Creating Data Transformations
This topic describes generally how to create and edit data transformations.
Other topics describe the syntax to use in data transformations, details for assign actions, and details for other kinds of actions.
You can also visit Online Learning to try Creating a Data TranformationOpens in a new tab yourself.
After a period of inactivity, the InterSystems Management Portal may log you out and discard any unsaved changes. Inactivity is the time between calls to the InterSystems IRIS server. Not all actions constitute a call to the server. For example, clicking Save constitutes a call to the server, but typing in a text field does not. Consequently, if you are editing a data transformation, but have not clicked Save for longer than Session Timeout threshold, your session will expire and your unsaved changes will be discarded. After a logout, the login page appears or the current page is refreshed. For more information, see Automatic Logout Behavior in the Management Portal.
Creating a Transformation
To create a transformation:
Click New.
If you are currently viewing a transformation and you have made changes but have not yet saved them, InterSystems IRIS® prompts you to confirm that you want to proceed (which will discard those changes).
InterSystems IRIS then displays a dialog box where you can specify the basic information for the transformation.
Specify some or all of the following information:
Package (required)—Enter a package name or click the arrow to select a package in the current namespace.
Do not use a reserved package name; see Reserved Package Names.
Name (required)—Enter a name for your data transformation class.
Description—Enter an description for the data transformation; this becomes the class description.
Source Type and Source Class—Specifies the type of messages that this transformation will receive as input.
Choose one of the following:
All Messages—This transformation can be used with any input message type.
X12—The input messages are instances of EnsLib.EDI.X12.DocumentOpens in a new tab.
EDIFACT—The input messages are instances of EnsLib.EDI.EDIFACT.DocumentOpens in a new tab.
XML—The input messages are instances of EnsLib.EDI.XML.DocumentOpens in a new tab.
Or click the search icon for Source Class and then select the class.
Source Document Type (applicable only if the messages are virtual documents)—Enter or choose the document type of the source messages. You can choose any type defined in the applicable schemas loaded into this namespace.
Target Type and Target Class—Specifies the type of messages that this transformation will generate as output. See the choices for Source Type and Source Class.
Target Document Type (applicable only if the messages are virtual documents)—Enter or choose the document type of the target messages. You can choose any type defined in the applicable schemas loaded into this namespace.
Apart from Package and Name, you can edit all these details later.
Specify details on the Transform tab. See Specifying Transformation Details.
Opening an Existing Transformation
To open a transformation:
Click Open.
If you are currently viewing a transformation and you have made changes but have not yet saved them, InterSystems IRIS prompts you to confirm that you want to proceed (which will discard those changes).
Click the package that contains the transformation.
Then click the subpackage as needed.
Click the transformation class.
Click OK.
Specifying Transformation Details
For a transformation, the Transform tab displays details that apply to the transformation as a whole. You may or may not have already specified some of these details. Other details can be edited only here. These details are as follows:
Name (read-only)—Complete package and class name of the data transformation class.
Create—Specifies how the transformation should create the target message. Choose one of the following:
new—Create a new object of the target class (and type, if applicable), before executing the elements within the data transformation. This is the default.
copy—Create a copy of the source object to use as the target object, before executing the elements within the transform.
existing—Use an existing object, provided by the caller of the data transformation, as the target object. See the following subsection.
Source Class—Specifies the type of messages that this transformation will receive as input. For details, see Creating a Transformation.
Source Document Type (applicable only if the messages are virtual documents)—Specifies the document type of the source messages.
Target Class—Specifies the type of messages that this transformation will generate as output. For details, see Creating a Transformation.
Target Document Type (applicable only if the messages are virtual documents)—Specifies the document type of the target messages.
Language—Specifies the language you will use in any expressions in this DTL. This should be objectscript.
Report Errors—Specifies whether InterSystems IRIS should log any errors that it encounters when executing this transform. If you select this option, InterSystems IRIS logs the errors as Warnings in the Event Log. InterSystems IRIS also returns a composite status code containing all errors as its return value. This option is selected by default.
Ignore missing source segments and properties—Specifies whether to ignore errors caused by attempts to get field values out of absent source segments of virtual documents or properties of objects. If you select this option, InterSystems IRIS suppresses these errors and does not call subtransforms where the named source is absent. This option is selected by default.
You can precisely control the behavior by including tests and conditional logic branches to confirm that any required elements are present.
Treat empty repeating fields as null—Specifies whether InterSystems IRIS skips the following actions for repeating fields when the fields are empty:
foreach actions—If you select this option, InterSystems IRIS does not execute foreach actions on repeating fields that are empty.
assign actions—If you select this option, InterSystems IRIS does not execute assign actions on repeating fields if you use shortcut notation to indicate that both the source and target fields are repeating fields, and the source field is empty. For example, if the source.{PV1:AdmittingDoctor()} field is empty and you select this option, then InterSystems IRIS does not execute the following action:
<assign value='source.{PV1:AdmittingDoctor()}' property='target.{PV1:AdmittingDoctor()}' action='set'.
However, InterSystems IRIS does execute the following similar action since the target field is not a repeating field:
<assign value='source.{PV1:AdmittingDoctor()}' property='target.{PV1:AdmittingDoctor(1)}' action='set' />
This option is cleared by default.
Allow empty segments in target—If you select this option, the transform will create empty segments in the target message in the case where the source is missing segments used in the transform. If this option is not selected, target message does not contain the missing segments at all.
Description—Description of the data transformation.
Using the Create existing Option
For Create, the existing option enables you to specify the target as an existing object, which results in a performance improvement. This option applies when you invoke a series of transformations programmatically (or perform other sequential processing). You would use this option in cases like the following scenario:
You have three transformations that you want to perform in sequence:
MyApp.ADTTransform—Uses the new option for Create.
MyApp.MRNTransform—Uses the existing option for Create.
MyApp.LabXTransform—Uses the existing option for Create.
You invoke the transforms as follows:
do MyApp.ADTTransform.Transform(message,.target) do MyApp.MRNTransform(target,.newtarget) do MyApp.LabXTransform(newtarget,.outmessage)
Editing Transformation Actions
This section describes generally how to add and edit the actions in a transformation. It includes the following subsections:
Other topics describe the syntax to use in data transformations, details for assign actions, and details for other kinds of actions.
Adding an Action
To add an action, you can always do the following:
Optionally click a source or target property, depending on the kind of action you want to add.
Select an action from the Add Action drop-down list in the ribbon bar.
Edit the details for this action on the Action tab.
If applicable, the property that you selected is shown in the Property field, for use as a starting point. Optionally, you can disable the action with the Disabled check box. If you disable a foreach or if action, all actions within the block are also disabled.
Other techniques are possible for assign actions, as discussed in Adding Assign Actions.
Editing an Action
To edit an action, first select it. To do so:
Click the corresponding row in the table below the diagram.
If the diagram displays the action, click the icon on the corresponding connector line, in the center divider.
When you click on an item, it changes color, the connector line turns bold, and the source and target properties are highlighted in color. This means the connector is selected, as shown in the following figure.
Now edit the values on the Action tab. Optionally, you can disable the action with the Disabled check box. If you disable a foreach or if action, all actions within the block are also disabled.
If you double-click a property in the diagram, InterSystems IRIS updates the currently selected action, if applicable. If you double-click a field in the source, then the editor interprets it as your wanting to set the value for the selected action. Similarly, if you double-click a target field, the editor interprets it as your wanting to set the target for the selected action.
Rearranging Actions
InterSystems IRIS executes the actions in the order they are listed in the table below the diagram.
To rearrange actions, you must use the table below the DTL diagram, as follows:
Click the row corresponding to that action.
Click one of the following icons in that row, as needed:
Tool Description Move the selected action up one position. If the action is the first action in a group, for example a for each or if block, then this moves the action up and out of the group. Move the selected action down one position. If the action is the last action in a group, then this moves the action just after the group. For example, if the action is the last action in an if block, the action is moved right after the block. If the action is the last action in an if block just before the else, then this moves the action into the first position in the else block. Move the selected action out of the current group, for example a for each or if block. This moves the action out of the current group to the position immediately before the group. Move the selected action into the next group of actions, for example, a for each or if block. Remove all the actions of the data transformation. Remove the action in this row.
Working with Groups of Actions
You can gather actions into a display group by using the group action. Grouping actions helps organize them in the table below the diagram. The description that you define on the Action tab appears in the list to help you identify a group.

To move an action in or out of a group, select the action in the list and click (move into group) or
(move out of group). To make the list more readable, you can collapse or expand groups as you review the list. To collapse a group and hide the actions it contains, click
next to the action name. To expand a group, click
. You can also collapse and expand all groups at once using the
buttons in the table’s Actions bar.

You can also expand and collapse blocks of actions created by if , for each , switch , and case actions.
Undoing a Change
To undo the previous change, click the Undo button .
Saving a Transformation
To save a transformation, do one of the following:
Click Save.
Click Save As. Then specify a new package, class name, and description and click OK.
Click Compile. This option saves the transformation and then compiles it.
Compiling a Transformation
To compile a transformation, click Compile. This option saves the transformation and then compiles it.
Building DTLs During a Migration
If you intend to migrate to InterSystems IRIS for Health from other vendors, and you have a body of existing source and target messages, you can streamline the process of creating the necessary DTLs:
You can automatically generate a starting DTL that performs the simpler transformations.
You can compare the target messages output from the generated DTL to the original target messages, quickly identifying message segments that require attention.
To build a post-migration DTL using an existing body of source messages and target messages, follow the instructions at DTL Generator.
Deleting a Transformation
To delete a transformation, you must use a different page, the Interoperability > List > Data Transformations page.
To delete a transformation:
Click the row that displays its name.
Click the Delete button.
Click OK to confirm this action.