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Introduction to SQL Adapters

Using an interoperability production to work with data from an external relational data source is possible by executing an SQL query or procedure from within the production. The easiest way to execute the query or procedure is to add a pre-built business service or business operation to your production. These business services and business operations allow your production to communicate with JDBC- or ODBC-compliant databases using built-in SQL adapters. No custom coding is required. However, you also have the option of building a custom business service or business operation that uses these adapters to access the external data source.


When using the SQL adapters, you should be aware of the particular limitations (syntactical or otherwise) of the database to which you are connecting, as well as the database driver that you use to do so.


The SQL adapters used by business services and business operations are clients and perform authentication by passing calls that include the username and password; they do not use authentication from the operating system.

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