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Deprecated and Discontinued Features

This topic lists features deprecated features in InterSystems IRIS®; it also lists any features that are discontinued or removed.

About Deprecated and Discontinued Technologies and Features

From time to time, InterSystems stops further development of a technology when newer and better options are available. However, product support for these capabilities continues in the same way that it does for products beyond our Minimum Supported VersionOpens in a new tab.

Deprecated designates a feature or technology that InterSystems no longer actively develops and for which better options exist. Deprecated items should not be used for new development. The deprecated designation indicates that customers should plan to eliminate use of the feature or technology. InterSystems maintains the staff expertise to support deprecated product capabilities.

Discontinued designates a feature or technology that is no longer viable for use, even in existing applications. InterSystems feels that continued use of such technology is a risk for our customers. The reasons for this include but are not limited to:

  • Usage has declined to a small number of customers.

  • The feature has become incompatible with current technologies or security practice.

  • Incompatibilities between the feature or technology and our current product implementation make application maintenance prohibitive.

  • The feature or technology depends on discontinued content from a third party.

Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) Integration

As of version 2023.1, the capability to implement the Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) has been deprecated. UIMA integration capability is still included in this release, but it will be removed in a future release.

As of version 2023.1, JAR files required to implement UIMA have been removed from releasesOpens in a new tab. To obtain these files, see Build Updated Apache UIMA JAR files.

Spark Connector

As of version 2022.1, the Spark connector has been deprecated. As of version 2022.3, it has been discontinued. As of version 2023.1, it has been removed from releases.

Spark now has a built-in JDBC connector. If you use the Spark connector, you should modify your code to use the Spark JDBC connector.


As of version 2021.1, Atelier has been deprecated.

InterSystems recommends Visual Studio (VS) CodeOpens in a new tab with the InterSystems ObjectScript Extension PackOpens in a new tab, which provides a fully-featured integrated development environment for InterSystems applications. The InterSystems ObjectScript Expansion Pack includes the following extensions: InterSystems ObjectScriptOpens in a new tabInterSystems Language ServerOpens in a new tab, and Server ManagerOpens in a new tab extensions. See the documentation for the InterSystems VS Code extensionsOpens in a new tab for information on migrating from IRIS Studio to VS CodeOpens in a new tab.


As of version 2019.1, shadowing has been discontinued. Applications using shadowing should migrate to the corresponding capabilities available with mirroring, as described in the High Availability Guide.


As of version 2019.1, Zen has been deprecated. It is still included with this release, but it will be removed from a future release.

Zen Reports

As of version 2019.1, Zen Reports has been deprecated. It is still included with this release, but it will be removed from a future release.

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