Analytics Cubes for InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator
This page describes the Business Intelligence cubes provided by InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator™. You can use these cubes in multiple ways, including:
To define KPIs
For simple exploration via the Business Intelligence tools provided within InterSystems IRIS®, such as the Business Intelligence Analyzer
To create pivot tables accessible via the Business Intelligence REST API
These cubes are available in the supply chain namespace. The cubes are available once you have loaded data into the supply chain tables, and the automated system tasks have built the analytics cubes.
Available Data
This section summarizes the data available in the analytics cubes.
Order Insights
Supply Chain Orchestrator provides data and tools needed for insights to all sales orders, including:
Order counts, total order revenue, mean/average revenue per order
Order fulfillment performance (on-time, in full, and so on)
By customers (region/country/company)
By product (category/family/brand/product)
By time (year/month/day)
By status
Similarly, for supply/purchase orders:
Order counts, total order revenue, mean/average revenue per order
Supplier performance
By supplier (region/country/company)
By product (category/family/brand/product)
By time (year/month/day)
By status
Shipment Insights
Supply Chain Orchestrator also provides the following information for shipments, both inbound and outbound:
Shipment count, shipment value
ETA and related status for in transit shipments
Performance for delivered shipments
By customer/supplier
By carrier, transportation mode, route, and so on
By origin, destination
By time (year/month/day)
Inventory Insights
Supply Chain Orchestrator also provides the following insights for inventories:
Stock levels: stock out, approaching stock out, excess inventory
Plan versus actual
By product (category/brand/etc.)
By location
Available Cubes
Supply Chain Orchestrator provides the following cubes:
SalesOrder cube. This cube is the primary source for sales order related information.
Measures: order count, total revenue, average order value, mean order value
Dimensions: customer (country -> name), sales region, order status, order placed date (year->month->day), ship status, delivery status.
SalesOrderLine cube. This cube supplements the SalesOrder cube, mainly to address any aspects related to product, such as revenue by product
Measures: total count, total value, total units
Dimensions: product category (category -> product), product brand (brand->product), ship status, delivery status
SalesShipment cube. This cube provides insights to sales order shipments.
PurchaseOrder cube. The source for purchase or supply order information.
PurchaseOrderLine cube. This cube supplements the PurchaseOrder cube, mainly to address any aspects related to product, such as cost or quantity by product.
SupplyShipment cube. Cube for supply shipment information.
Inventory cube. Cube for inventory related information.
Getting Started with the Cubes
Once you have loaded data into the supply chain tables, and the automated system tasks have built the analytics cubes, you can use the Analyzer to see the data. Consult Getting Familiar with a Subject Area to help you get acquainted with the cubes.
See Also
Introduction to Business Intelligence (generic)
Introduction to the Analyzer (generic)
Getting Familiar with a Subject Area (generic)