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Code Requirements

The Work Queue Manager processes units of work (also called work items), which are ObjectScript class methods or subroutines that meet the following requirements:

  • The class method or subroutine can be processed independently. For example, a unit of work cannot rely on output from a different unit of work. Independence is required because units of work may be processed in any order. (However, you can use callbacks to execute work sequentially if needed. For more information, see Using Callbacks.)

  • The class method or subroutine is on the order of thousands of lines of ObjectScript code in size. This requirement ensures that the overhead of the framework is not a significant factor.

    Furthermore, it is preferable to use a large number (for example, 100) of smaller units of work rather than a small number of very large units of work (for example, 4). Distributing the work in such a way permits the system to scale up when more CPU cores are available.

  • The code returns a %StatusOpens in a new tab value to indicate success or failure so that the WaitForComplete() method can return a %StatusOpens in a new tab value to indicate overall success or failure. Alternatively, the unit of work can throw an exception that is trapped, converted to a %StatusOpens in a new tab value, and returned in the master process.

  • If the code changes the same global as a different unit of work, you must employ a locking strategy to ensure that one worker job cannot change the global while another worker is reading it.

  • The code does not include exclusive NEWs, KILLs, or unLOCKs since these interfere with the framework.

  • If the code includes process-private globals for storing data, these process-private globals are not accessed from the master process or from any other chunk. This requirement is necessary since multiple jobs process each chunk.

  • Any logic called as part of the class method or subroutine is correctly cleaned up such that no variables, locks, process-private globals, or other artifacts remain in the partition. This requirement is important since the same process will be used to subsequently process completely separate work items.

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