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Summary of XML Projection Parameters

This page summarizes the XML projection options in InterSystems IRIS® data platform. Unless otherwise indicated, the class parameters are available in your XML-enabled classes, and the property parameters are available for properties of those classes.

Topic Parameters
Enabling the XML projection. See Projecting an InterSystems IRIS Object to XML. XMLENABLED class parameter
Mapping of properties to elements or attributes. See Projecting Objects to XML.

  • XMLSUMMARY class parameter

  • XMLDEFAULTREFERENCE class parameter ("SUMMARY", "COMPLETE", "ID", "OID", or "GUID")

  • XMLREFERENCE property parameter ("SUMMARY", "COMPLETE", "ID", "OID", or "GUID")

XML element names and attribute names. See Controlling the XML Element and Attribute Names.
  • XMLNAME class parameter

  • XMLNAME property parameter

  • XMLITEMNAME property parameter

  • XMLKEYNAME property parameter

Defaults are based on XML type names.
XML types. See Controlling the Projection to XML Schemas.
  • XMLTYPE class parameter

  • XMLTYPE property parameter

  • XSDTYPE class parameter

Namespaces. See Specifying Namespaces for Elements and Attributes.
  • NAMESPACE class parameter

  • ELEMENTQUALIFIED class parameter (0 or 1)

    You can override this upon export.

  • ELEMENTQUALIFIED property parameter (0 or 1)

    You can override this upon export.

  • ATTRIBUTEQUALIFIED class parameter (0 or 1)

    You can override this upon export.

  • XMLREF property parameter (0 or 1)

  • REFNAMESPACE property parameter

  • XMLPREFIX class parameter

Empty strings and nulls. See Handling Empty Strings and Null Values.
  • XMLUSEEMPTYELEMENT class parameter (0 or 1)

  • XMLIGNORENULL class parameter (0, 1, "INPUTONLY", or "RUNTIME"

  • XMLNIL class parameter (0 or 1)

    XMLNIL property parameter (0 or 1)

    You can override XMLNIL upon export or import if XMLIGNORENULL is "RUNTIME"

  • XMLNILNOOBJECT class parameter (0 or 1)

  • XMLNILNOOBJECT property parameter (0 or 1)

Escaping XML special characters. See Handling Special XML Characters.
  • CONTENT parameter ("STRING", "ESCAPE", "ESCAPE-C14N", or "MIXED")

  • ESCAPE parameter ("XML" or "HTML")

Time zones. See Handling the UTC Time Zone Indicator. XMLTIMEZONE property parameter ("UTC" or "IGNORE")
XML type details, including restrictions. See Controlling the Projection to XML Schemas and Advanced Options for XML Schemas

  • XMLINCLUDEINGROUP class parameter (0 or 1)

  • XMLCHOICELIST property parameter

  • XMLINHERITANCE class parameter ("left" or "right")

  • Many InterSystems IRIS data type property parameters

Using property for input, output, or both. See Controlling the Availability of Projected Properties. XMLIO property parameter ("INOUT", "IN", "OUT", or "CALC")
Controlling available XML document formats. See Specifying Format Options for the XML Document. XMLFORMAT class parameter ("LITERAL", "ENCODED", or null for both formats)
Multiple elements with the same name. See Handling a Document with Multiple Elements with the Same Name. XMLSEQUENCE class parameter (0 or 1)
Stream properties. See Controlling the Line Endings of Stream Properties. XMLSTREAMMODE property parameter ("BLOCK" or "LINE")
Unexpected elements and attributes. See Handling Unexpected Elements and Attributes on Import.
  • XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG class parameter (0 or 1)

  • XMLIGNOREINVALIDATTRIBUTE class parameter (0 or 1)

Namespace prefixes. See Controlling the Namespace Prefix on Export. XMLPREFIX class parameter
Specifying the pattern restriction in the schema. XMLPATTERN property parameter

There is an additional parameter: the XMLELEMENTREF property parameter, which is deprecated (replaced by XMLREF), but will be supported indefinitely.

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