; to view these, select the +icon.

    Select a component to see a short description, or view a list of available components in the Components Installed by Setup Type table.


    You can remove previously-installed components by selecting the X menu item for any component group or component.

  3. Optionally, click Space to ensure that there is enough space on the disk for the selected components.

  4. The Install Unicode Support dialog box lets you select either 8-bit or Unicode character support for your installation (the default depends on your operating system locale).

  5. The Enter Port Numbers dialog box lets you change the port numbers assigned by InterSystems IRIS. Review the Port Numbers section in the “Preparing to Install InterSystems IRIS” chapter of this book for more information.

  6. The Initial Security Settings dialog box lets you decide how restrictive you want the initial InterSystems security settings to be: Minimal, Normal, or Locked Down. For a detailed explanation of these security settings, see Initial InterSystems Security Settings.

    Minimal is only available for InterSystems IRIS installations. If you choose Minimal, skip to the Ready to Install step.


    If you select Minimal for your initial security setting, but InterSystems IRIS requires network access to shared drives and printers, you must manually change the Windows user account under which to run the InterSystems service, choosing an existing account or creating a new account that has local administrator privileges on the server machine. For instructions on how to do so, see Managing Access to the InterSystems IRIS Instance.

  7. The Enter Credentials for InterSystems Service dialog lets you choose the credentials under which the Windows InterSystems service runs.

    The default is the local default SYSTEM account. You can instead specify a defined (existing) Windows user account and password; if you do, the installer verifies that:

    • the account exists on the domain.

    • the password is correct.


    The default SYSTEM account is not always appropriate, and may cause issues relating to file permissions and network security access. Also, if you are using Kerberos, you must enter a defined account that you have set up to run the InterSystems service. To decide what account should run the Windows InterSystems Service, review the Windows User Accounts section of this chapter.

  8. The InterSystems IRIS Users configuration dialog let you enter the initial password for the predefined InterSystems IRIS user accounts listed in the dialog box. The password must meet the criteria described in the Initial User Security Settings table. After clicking Next, the installer prompts you for the initial password for the CSPSystem predefined account.

    If you specified a Windows account in the previous step, the installation creates a “privileged user account” with the same name as the Windows account to grant that user access to services necessary to administer InterSystems IRIS. For more details on all these predefined accounts, see Predefined User Accounts.

  9. The Ready to Install dialog box lets you review the installation name, type, and installation directory, as well as the license key status.

    You can also click the License button to select an InterSystems IRIS license key. If the key is valid, the license is automatically activated and the license key is copied to the instance’s install-dir/mgr directory as iris.key during installation, and no further activation procedure is required. If you do not select a key, you can activate your InterSystems IRIS license key following installation. See Activating a License Key in the “Managing InterSystems IRIS Licensing” chapter of the System Administration Guide for information about licenses, license keys and activation.

    Click Install to continue. Setup installs InterSystems IRIS in the selected directory.

  10. The InterSystems IRIS Installation Completed dialog box indicates the installation has completed successfully. Choose whether you want to see the Getting Started page and click Finish.

Continue to the Post-Installation Tasks section to complete the installation process.

Unattended Installation Procedure

The InterSystems IRIS for Windows installer provides a way to perform unattended installation, upgrade, reinstallation (repair), and removal (uninstall) of instances of InterSystems IRIS on your computer. A typical install operation obtains necessary input from the user in the form of responses to dialog boxes. An unattended operation, however, does not prompt the user for input; instead, it gets input from properties passed to the InterSystems IRIS installation file on the command line. These properties are described in the Command Line Reference section.

This section discusses the following topics:


No messages are displayed during unattended installation, upgrade, reinstallation, or uninstallation.

Running an Unattended Installation

To launch unattended installation of a new instance of InterSystems IRIS, use the following command:

<path>\<installer>.exe /instance <instancename> /q{b|n} <properties> 

You must specify:

Variable Description
<path> The path to the InterSystems IRIS installation file.
<installer>.exe The name of the InterSystems IRIS installation file.
<instancename> The name for the new InterSystems IRIS instance. If omitted, the default value is IRIS, but you must specify a different value if there are one or more instances already installed on the machine.
/qb or /qn Whether to display a progress bar during the installation (/qb) or to perform a fully silent installation (/qn).
<properties> The properties to passing to the installer (see the Command-Line Properties table).

For example, to install an instance of InterSystems IRIS with the default instance name in an installation directory named C:\InterSystems\MyIris on a 64–bit Windows system, specify the following:

C:\downloads\IRIS-<version_number>-win_x64.exe /qn INSTALLDIR=C:\InterSystems\MyIris

To install an instance of InterSystems IRIS with the instance name IrisA, specify:

C:\downloads\IRIS-<version_number>-win_x64.exe /instance IrisA /qn 

You can custom install a subset of features using the ADDLOCAL property; see ADDLOCAL in the Command-Line Properties table for more information. As an example, to install only the launcher on a 64–bit Windows system (accepting the default instance name and directory), specify:

C:\downloads\IRIS-<version_number>-win_x64.exe /qn ADDLOCAL=cube

An unattended installation does not install the Web Gateway by default; this must be specified using the ADDLOCAL property.

When the installation is finished, continue to the Post-Installation Tasks section of this chapter.

Running an Unattended Upgrade or Reinstall

In addition to installing a new instance, the InterSystems IRIS installer can be called on an existing installed instance. To do so, you must use the /instance flag to specify the name of the target existing instance. The action the installer takes depends on the version of the installation file compared to the version of the instance, as follows:

  • If the installation file is the same version as the target installed instance, the installer reinstalls (repairs) the instance.

  • If the installation file is a later version than the target installed instance, the installer upgrades the instance to the new version.

For example, to run an unattended upgrade of an installed instance IRISB that is an earlier version than the installation file, use the following:

C:\downloads\IRIS-<version_number>-win_x64.exe /instance IRISB /qn

You can reinstall one or more specific features, as listed in the Custom-Installable Features table, by specifying the target instance and using the REINSTALL property (see the Command-Line Properties table). For example, to reinstall Studio for the installed instance IRISB, you can use the following command (assuming the installation file and IRISB are the same version):

C:\downloads\IRIS-<version_number>-win_x64.exe /instance IRISB /qn REINSTALL=studio

Running an Unattended Removal

To launch an unattended removal, specify the instance to uninstall and the REMOVE=ALL property, as follows:

<path>\<installer>.exe /instance <instancename> /q[b|n] REMOVE=ALL 

You can also use the REMOVE property to remove specific features, as described in the Custom-Installable Features table. For example, to remove the Apache 2.0 Web Gateway from instance IrisC, use the command:

C:\downloads\IRIS-<version_number>-win_x64.exe /instance IrisC /qn REMOVE=cspgateway,cspapache20

Special Consideration

If you do not have access to the original installation package, you can run uninstall in unattended mode by using the Windows® Installer command-line application (msiexec) and information in the Registry, as follows:

msiexec /x {<product_guid>} /qn /l <logfile>

where <product_guid> is the ProductCode property value of the version you installed.

You can obtain the ProductCode property value from the following Registry location:

Processor Type Registry Location
32–bit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intersystems\IRIS\Configurations\<instance>
64–bit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Intersystems\IRIS\Configurations\<instance>

where <instance> is the name of the InterSystems IRIS instance you want to uninstall in unattended mode. The ProductCode property value is displayed in a row similar to:

ProductCode     REG_SZ   {80E3F658-2D74-4A81-92AD-FD16CD226154}

You can also use any of the properties in the Command-Line Properties table with msiexec. For information about msiexec, see the Microsoft msiexec (command-line options)Opens in a new tab TechNet article (

Command Line Reference

The Command-Line Properties table describes the InterSystems IRIS-specific unattended install properties that you can modify via the command-line interface. The property name must be uppercase, but the arguments are not case-sensitive; each property must be separated by one or more spaces, and properties can be specified in any order as PROPERTYNAME=argument. For example:


In the following table, the REINSTALL and REMOVE properties are used with installed instances, as described in Running an Unattended Upgrade or Reinstall and Running an Unattended Removal, respectively.

Command-Line Properties
Property Name Description

Use this property to custom install a new instance of InterSystems IRIS with a subset of features or to omit optional databases (see the Custom-Installable Features table) by specifying a comma-separated list of featurenames together with their group names, as described in the example following this table.


In the absence of the ADDLOCAL property, or if ADDLOCAL=ALL is specified, all features are installed.

See also the REINSTALL property, for use with installed instances.


Optionally use this property to install IIS CSP binary files. With a value of 1, the files are installed without any changes to the IIS web server configuration. With a value of 0, the installer updates the IIS web server configuration regardless of the existence of the /csp virtual directory.


Optionally use this property to install Apache 2.0 CSP binary files. With a value of 1, the files are installed without any changes to the IIS web server configuration. With a value of 0, the installer updates the IIS web server configuration regardless of the existence of the /csp virtual directory.


Optionally use this property to install Apache 2.2 CSP binary files. With a value of 1, the files are installed without any changes to the IIS web server configuration. With a value of 0, the installer updates the IIS web server configuration regardless of the existence of the /csp virtual directory.


If the security level is Normal or LockedDown (see the INITIALSECURITY property in this table), optionally use this property to specify a password for the CSPSystem predefined user. If this property is omitted, the value of IRISUSERPASSWORD is used.


If the initial security level is None, do not use this property.


Optionally use this property to specify the level of security to be used by the instance being installed. Specify None, Normal, or LockedDown.


Omit this property to accept the default of None.



Optionally use this property to specify the directory in which the instance is to be installed.


If the property is omitted, the default installation directory is C:\InterSystems\IRISn, where n is {empty}, 1, 2, ... 127.


If installing with an installation manifest, as described in Using the Manifest in the appendix “Creating and Using an Installation Manifest”, you must use this property to specify the location of the installation manifest (that is, your exported manifest class).


If installing with an installation manifest, as described in Using the Manifest in the appendix “Creating and Using an Installation Manifest”, this property specifies where %Installer prints messages.


If installing with an installation manifest, optionally use this property to specify the log level of the setup() method of your installation manifest class. The default log level is 1.


If installing with an installation manifest, as described in Using the Manifest in the appendix “Creating and Using an Installation Manifest”, use this property to specify the name/value pairs (name=value) to be passed to the first argument of the setup() method of your installation manifest clas. This property can be used to modify the configuration parameter file (iris.cpf) and activate the changes before your manifest runs. You can specify these parameters:

  • bbsiz

  • globals4kb, globals8kb, globals16kb, globals32kb, globals64kb

  • gmheap

  • LibPath

  • locksiz

  • MaxServerConn

  • Path

  • routines

  • ZFSize, ZFString

For example:INSTALLERMANIFESTPARAMS="bbsiz=512000,globals4kb=20, globals8kb=30,globals16kb=40,globals32kb=50, globals64kb=100,routines=40,gmheap=10000, LibPath=c:\libpath\,locksiz=2179648,MaxServerConn=5, Path=c:\lib\,ZFSize=2000,ZFString=3000"

The following would be useful in installing and activating 100 MB of 64KB buffers before running a manifest that creates a 64kb block size database:INSTALLERMANIFESTPARAMS="globals64kb=100"

IRISSERVICEDOMAIN Required if the service credentials are defined as UserDefined; see the SERVICECREDENTIALS property in this table. Use this property to specify the domain of the Windows InterSystems service login account specified by IRISSERVICEUSER.

If the service credentials are specified as LocalSystem, do not use this property.


Required if the service credentials are defined as UserDefined; see the SERVICECREDENTIALS property in this table. Use this property to specify the password for the Windows InterSystems service account specified by IRISSERVICEUSER.


If the service credentials are specified as LocalSystem, do not use this property.


Required if the service credentials are defined as UserDefined; see the SERVICECREDENTIALS property in this table. Use this property to specify the username of the account under which to run the Windows InterSystems service.


If the service credentials are specified as LocalSystem, do not use this property.


Required if the security level is Normal or LockedDown; see the INITIALSECURITY property in this table. Use this property to specify the password for the predefined InterSystems IRIS accounts _SYSTEM, Admin, and SuperUser, as well as the account with the username specified by IRISSERVICEUSER if SERVICECREDENTIALS is specified as UserDefined.


If the initial security level is None, do not use this property.

ISCSTARTIRIS Optionally set this property to 0 to prevent InterSystems IRIS from starting after installation. The default is 1, to start InterSystems IRIS.
ISCSTARTLAUNCHER Optionally set this property to 0 to prevent the InterSystems IRIS launcher from being added to the system tray. The default is 1, to add the launcher.

Use this property to reinstall (repair) an installed instance of InterSystems IRIS or to change the custom-installed features (see the Custom-Installable Features table) for an installed instance of InterSystems IRIS:

  • To reinstall whatever features are currently installed for the instance—whether that is a custom-installed subset of features or all features—specify ALL.

  • To reinstall a subset of InterSystems IRIS features that is different from the subset of features currently installed, specify a comma-separated list of featurenames together with their group names (as described in the example following this table).

See also the ADDLOCAL property (for use with new instances) and REMOVE property (for uninstalling installed instances).


Use this property to uninstall (remove) an instance of InterSystems IRIS or a subset of custom-installed features (see the Custom-Installable Features table) installed for an installed instance of InterSystems IRIS:

  • To remove an instance of InterSystems IRIS, specify ALL.

  • To remove a subset of InterSystems IRIS features, specify a comma-separated list of featurename together with their group names (as described in the example following this table).

See also the ADDLOCAL (for new instances) and REMOVE properties in this table properties in this table.


If the security level is Normal or LockedDown (see the INITIALSECURITY property in this table), optionally use this property to specify the credentials under which the Windows InterSystems service runs: LocalSystem for the default local system account or UserDefined (an existing Windows user account). If you do not specify the property, the default of LocalSystem is used.


If the initial security level is None, do not use this property.

See Managing Access to the InterSystems IRIS Instance for important information about the InterSystems service account.

If you specify UserDefined for this property, you must also specify the IRISSERVICEDOMAIN, IRISSERVICEPASSWORD, and IRISSERVICEUSER properties.

SKIPUPGRADECHECK When upgrading an instance, set this property to 1 to bypass system pre-upgrade checking. The default is 0.

Generally, you should leave pre-upgrade checking enabled.


Optionally use this property to specify the Superserver port to be used by the instance being installed.


By default, this port is set to 1972 (if available). Otherwise, the port is set to 51773 or the first available subsequent number.


Optionally use this property to specify whether 8–bit or 16–bit Unicode characters are to be supported by the instance being installed. For 8–bit characters, specify 0; for 16–bit characters, specify 1.

If you omit this property, is 8–bit specified by default for all languages except Chinese, Korean and Japanese; 16–bit is specified by default for Chinese, Korean, and Japanese systems.


Optionally use this property to specify the Webserver port to be used by the instance being installed.


By default, this port is auto-determined, beginning with 52773 and increasing by 1 for each installed instance of InterSystems IRIS.

The Custom-Installable Features table lists component group/component names and the associated featurename for each. You can specify “ALL” (to specify all available features) or a comma-separated list (with no spaces) of feature names (to specify individual features).

To specify components in ADDLOCAL, REINSTALL, and REMOVE properties, specify the featurename of a component group, followed by the featurename of each specific component from that group that you want installed. For example, to install only the USER database include the following in the command line:


When specifying a component group, you must also specify at least one associated component; if no components are listed with a component group, the component group is ignored and no components are installed. For example, if you specify:


the server component group is ignored and no server components are installed. (This requirement does not apply to the studio and cube groups, as they have no components.)

Custom-Installable Features
Component Group (featurename) Components (featurename)

Development (development)

Callin (callin)

Callin, Threaded (callin_threaded)

Threaded Server Libraries (server_threaded)

Other Samples (other_samples)

Other Development Libraries (development_other)

Documentation (documentation)

PDF Documentation (documentation_pdf)

Online Documentation (documentation_online)

InterSystems IntegratedML (integratedml)


Launcher (cube)


Server (server)

User database (server_user)

SQL Gateway (sqlgateway)

Apache Formatting Objects Processor (fop)

Server monitoring tools (server_monitoring)

Agent Service (agent_service)

Studio (studio)


Database Drivers (sqltools)

ODBC (odbc)

JDBC (jdbc)

Web Gateway (cspgateway)

IIS (cspiis)

Apache 2.0 (cspapache20)

Apache 2.2 (cspapache22)

Post-Installation Tasks

Review the following important post-installation tasks:

  • You can manage your InterSystems IRIS instance using the Management Portal, which is accessible from the InterSystems IRIS launcher. For more information on this management tool, see the “Using the Management Portal” chapter of the System Administration Guide.

  • The Windows InterSystems service includes the instance name, and starts automatically when you start your server; this means the InterSystems IRIS instance is automatically configured to autostart (start when the system starts).

    You can configure the instance not to autostart by changing the Start InterSystems IRIS on System Boot setting on the Memory and Startup page of the Management Portal (from the home page, select System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Memory and Startup).

  • If you plan to connect remotely to other instances of InterSystems IRIS, follow the procedure described in the Define a Remote Server Connection section of the “Connecting to Remote Servers” chapter of the System Administration Guide.

  • If you are using the Windows IIS Web server, file types must be mapped manually; for information, see Mapping InterSystems IRIS File Extensions in the Web Gateway Guide.

  • Allocate the system memory to be used by InterSystems IRS, as described in the Memory and Startup Settings section of the “Configuring InterSystems IRIS” chapter in System Administration Guide.

  • InterSystems products often run alongside and interact with non-InterSystems tools. For important information about the effects these interactions can have, see the Configuring Third-Party Software to Work in Conjunction with InterSystems Products appendix of System Administration Guide.

  • If you need to migrate data from a different database to your newly installed InterSystems IRIS instance, see Data Migration.

  • If appropriate for your installation, perform any additional tasks described in the Special Considerations section.

Special Considerations

The following topics describe particular issues or tasks associated with licensing, specific platforms, or kinds of installations:

Configuring Multiple InterSystems IRIS Instances

You can install and simultaneously run multiple instances on a single Windows machine. To do so, install InterSystems IRIS as for a single installation, giving each instance a unique name, a unique installation directory, and a unique port number.

Please refer to the Multiple InterSystems IRIS Instances section of the System Administration Guide for more detailed information.

Changing the InterSystems IRIS Language

When you install InterSystems IRIS, all supported language-specific utility DLLs are installed in the install-dir\bin directory. Each DLL contains localized strings and messages.

The format of the name of the DLL is UTILaaa.DLL, where aaa is a 3-letter code that signifies the following languages:

Code Language
CHS Chinese (Simplified)
DEU German (Standard)
ENU English (United States)
ESP Spanish (Spain)
FRA French
ITA Italian (Standard)
JPN Japanese
KOR Korean
NLD Dutch (Standard)
PTB Portuguese (Brazilian)
RUS Russian

For information about changing the locale of an InterSystems IRIS installation, see Using the NLS Settings Page of the Management Portal in the “Configuring InterSystems IRIS” chapter of the InterSystems IRIS System Administration Guide.


You can change only among 8-bit locales or Unicode locales, not from 8-bit to Unicode or vice versa. See the %SYS.NLS entry in the InterSystems Class Reference for more information.

Reinstalling or Uninstalling InterSystems IRIS

By running setup and selecting an InterSystems IRIS instance of the same version as the installer, or by selecting Programs and Features from Windows Control Panel and selecting an InterSystems IRIS instance, you can make changes to or uninstall the instance.

When you run setup as described in InterSystems IRIS Installation Procedure and select an InterSystems IRIS instance of the same version as the installer in the Select Instance box, or select an instance in Programs and Features and use the Change or Repair buttons, the Updating Instance instancename dialog box displays.


When you select the Uninstall button in Programs and Features, the uninstall operation begins immediately.

Click Next to display the Modify, repair or remove the program dialog box, then select the appropriate option on this dialog to change, repair, or uninstall the instance.

  • Select Modify to display the Custom Setup dialog box described in Performing a Custom Installation. Using this dialog box, you can select the component groups or components you want to add or remove. Components are described in the Components Installed by Setup Type table.

  • Select Repair to repair problems with the instance such as missing or corrupt files or registry entries.

  • Select Remove to uninstall the instance.


Use only the InterSystems IRIS installer or Windows Control Panel Programs and Features to uninstall InterSystems IRIS. Other uninstall programs are not supported and using them may cause unexpected results.

The Write-cache Buffer

Certain InterSystems IRIS features utilize Windows write-cache buffer flushing, which is enabled by default. To verify this option is correctly enabled and InterSystems IRIS receives the full benefit of these features:

  1. Open the Device Manager from the Control Panel.

  2. Select the storage device from the Disk Drives section.

  3. Click on the Policies tab.

  4. Ensure that Turn off Windows write-cache buffer flushing on this device is not selected.

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