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APIs for Working with Globals

InterSystems IRIS® data platform provides the following APIs to work with globals:

  • The class %SYSTEM.OBJOpens in a new tab provides the following methods:

    • Export() enables you to export globals to an XML file.

    • Load() and LoadDir() enable you to import globals contained in XML files.

    These are both available via the $SYSTEM variable, for example: $SYSTEM.OBJ.Export

  • The class %Library.GlobalOpens in a new tab provides the following methods:

    • Export() enables you to export globals to .gof and other file formats (not including XML).

    • Import() enables you to import globals to .gof and other file formats (not including XML).

    %Library.GlobalOpens in a new tab also provides the Get() class query, which you can use to find globals, given search criteria.

For pointers to additional APIs, see Globals in the InterSystems Programming Tools Index.

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