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Define ECP servers.


[ECPServers]    Name=Address,Port,MirrorConnection,SSLConfig


Entries in [ECPServers] define the address and port of the ECP server to connect to and the way in which connections should be redirected if the ECP server is a mirror primary. (See Configuring Application Server Connections to a Mirror for important information about configuring a mirror primary as a data server.)

  • Address – Address of the ECP server to connect to.

  • Port – Port # of the ECP server to connect to.

  • MirrorConnection – Behavior when connecting to a mirror primary. Default is 0 (or blank), indicating that the data server is not a mirror member. A value of 1 indicates the ECP server is a mirror failover member, and the mirror connection redirects to whichever member is primary in the event of a failover. A value of -1 indicates the ECP server is either a failover member or DR async, and the mirror connection is restricted to that specific ECP server; if the ECP server becomes the backup member, it does not accept the connection until it becomes primary.

  • SSLConfig – If 1, connections to the server use TLS/SSL.

Changing This Parameter

On the ECP Settings page of the Management Portal (System Administration > Configuration > Connectivity > ECP Settings) is a list of ECP data servers. Select Add Remote Data Server to add a new ECP data server.


You cannot set the MirrorConnection property to -1 from the Management Portal.

Instead of using the Management Portal, you can change ECPServers using the Config.ECPServersOpens in a new tab class (as described in the class reference) or by editing the CPF in a text editor (as described in Editing the Active CPF).

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