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Registering a PEX Component

Once you have used an external language to create the remote class of your PEX component, you need to register the class using the Management Portal. This registration defines critical information about the PEX component like the external language server that connects the remote class and the name of the ObjectScript proxy class that is created for the component. The registration process is the same regardless of whether the PEX component is an adapter or business host.


The external language server that connects your remote class must be fully operational before registering the PEX component. If you are using Java, you need to add a utility jar file to the server’s classpath. For details about this jar file, see Connecting with External Language Servers.

To register a PEX component:

  1. Open the Management Portal and navigate to Interoperability > Configure > Production EXtensions Components.

  2. Select Register New Component.

  3. Use the Remote Classname field to specify the class written in the external language, including its package.

  4. If desired, use the Proxy Name field to specify a custom name for the ObjectScript proxy class that is created for the PEX component. The default is the name of the remote class.

  5. Use the External Language Server field to select the external language server that the production will use to connect to the remote class. The external language server has to be fully operational, even if it is not currently running.

  6. Use the Gateway Extra Classpaths field to specify the executable that contains the remote class. You can also add other binaries, files, and directories needed by the remote class.


After selecting Register, the new PEX component does not appear in the list until you have selected the Refresh icon.

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