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Allow the private web server to start.


[Startup]    WebServer=n

n is either 1 (true) or 0 (false). The default value is 1.


When WebServer is enabled (n = 1), the Apache private web server starts when InterSystems IRIS® data platform starts. The private web server enables REST and SOAP APIs, as well as the Management Portal. For information on the private web server, see Using or Replacing the Private Web Server.

In a secure (locked down) InterSystems IRIS container (described in Locked Down InterSystems IRIS Container), the private web server is always disabled. The WebServer parameter can be included in a configuration merge file to deploy locked down InterSystems IRIS containers with the private web server (and thus the Management Portal) enabled.

Changing This Parameter

On the Startup page of the Management Portal (System Administration > Configuration > Additional Settings > Startup), in the WebServer row, select Edit. Select WebServer to enable the private web server.

Instead of using the Management Portal, you can change WebServer in the Config.StartupOpens in a new tab class (as described in the class reference) or by editing the CPF in a text editor (as described in Editing the Active CPF).


A restart is required for this setting to take effect.

See Also

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