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JDBC Driver Support

The InterSystems IRIS® JDBC Driver is a fully compliant type 4 implementation of the JDBC 4.2 standard. This section lists all classes and interfaces of the JDBC 4.2 API, indicates the level of support for each one, and describes all InterSystems-specific features. The following topics are discussed:

Connecting Your Application to InterSystems IRISOpens in a new tab provides instructions, including sample code, for connecting to an InterSystems IRIS server from a Java application using JDBC.

JDBC and the InterSystems JDBC Driver

The Java JDBC API is the industry standard for vendor-neutral database connectivity. It provides a reliable way for Java applications to connect to data sources on any supported platform and to query or perform operations on them with SQL.

InterSystems JDBC is implemented in a type 4 driver to deliver the highest possible performance. Type 4 means that it is a direct-to-database pure Java driver, installed inside the client JVM and requiring no external software support. It is fully compliant with the JDBC 4.2 API specification, supporting all required interfaces and adhering to all JDBC 4.2 guidelines and requirements. InterSystems IRIS supports all features except SQL Exception handling enhancements, National Character Set conversions, and the XML data type.

See Using Java with InterSystems Software for a full description of API features and usage. That book also provides an overview of all InterSystems IRIS Java technologies enabled by the JDBC driver (see “InterSystems Java Connectivity Options”).

Installation and Configuration

The InterSystems JDBC driver is included in the standard InterSystems IRIS installation package. No extra installation or setup procedures are required. See “Client-Server Configuration” in Using Java with InterSystems Software for information on client requirements and usage.

For more information about how to make a connection between InterSystems IRIS and an application using the JDBC driver, see “Connecting Your Application to InterSystems IRISOpens in a new tab.”

If you want to use the JDBC driver on a system that does not have InterSystems IRIS installed, you can download the driver package from the InterSystems IRIS Drivers pageOpens in a new tab on GitHub.

JDBC Driver Compliance

This section provides information on the level of support for each JDBC interface.

Required java.sql Interfaces

The following interfaces must be implemented. Some classes contain methods that are optional if the implementation depends on a feature that the database does not support. The standard implementation annotation indicates that the generic implementation of the class has been used without alteration:

Optional java.sql Interfaces

All optional java.sql interfaces are listed below. Italicized items are not implemented:

  • java.sql.Array

  • java.sql.Blob — all methods fully supported.

  • java.sql.Clob — all methods fully supported.

  • java.sql.NClob — all methods fully supported.

  • java.sql.Ref

  • java.sql.RowId — all methods fully supported.

  • java.sql.Savepoint — all methods fully supported.

  • java.sql.SQLData

  • java.sql.SQLInput

  • java.sql.SQLOutput

  • java.sql.SQLXML

  • java.sql.Struct

java.sql Exceptions

The InterSystems JDBC driver throws only the following exceptions:

  • java.sql.BatchUpdateException

  • java.sql.SQLException

  • java.sql.SQLWarning

The following exceptions are listed here for completeness, but are not required and are never used:

  • DataTruncation

  • SQLClientInfoException

  • SQLDataException

  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException

  • SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException

  • SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException

  • SQLNonTransientConnectionException

  • SQLNonTransientException

  • SQLRecoverableException

  • SQLSyntaxErrorException

  • SQLTimeoutException

  • SQLTransactionRollbackException

  • SQLTransientConnectionException

  • SQLTransientException

Required javax.sql Interfaces

The following required interfaces are supported. The standard implementation annotation indicates that the generic implementation of the class has been used without alteration:

  • javax.sql.ConnectionEventstandard implementation.

  • javax.sql.DataSource — implemented with enhancements and additional methods (see “DataSource Extensions and Enhancements” for details).

  • javax.sql.RowSetEventstandard implementation.

  • javax.sql.StatementEventstandard implementation.

Optional javax.sql Interfaces

All optional javax.sql interfaces are listed below. Italicized items are not implemented:

  • javax.sql.CommonDataSource — not implemented. Use javax.sql.DataSource instead (see “DataSource Extensions and Enhancements” for related information).

  • javax.sql.ConnectionEventListener — all methods fully supported.

  • javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource — implemented with variants and additional methods (see “ConnectionPoolDataSource Extensions and Enhancements” for details).

  • javax.sql.PooledConnection — all methods fully supported.

  • javax.sql.Rowset

  • javax.sql.RowSetInternal

  • javax.sql.RowSetListener

  • javax.sql.RowSetMetaData

  • javax.sql.RowSetReader

  • javax.sql.RowSetWriter

  • javax.sql.StatementEventListener

  • javax.sql.XAConnection

  • javax.sql.XADataSource

Variants and Unsupported Optional Methods

The following interfaces have optional methods that the InterSystems JDBC driver does not support, or methods implemented in a non-standard manner:

CallableStatement: Unsupported Methods

Unsupported Optional Methods

java.sql.CallableStatement does not support the following optional methods:

  • getArray()

    Array getArray(int i)
    Array getArray(String parameterName)
  • getObject()

    Object getObject(int i, java.util.Map map)
    Object getObject(String parameterName, java.util.Map map)
  • getRef()

    Ref getRef(int i)
    Ref getRef(String parameterName)
  • getRowId() and setRowId()

    java.sql.RowId getRowId(int i)
    java.sql.RowId getRowId(String parameterName)
    void setRowId(String parameterName, java.sql.RowId x)
  • getURL() and setURL() getURL(int i) getURL(String parameterName)
    void setURL(String parameterName, val)
  • getSQLXML() and setSQLXML()

    java.sql.SQLXML getSQLXML(int parameterIndex)
    java.sql.SQLXML getSQLXML(String parameterName)
    void setSQLXML(String parameterName, java.sql.SQLXML xmlObject)

The java.sql.CallableStatement class also has one InterSystems extension method, which is discussed elsewhere (see “CallableStatement getBinaryStream() Extension Method”).

Connection: Unsupported or Restricted Methods

Unsupported Optional Methods

The InterSystems implementation of java.sql.Connection does not support the following optional methods:

  • abort()

    void abort(Executor executor)
  • createArrayOf()

    java.sql.Array createArrayOf(String typeName, Object[] elements)
  • createBlob()

    Blob createBlob()
  • createClob()

    Clob createClob()
  • createNClob()

    java.sql.NClob createNClob()
  • createSQLXML()

    java.sql.SQLXML createSQLXML()
  • createStruct()

    java.sql.Struct createStruct(String typeName, Object[] attributes)
  • getTypeMap()

    java.util.Map getTypeMap()
  • setTypeMap()

    void setTypeMap(java.util.Map map)
Optional Methods with Restrictions

The following optional java.sql.Connection methods are implemented with restrictions or limitations:

  • prepareCall()

    Only TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY is supported for resultSetType. Only CONCUR_READ_ONLY is supported for resultSetConcurrency.

    java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency)
  • setReadOnly()

    A no-op (the InterSystems IRIS driver does not support READ_ONLY mode)

    void setReadOnly(Boolean readOnly)
  • setCatalog()

    A no-op (the InterSystems IRIS driver does not support catalogs)

    void setCatalog(String catalog)
  • setTransactionIsolation()


    void setTransactionIsolation(int level)

The following java.sql.Connection methods do not support CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT for resultSetHoldability:

  • createStatement()

    java.sql.Statement createStatement(int resultSetType, int result, int resultSetHoldability)
  • prepareCall()

    java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql,
                                           int resultSetType,
                                           int resultSetConcurrency,
                                           int resultSetHoldability)
  • prepareStatement()

    java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql,
                                           int resultSetType,
                                           int resultSetConcurrency,
                                           int resultSetHoldability)

InterSystems IRIS currently supports only zero or one Auto Generated Keys. An exception is thrown if the java.sql.Connection methods below provide columnIndexes or columnNames arrays whose lengths are not equal to one.

  • prepareStatement()

    java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes)
    java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, String[] columnNames)

DatabaseMetaData: Variant Methods

Variant Methods

java.sql.DatabaseMetaData is fully supported, but has methods that vary from the JDBC standard due to InterSystems-specific handling of their return values. The following methods are affected:

  • supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers()

    InterSystems IRIS returns false, which is not JDBC compliant.

    boolean supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers()
  • getIdentifierQuoteString()

    If delimited id support is turned on, InterSystems IRIS returns " (double quote character), which is what a JDBC compliant driver should return; otherwise InterSystems IRIS returns a space.

    String getIdentifierQuoteString()

Driver: Unsupported Methods

Unsupported Optional Method

java.sql.Driver does not support the following optional method:

  • getParentLogger()

    void getParentLogger()

PreparedStatement: Unsupported Methods

Unsupported Optional Methods

java.sql.PreparedStatement does not support the following optional methods:

  • setArray()

    void setArray(int i, Array x)
  • setRef()

    void setRef(int i, Ref x)
  • setRowId()

    void setRowId(int parameterIndex, RowId x)
  • setSQLXML()

    void setSQLXML(int parameterIndex, SQLXML xmlObject)
  • setUnicodeStream()

    Deprecated in Java JDK specification.

    void setUnicodeStream(int i, InputStream x, int length)
  • setURL()

    void setURL(int i, x)

ResultSet: Unsupported or Restricted Methods

Optional Method with Restrictions

InterSystems IRIS does not support TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE result set types. The following method is implemented with restrictions:

  • setFetchDirection()

    Does not support ResultSet.FETCH_REVERSE (instead, use afterLast to move the result set's cursor to after the last row, and use previous to scroll backwards).

    void setFetchDirection(int direction)
Unsupported Optional Methods

java.sql.ResultSet does not support the following optional methods:

  • getArray()

    Array getArray(int i)
    Array getArray(String colName)
  • getCursorName()

    String getCursorName()
  • getObject()

    Object getObject(int i, java.util.Map map)
    Object getObject(String colName, java.util.Map map)
  • getRef()

    Ref getRef(int i)
    Ref getRef(String colName)
  • getHoldability()

    int getHoldability()
  • getUnicodeStream()

    Deprecated in Java JDK specification. getUnicodeStream(int i) getUnicodeStream(String colName)
  • getURL() getURL(int i) getURL(String colName)
  • updateArray()

    void updateArray(int i, Array x)
    void updateArray(String colName, Array x)
  • updateRef()

    void updateRef(int i, Ref x)
    void updateRef(String colName, Ref x)

Statement: Unsupported or Restricted Methods

Unsupported Optional Methods

java.sql.Statement does not support the following optional methods:

  • cancel()

    void cancel()
  • closeOnCompletion()

    void closeOnCompletion()
  • isCloseOnCompletion()

    boolean isCloseOnCompletion()
Optional Methods with Restrictions

The following optional java.sql.Statement methods are implemented with restrictions or limitations:

  • getResultSetHoldability()


    int getResultSetHoldability()
  • setCursorName()

    A no-op.

    void setCursorName(String name)
  • setEscapeProcessing()

    A no-op (does not apply)

    void setEscapeProcessing(Boolean enable)
  • setFetchDirection()

    Does not support ResultSet.FETCH_REVERSE (instead, use afterLast to move the result set's cursor to after the last row, and use previous to scroll backwards).

    void setFetchDirection(int direction)

InterSystems IRIS currently supports only zero or one auto-generated key. An exception is thrown if the java.sql.Statement methods below provide columnIndexes or columnNames arrays whose lengths are not equal to one:

  • execute()

    boolean execute(String sql, int[] columnIndexes)
    boolean execute(String sql, String[] columnNames)
  • executeUpdate()

    int executeUpdate(String sql, int[] columnIndexes)
    int executeUpdate(String sql, String[] columnNames)

InterSystems Enhancements and Extensions

The following classes provide additional InterSystems-specific extension methods:

CallableStatement getBinaryStream() Extension Method

java.sql.CallableStatement implements the following additional InterSystems-specific extension method:

  • getBinaryStream()

    Retrieves the value of the designated parameter (where i is the index of the parameter) as a object. getBinaryStream(int i)

    This method is a complement to the standard setBinaryStream() method, and an alternative to getCharacterStream() (which returns

ConnectionPoolDataSource Extensions and Enhancements

The com.intersystems.jdbc.IRISConnectionPoolDataSource class fully implements the javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource interface. This class does not inherit the methods of javax.sql.CommonDataSource, which is not supported by the InterSystems JDBC driver.

Restricted Method

getPooledConnection() is implemented because it is required by the JDBC standard, but the InterSystems IRIS implementation should never be called directly. InterSystems IRIS driver connections must always be obtained by calling the getConnection() method. (See “Using a Connection Pool” in Using Java with InterSystems Software for more information).

  • getPooledConnection()

    javax.sql.PooledConnection getPooledConnection()
    javax.sql.PooledConnection getPooledConnection(String usr,String pwd)

Calling applications should never use the getPooledConnection() methods or the PooledConnection class. InterSystems IRIS driver connections must always be obtained by calling the getConnection() method (which is inherited from IRISDataSource). The InterSystems IRIS driver provides pooling transparently through the java.sql.Connection object that it returns.

IRISConnectionPoolDataSource inherits from IRISDataSource (see “DataSource Extensions and Enhancements”), which provides additional InterSystems extension methods.

ConnectionPoolDataSource Extension Methods

IRISConnectionPoolDataSource also supports the following additional InterSystems IRIS-only management methods (see “Using a Connection Pool” in Using Java with InterSystems Software for more information):

  • restartConnectionPool()

    Restarts a connection pool. Closes all physical connections, and empties the connection pool.

    void restartConnectionPool()
  • getPoolCount()

    Returns the current number of entries in the connection pool.

    int getPoolCount()
  • setMaxPoolSize()

    Sets a maximum connection pool size. If the maximum size is not set, it defaults to 40.

    void setMaxPoolSize(int max)
  • getMaxPoolSize()

    Returns the current maximum connection pool size

    int getMaxPoolSize()

DataSource Extensions and Enhancements

The com.intersystems.jdbc.IRISDataSource class fully implements the javax.sql.DataSource interface. This class does not inherit the methods of javax.sql.CommonDataSource, which is not supported by the InterSystems JDBC driver.

Enhanced Required Method

The InterSystems IRIS implementation of this method is enhanced to provide automatic, transparent connection pooling. (See “Using a Connection Pool” in Using Java with InterSystems Software for more information).

  • getConnection()

    java.sql.Connection getConnection()
    java.sql.Connection getConnection(String usr,String pwd)

DataSource Extension Methods

In addition to the methods defined by the interface, IRISDataSource also implements the following methods that can be used to get or set DataSource properties supported by InterSystems IRIS. (See “Setting Connection Properties” in Using Java with InterSystems Software for more information).

  • getConnectionSecurityLevel()

    Returns an int representing the current Connection Security Level setting.

    int getConnectionSecurityLevel()
  • getDatabaseName()

    Returns a String representing the current database (InterSystems IRIS namespace) name.

    String getDatabaseName()
  • getDataSourceName()

    Returns a String representing the current data source name.

    String getDataSourceName()
  • getDefaultTransactionIsolation()

    Gets the current default transaction isolation.

    int getDefaultTransactionIsolation()
  • getDescription()

    Returns a String representing the current description.

    String getDescription()
  • getEventClass()

    Returns a String representing an Event Class object.

    String getEventClass()
  • getKeyRecoveryPassword()

    Returns a String representing the current Key Recovery Password setting.

  • getNodelay()

    Returns a boolean representing a current TCP_NODELAY option setting.

    boolean getNodelay()
  • getPassword()

    Returns a String representing the current password.

    String getPassword()
  • getPortNumber()

    Returns an int representing the current port number.

    int getPortNumber()
  • getServerName()

    Returns a String representing the current server name.

    String getServerName()
  • getServicePrincipalName()

    Returns a String representing the current Service Principal Name setting.

    String getServicePrincipalName()
  • getSSLConfigurationName()

    Returns a String representing the current TLS Configuration Name setting.

  • getURL()

    Returns a String representing a current URL for this connection.

    String getURL()
  • getUser()

    Returns a String representing the current username.

    String getUser()
  • setConnectionSecurityLevel()

    Sets the connection security level

    Sets the Connection Security Level for this DataSource object. 
  • setDatabaseName()

    Sets the database name (InterSystems IRIS namespace) for this connection.

    void setDatabaseName(String dn)
  • setDataSourceName()

    Sets the data source name for this connection. DataSourceName is an optional setting and is not used by IRISDataSource to connect.

    void setDataSourceName(String dsn)
  • setDefaultTransactionIsolation()

    Sets the default transaction isolation level.

    void setDefaultTransactionIsolation(int level)
  • setDescription()

    Sets the description for this connection. Description is an optional setting and is not used by IRISDataSource to connect.

    void setDescription(String d)
  • setEventClass()

    Sets the Event Class for this connection. The Event Class is a mechanism specific to InterSystems IRIS JDBC. It is completely optional, and the vast majority of applications will not need this feature.

    The InterSystems JDBC server will dispatch to methods implemented in a class when a transaction is about to be committed and when a transaction is about to be rolled back. The class in which these methods are implemented is referred to as the “event class.” If an event class is specified during login, then the JDBC server will dispatch to %OnTranCommit just prior to committing the current transaction and will dispatch to %OnTranRollback just prior to rolling back (aborting) the current transaction. User event classes should extend %ServerEvent. The methods do not return any values and cannot abort the current transaction.

    void setEventClass(String e)
  • setKeyRecoveryPassword()

    Sets the Key Recovery Password for this connection.

    setKeyRecoveryPassword(java.lang.String password) 
  • setLogFile()

    Unconditionally sets the log file name for this connection.

    setLogFile(java.lang.String logFile)
  • setNodelay()

    Sets the TCP_NODELAY option for this connection. Toggling this flag can affect the performance of the application. If not set, it defaults to true.

    void setNodelay(boolean nd)
  • setPassword()

    Sets the password for this connection.

    void setPassword(String p)
  • setPortNumber()

    Sets the port number for this connection

    void setPortNumber(int pn)
  • setServerName()

    Sets the server name for this connection.

    void setServerName(String sn)
  • setServicePrincipalName()

    Sets the Service Principal Name for this connection.

    void setServicePrincipalName(String name)
  • setSSLConfigurationName()

    Sets the TLS Configuration Name for this connection.

    setSSLConfigurationName(java.lang.String name)
  • setURL()

    Sets the URL for this connection.

    void setURL(String u)
  • setUser()

    Sets the username for this connection.

    void setUser(String u)
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