UNIX®, Linux, and macOS Attended Installation
This page details the initial steps for attended installations on UNIX®, Linux, and macOS.
Make sure you have completed the following before performing the steps on this page:
Step 1: Log in as root
Log in as user ID root.
It is acceptable to su (superuser) to root while logged in from another account.
If root is unavailable, you can perform a non-standard, limited InterSystems IRIS installation as a nonroot user. See Installing InterSystems IRIS as a Nonroot User before continuing.
Step 2: Run irisinstall
Start the installation by running the irisinstall script, located at the top level of the installation files:
# /<install-files-dir>/irisinstall
<install-files-dir> is the location of the installation kit, typically the directory to which you extracted the kit.
Step 3: System Type
The installation script will attempt to automatically detect your system type and validate against the installation type on the distribution media.
If your system supports more than one type (for example, 32–bit and 64–bit) or if the install script cannot identify your system type, you are prompted with additional questions.
You may be asked for the “platform name” in the format of the string at the end of the installer kit name.
If your system type does not match that on the distribution media, the installation stops.
Contact the InterSystems Worldwide Response Center (WRC)Opens in a new tab for help in obtaining the correct distribution.
Step 4: Begin Installation
The script displays a list of any existing InterSystems IRIS instances on the host.
At the Enter instance name: prompt, enter an instance name.
Use only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes.
If an instance with this name already exists, the program asks if you wish to upgrade it.
Note:If you select an existing instance that is of the same InterSystems IRIS version as the installation kit, the installation is considered an upgrade, and you can use the Custom selection, described in the following step, to modify the installed client components and certain settings.
The InterSystems IRIS registry directory, /usr/local/etc/irissys, is always created along with the InterSystems IRIS installation directory.
If no such instance exists, it asks if you wish to create it and asks you to specify its installation directory.
If the directory you specify does not exist, it asks if you want to create it. The default answer to each of these questions is Yes.
Review Installation Directory for important information about choosing an installation directory.
Step 5: Choose Installation Type
Select the Development type from the choices:
Select installation type. 1) Development - Install IRIS server and all language bindings 2) Server only - Install IRIS server 3) Custom - Choose components to install Setup type <1>?
Continue reading the documentation for a Development setup type.
Choose any setup type. Review Choosing a Setup Type for details on the different setup types.
Continue reading the documentation for the setup type you choose:
If the CSP Gateway is already installed on your system when you install the Web Gateway, the installer automatically upgrades the CSP Gateway to the Web Gateway. For details, see Preexisting CSP Gateway.