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Tasks by Frequency of Performance

This topic organizes the day-to-day operations and monitoring tasks by frequency of performance.


The following table lists tasks that either require constant monitoring or should be performed more than once every five minutes:

Task Notes
Check ping  
Check SSH  
Monitor CPU utilization Alert on high CPU utilization.
Monitor for errors using Health Monitor and Log Monitor  
Monitor for memory swapping  
Monitor for mirror differences Each time you make manual changes on a mirror member, you should decide if you need to make the same changes on the other mirror members.
Monitor for network packet dGOPS or retransmissions Alert when excessive rates of network packet dGOPS or retransmissions occur.
Monitor InterSystems IRIS queues Alert when memory swapping occurs.
Monitor memory utilization Alert on high memory utilization.
Review Web Gateway error log Alert on errors.
Review web server error logs Alert on errors.


The following table lists tasks that should be performed hourly:

Task Notes
Monitor any externally mounted file systems  
Monitor disk fill rate Alert on sudden increase in disk fill rate.
Monitor DNS infrastructure  
Monitor endpoints  
Monitor InterSystems IRIS productions  
Monitor journal space Running out of space might cause an instance to become unavailable.
Monitor license usage  
Monitor system clock time  
Monitor total processes Alert on sudden increase in total processes.
Monitor web servers  
Monitor web services  


The following table lists tasks that should be performed daily:

Task Notes
Check messages.log  
Check Production Event Log  
Ensure tasks are running correctly  
Monitor certificate expiration dates  
Monitor disk space  
Monitor email  
Monitor for file system errors  
Monitor InterSystems IRIS license status  
Monitor journal purging  
Monitor mirror health  
Monitor size of IRIS.DAT  
Monitor uptime  
Create system performance report  


The following table lists tasks that should be performed monthly:

Task Notes
Determine if auditing namespace needs more audit databases  
Run DataCheck for mirrored systems  


The following table lists tasks that should be performed biannually:

Task Notes
Evaluate global buffer size  
Evaluate routine buffer size  


The following table lists tasks that should be performed annually:

Task Notes
Evaluate lock table size  
Evaluate maximum memory per process size  
Evaluate size of shared memory heap  


The following table lists tasks that should be performed as needed. Review them to determine appropriate timing based on your systems and the needs of your organization.

Task Notes
Run database backups  
Run integrity check  
Verify integrity of database backups  
Run the Tune Table utility on the ATNA audit database tables If you make a change to your system’s data ingestion, for example adding IHE documents or DICOM data, run tune table after one month of collecting the new data.

See Also

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