Business Intelligence REST API
This reference section provides information on the REST services for InterSystems IRIS® data platform Business Intelligence. These services are provided by the class %DeepSee.REST.v3Opens in a new tab. See Using the Business Intelligence REST API.
- /Command/Action/:cube/:action – Executes the specified KPI action defined by the action class for the given cube.
- /Command/BuildAllRegisteredGroups – Builds all cubes registered in the current cube registry.
- /Command/BuildCube – Builds the target cube, and records and reports build event information.
- /Command/BuildOneRegisteredGroup – Builds all cubes in a registered cube group in the order in which they are listed and returns statistics on the build process.
- /Command/BuildRegistryMap – Builds a map of the current state of the Cube Registry and all unregistered cubes on the system.
- /Command/GetActiveRegistry – Builds all cubes in a registered cube group in the order in which they are listed and returns statistics on the build process.
- /Command/GetCubeSize – Given the name of a cube, returns the number of rows in its fact table.
- /Command/GetLastUpdate – Retrieves the timestamp of the last registered data update for the cube. Updates performed outside of the Cube Manager will not be recognized in this check.
- /Command/getSynchScheduleParameters – A convenience method that retrieves and displays the parameters of %SYS.Task.DeepSeeSynchronize.
- /Command/IsValidCubeSchedule – Performs validation on current cube settings.
- /Command/IsValidGroup – Tests if the group specified is equivalent to the union of the natural groups of its members; returns 1 if true.
- /Command/RepairBuild – Performs an unscheduled repair build of a registered cube.
- /Command/SetActiveRegistry – Changes which cube registry is currently active.
- /Command/SynchronizeCube – A wrapper for %DeepSee.Utils.%SynchronizeCube which records cube event information when building the cube.
- /Command/WriteToRegistry – Traverses a CubeManager.RegistryMap object and registers all the cubes.
- /Data/Favorites/:folderItem – Deletes or updates a favorite for the current user.
- /Data/GetDSTIME – Retrieves the last ^OBJ.DSTIME timestamp that the server processed for a given cube.
- /Data/GetDashboard/:dashboardName – Retrieves the definition of the given dashboard.
- /Data/GetPivot/:pivotName – Retrieves the definition of the given pivot table.
- /Data/GetTermList/:termList – Retrieves the definition of the given term list table.
- /Data/KPIDrillthrough – Executes a detail listing using a compiled KPI class.
- /Data/KPIExecute – Executes the query defined by a KPI.
- /Data/MDXCancelQuery/:queryID – Cancels a previously started query, given the ID of the query.
- /Data/MDXDrillthrough – Executes a detail listing.
- /Data/MDXExecute – Executes an MDX query and obtains the results.
- /Data/MDXUpdateResults/:queryID – Retrieves updated results for a given query that was previously incomplete.
- /Data/PivotExecute – Executes the MDX query defined by a pivot table and obtains the results.
- /Data/TestConnection – Tests the connection to the server.
- /Info/Config/:application – Gets or sets custom configuration information for the current user, for the given application.
- /Info/Cubes – Returns information about the cubes and subject areas available in the InterSystems IRIS® data platform namespace that you access via this REST call.
- /Info/Dashboards – Returns information about the dashboards available in the InterSystems IRIS namespace that you access via this REST call.
- /Info/DataSources/:sourceType – Returns information about the specified type of BI data sources in the InterSystems IRIS namespace that you access via this REST call.
- /Info/Favorites – Returns information about favorites for the current user.
- /Info/FilterMembers/:datasource/:filterSpec – Returns information about the members of the given filter, as defined by the given data source (which is either a cube or a KPI).
- /Info/Filters/:datasource – Returns information about the filters available for the given data source (which is either a cube or a KPI).
- /Info/KPIs – Returns information about the KPIs available in the InterSystems IRIS namespace that you access via this REST call.
- /Info/ListingFields/:cube – Returns information about the <listingField> elements available in the InterSystems IRIS namespace that you access via this REST call.
- /Info/Listings/:cube – Returns information about the detail listings available for the given cube.
- /Info/Measures/:cube – Returns information about the measures available to the given cube.
- /Info/Metrics – Returns information about the business metrics in the InterSystems IRIS namespace that you access via this REST call.
- /Info/NamedFilters/:cube – Returns information about the named filters available to the given cube.
- /Info/Pivots – Returns information about the pivot tables available in the InterSystems IRIS namespace that you access via this REST call.
- /Info/PivotVariableDetails/:cube/:variable – Returns detailed information about the given pivot variable.
- /Info/PivotVariables/:cube – Returns information about the pivot variables available to the given cube.
- /Info/QualityMeasures/:cube – Returns information about the quality measures available to the given cube.
- /Info/TermLists – Returns information about all the term lists.
- /Info/TestConnection – Tests the connection to the server.