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Creating, Writing, and Reading MIME Messages

InterSystems IRIS® data platform provides a class that you can use to create multipart MIME messages (%Net.MIMEPartOpens in a new tab). You use this class when you create attachments to add to SOAP messages; see Creating Web Services and Web Clients. There are many other possible applications, such as email processing and HTTP multipart POST.


A document in MIME format is referred to as a MIME part. Each MIME part has headers and either contains a message body (either text or binary) or contains additional MIME parts. A MIME part that has a MIME-Version header can be used as a top-level document and is called a MIME message. The following figure shows an example:

A contains B and D. B contains C, a part with body. D contains E and F, both parts with subparts.

In this example, E and F have additional subparts that are not shown.

To represent a MIME part, you use the %Net.MIMEPartOpens in a new tab class, which provides properties that you use to set the headers and contents of the part.

Creating MIME Parts

To create a MIME part, do the following:

  1. Create an instance of %Net.MIMEPartOpens in a new tab.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Add a text or binary body. To do so, create an instance of a stream (either text or binary) and set the Body property of your MIME part equal to this stream. Use the standard stream interface to write data into this stream. Do not specify a value for the Parts property.

    • Add a list of MIME parts. To do so, create the MIME parts as described here and set the Parts property equal to a list of these parts. Do not specify a value for the Body property.

  3. Optionally set headers as described in Setting and Getting MIME Part Headers.

Setting and Getting MIME Part Headers

You can set values for and get values of the HTTP headers. The following properties of %Net.MIMEPartOpens in a new tab affect the MIME headers:

  • ContentType — The Internet media typeOpens in a new tab (MIME type) of the Content-Type header. This specifies the Internet media type of the Body data. For example: "text/plain", "text/html", "image/jpeg", "multipart/mixed" and so on.

  • ContentCharset — The charset part of the Content-Type header. If you set this, you must first set the ContentType property. For each MIME part that contains a text body, be sure to set the ContentCharset property appropriately to indicate the character set used in the body. This property should declare the character set that is already used, since %Net.MIMEPartOpens in a new tab does not perform any conversion.

  • ContentId — The normalized Content-ID header, without the angle brackets (<>) and any leading and trailing spaces.

  • ContentLocation — The normalized Content-Location header, without any leading and trailing spaces.

  • ContentTransferEncoding — The Content-Transfer-Encoding header. This property can be one of the following: "base64" "quoted-printable" "7bit" "8bit"

    There is no default value.


    Note that if the content is "base64" encoded, it cannot contain any Unicode characters. If the content you wish to send includes Unicode characters, then make sure to use $ZCONVERT to convert the content to UTF-8, and then base-64 encode it. For example:

     set BinaryText=$ZCONVERT(UnicodeText,"O","UTF8")
     set Base64Encoded=$system.Encryption.Base64Encode(BinaryText)

    The recipient must use the reverse process to decode the text:

     set BinaryText=$system.Encryption.Base64Decode(Base64Encoded)
     set UnicodeText=$ZCONVERT(BinaryText,"I","UTF8")

The %Net.MIMEPartOpens in a new tab class provides general methods that you can use to manage the MIME headers:

  • GetHeader() returns the value of a header.

  • NextHeader() gets the next header.

  • SetHeader() sets the value of a header. Typically you use this to set nonstandard headers.

  • RemoveHeader() removes a header.

For complete method signatures and other details, see the class documentation for %Net.MIMEPartOpens in a new tab.

Specifying an Optional Message Boundary Value

By default, message boundaries are generated automatically. You can specify the message boundary, if needed. To do so, specify a value for the Boundary property. Be sure to use a string that is extremely unlikely to be used in any of the message parts.

Writing MIME Messages

To write MIME messages, use %Net.MIMEWriterOpens in a new tab as follows:

  1. Create an instance of the %Net.MIMEWriterOpens in a new tab class.

  2. Optionally specify an output destination. To do so, use one of the following methods of your writer instance: OutputToDevice() (the default), OutputToFile(), or OutputToStream().

  3. Call methods of your writer to write output as needed:

    • Given a header name and value, WriteHeader() writes that header.

    • Given an instance of %Net.MIMEPartOpens in a new tab, WriteMIMEBody() writes the message body, which can have multiple parts.

      If the message is multipart, this method does not write any headers; it is your responsibility to write them. If the message is not multipart, however, the method does write the headers.

    • Given an instance of %Net.MIMEPartOpens in a new tab, WriteMIMEMessage() writes the MIME message, including all headers.

    For single-part messages, WriteMIMEBody() and WriteMIMEMessage() produce the same output.

For complete method signatures and other details, see the class documentation for %Net.MIMEPartOpens in a new tab.

Example: WriteMIMEMessage()

The following example demonstrates the use of WriteMIMEMessage():

ClassMethod WriteMIMEMessage(text As %String,header as %String) as %Status
 Set msg=##class(%Net.MIMEPart).%New()
 Set msg.Body=##class(%GlobalCharacterStream).%New()
 Do msg.Body.Write(text)
 //specify some headers
 Set msg.ContentType="text/html"
 Set msg.ContentCharset="us-ascii"
 Do msg.SetHeader("Custom-header",header)
 //create MIME writer; write MIME message
 Set writer=##class(%Net.MIMEWriter).%New()
 Set status=writer.WriteMIMEMessage(msg)
 If $$$ISERR(status) do $system.Status.DisplayError(status)
 Quit $$$OK

The following Terminal session shows this method in use:

GNET> Set text = "message text"
GNET> Set header="my header value"
GNET> Do ##class(GNET.MIME).WriteMIMEMessage(text,header)
CONTENT-TYPE: text/html
Custom-header: my header value
message text

Reading MIME Messages

To read MIME messages, use %Net.MIMEReaderOpens in a new tab, as follows:

  1. Create an instance of the %Net.MIMEReaderOpens in a new tab class.

  2. Specify the source of input. To do so, use one of the following methods of your reader instance: OpenFile() or OpenStream().

  3. Call the ReadMIMEMessage() method of your reader instance. This method returns an instance of %Net.MIMEPartOpens in a new tab by reference as the first argument. It returns a status, which you should check.

For complete method signatures and other details, see the class documentation for %Net.MIMEPartOpens in a new tab.

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