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Known Issues and Notes

This topic describes known issues in InterSystems IRIS® 2023.1.

Removal of UIMA v2 Libraries

A security vulnerability has been reported that affects the Apache UIMA v2 libraries which are required to leverage the UIMA framework with InterSystems IRIS. Beginning with 2022.1.4, InterSystems has removed the affected libraries from maintenance releases of this version of InterSystems IRIS. Customer applications relying on this feature may no longer function upon upgrade to this (or subsequent) releases. All customers should consult Build Updated Apache UIMA JAR files for a secure work-around.

AmazonCloudWatchLogs Classes are Deprecated

Two classes, EnsLib.AmazonCloudWatchLogs.BusinessOperationOpens in a new tab and EnsLib.AmazonCloudWatchLogs.OutboundAdapterOpens in a new tab, are discontinued and will be removed in future releases.

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