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Adding a User to a Role

Here are the steps for adding a user to a role in InterSystems IRIS:

  1. In the Management Portal, open the Users page (click [Home] > [System Administration] > [Security] > [Users]).Click the name of the user that you are interested in.

    Red box highlighting the J Smith user definition

  2. Click the Roles tab. Then click on a role in the Available column on the left. Click the arrow in between the columns. The Selected column on the right displays the role. Click Assign.

    Red boxes highlighting the Roles tab and buttons used to assign roles to a user

  3. The interface lists SecurityTutorialRole as one of the user's roles.

    Roles tab showing the roles of the user

  4. To remove the user from the role, simply click the Remove link on the rightmost column of the table.


To learn more about the properties of InterSystems IRIS users and creating InterSystems IRIS users, see Users.

To learn more about roles, see Roles.

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