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Using the Management Portal

InterSystems IRIS® data platform enables you to perform system administration and management tasks via a web application, the InterSystems Management Portal.

Starting the Management Portal

You can start the Management Portal in the following ways:

  • On Microsoft Windows platforms, click Management Portal on the InterSystems IRIS launcher menu.

  • In a browser, access the following URL, using the <baseURL> for your instance:


For information about the Management Portal, see Management Portal Overview.

Depending on the authentication settings for your system, you may have to log in before going to the Portal home page. See Management Portal Login Page for an overview of login requirements. In addition, each functional area requires access to particular resources; see Management Portal Web Application Structure.


Microsoft Windows 2003 Users Trusted Site Security Setting — The first time you visit the Management Portal, you may receive a warning about the web site being blocked. When prompted, add the site to the trusted sites zone. InterSystems also recommends you allow session cookies for Portal procedures to function properly.

Management Portal Login Page

Whether or not you must enter a username and password to use the Portal depends on the authentication settings of the Management Portal web application (/csp/sys). There are two conditions:

Unauthenticated Access Only

Neither requires nor accepts a username and password — If the Portal accepts only unauthenticated connections (the default setting for Minimal security installs), you do not require a username and password to access the Portal; you bypass the Login page when you use the methods in the previous section to start the Portal. If navigation does bring you to the login page (by clicking Logout, for example), you see the following message:

Please click here to log in.
Authenticated Access

Requires a username and password — If your security settings require authentication for the Management Portal web application and you are not already authenticated on the system, the login page displays asking you to enter a User Name and Password. After entering these fields, click Login to display the Management Portal home page.


To change your password, click your name in the Management Portal Header, which displays the change password dialog box.


You can look up the Authentication allowed settings on the Web Applications page (System Administration > Security > Applications > Web Applications) by clicking Edit in the /csp/sys application row.

Management Portal Web Application Structure

The main Portal web application is /csp/sys. To provide enforcement of privileges within the Management Portal, the Portal is further split into distinct web applications. The Management Portal itself is not responsible for preventing non-privileged users from performing actions; this is handled by the system API methods that the Portal calls. The Portal does, however, attempt to keep non-privileged users out of restricted pages to prevent <PROTECT> errors.

There are four types of user for the Portal, which roughly correspond to predefined resources within InterSystems IRIS:

User Type Resource Web Application Tasks
Security Manager %Admin_Secure /csp/sys/sec View and edit list of users, roles, and other security tasks.
Manager %Admin_Manage /csp/sys/mgr Change system configuration and define backup sets.
Operator %Admin_Operate /csp/sys/op View system status pages and perform backups.
Explorer (public user) %Development /csp/sys/exp View home page, view classes, routines, and globals, and use SQL pages, provided the user has access to the appropriate resources.

Management Portal Overview

This section describes some common layout elements of Management Portal pages. The following topics are discussed:


Anywhere in the Management Portal, moving your cursor over a menu item displays a description of that item.

Management Portal Home Page

The Management Portal home page is titled Welcome, <user>. Next to the title, the ribbon contains the following options:

  • Two View buttons, which let you specify how to display links in the menu column.

  • A search bar, located on the right side of the ribbon. When you specify a word and press Enter, a list of all pages containing that word is displayed; then, you can click the destination page you want to display without having to navigate through the submenus.

The Management Portal home page has a column of navigation links, some menu shortcuts, and general system information.

The following sections describe the areas of the home page:

Management Portal Menu Column

The menu column, located on the left edge of the home page, is the primary method of navigating the Portal.

For detailed information about navigating the Management Portal menus, see Navigating the Management Portal.

For information about specific pages of the Management Portal, see Management Portal Page Reference.

Management Portal Welcome Pane

The welcome pane occupies the center of the home page, and includes shortcuts to pages you visit frequently. It contains the following fields:

  • Favorites — Lists Management Portal pages you have selected as favorites (see Action Pane); you can click each page title to go directly to that page.

  • Recent — Lists the most recent pages you have displayed since the last time InterSystems IRIS was started.

  • Did you know? — Displays tips.

  • Links — Links to pages you might want to visit.

Management Portal Message Pane

The message pane, located on the right edge of the home page, displays general system information and provides a link to the system dashboard. For more information about the dashboard, see Monitoring InterSystems IRIS Using the Management Portal.

If the instance is a mirror member, the message pane also displays the mirror it belongs to, its status and member type, and a link to the Mirror Monitor (see Monitoring Mirrors).

Management Portal Header

The header, located at the top of every page in the Management Portal, can be used to navigate the Portal quickly.

The header contains the following links:

The header also contains useful information, such as:

  • Server — The name of the server running InterSystems IRIS.

  • Namespace — The name of the namespace currently being used. To work in a different namespace, click the namespace name ( for example %SYS) and select the desired namespace.

  • User — The name of the user logged in to the Management Portal. To change the password for the user, click the name.

  • Licensed to — The customer name that appears in the license key information.

  • Instance — The name of the InterSystems IRIS instance running on the server.

In addition, you can display a System Mode label (for example, Test System); for information, see Memory and Startup Settings.

The left side of the Management Portal header displays the name of the product you are using.

Management Portal Ribbon

The ribbon lies directly beneath the header, and displays different contents specific to each page. As an example, the ribbon from the Databases page (System Explorer > Databases) is pictured below:

The Databases page ribbon displays when the page was updated, and contains buttons labeled Integrity Check and Integrity Log.

Typical contents of the ribbon are:

  • The title of the Management Portal page being displayed.

  • The breadcrumbs to the current page, listed directly above the page title. Each page listed in the path is an active link, which you can use to return to a previously displayed submenu/list. When you have made unsaved changes on a page, an asterisk is appended to the breadcrumbs, such as System > Configuration > Memory and Startup — (configuration settings)*. You are always prompted for confirmation before navigating away from unsaved changes.


    The breadcrumbs do not list every page in the path, and the pages in the breadcrumbs do not always match those in the navigation menu. You can always navigate to a specific page by clicking Home to return to the Management Portal home page and using the search tool, which is described later on in this section.

  • Several buttons that allow you to perform operations on the page. For example, the Databases page contains the buttons Integrity Check and Integrity Log.

  • A refresh button, with information about when the page was last updated.

System Overview Information

When you click About on the header of the Management Portal, a table displays with the following information:

  • Version — Specific build information for this instance of InterSystems IRIS including platform, build number, and build date.

  • Configuration — Name and location of the configuration (.cpf) file this instance is using.

  • Database Cache (MB) — Space allocated for databases.

  • Routine Cache (MB) — Space allocated for routines.

  • Journal file — Name and location of current journal file.

  • SuperServer Port — Port number on which the InterSystems IRIS server is running.

  • Web Server Port — Port number on which the web server is running.

  • License Server Address/Port — IP address of the InterSystems IRIS license server and port number on which it is running.

  • Licensed to — Customer name that appears in the license key information.

  • Cluster support — Indicates whether or not this instance is part of a cluster.

  • Mirroring — Indicates whether or not this instance is a member of a mirror.

  • Time System Started — Date and time this instance of InterSystems IRIS last started.

  • Encryption Key Identifier — If encryption is activated, the GUID (global unique ID) of the encryption key.

  • NLS Locale — National Language Support locale. For more information, see the Using System Classes for National Language Support and Using the NLS Pages of the Management Portal.

  • Preferred language for this session — Drop-down list of languages in which the Management Portal has been localized and can be displayed. You can change the display language by selecting a new one from the drop-down. Initially, the preferred language for the browsing session is the one specified for the browser, or English if the browser language is not supported; after you select a preferred language in a particular browser, it is used by the Management Portal in that browser even if the browser language is changed.

Navigating the Management Portal

The Management Portal has two different view modes to choose from for page navigation. You can switch between view modes at any time by clicking the desired View button in the Management Portal ribbon. The view modes are:

  • Columns view — Displays page in columns; this is the default mode. This view mode allows you to select favorites and assign custom resources.

  • List view — Displays page names in drop-down list.


In addition to using views to navigate the Management Portal, you can go directly to a page via the search tool, which is located in the ribbon; for more information, see Management Portal Ribbon.

Columns view

The columns view displays submenus that you use to reach a destination page. If you click on a title/name in the final submenu, the destination page is displayed; if you click inside the box but not on the title/name itself, the Action Pane is displayed on the right.

Action Pane

The action pane explains a menu option and lets you perform several actions related to it. To display the action pane, while in Columns view, click inside the box that surrounds an option in the final submenu, but not on the option itself. You can do the following in the action pane:

  • Add the destination page to the Favorites list on the home page, as described in Management Portal Welcome Pane.

  • View the system resource required to load the page and assign a custom resource, as described in Use Custom Resources with the Management Portal.


    If the name of a resource is truncated in the action pane, move the pointer over the name to see it in its entirety.

  • Go to the destination page by clicking Go.

The action pane is available only in Columns view. When you navigate to a page using list view or the search tool, you cannot add it as a favorite or assign a custom resource.

List View

The list view displays lists that you use to reach your destination page, but does not let you specify a destination page as a favorite, or assign a custom resource. When you select the page you want to display, click Go.

Management Portal Page Reference

The Management Portal is made up of a number of pages divided into the following functional areas:

This document provides links to the appropriate section of documentation for each page of the Portal.


The home page contains a number of options for navigating the Management Portal. See Management Portal Home Page for more information.


Healthcare-specific features in InterSystems IRIS for Health and Health Connect are displayed on pages available from the Health portion of the Management Portal. You need to install a Foundation namespace before accessing these health pages. For details, see the “Using the Installer Wizard” section of the InterSystems IRIS for Health Installation Guide or Health Connect Installation Guide.


The Business Intelligence pages are divided into the categories displayed in the Analytics portion of the Management Portal. See Introduction to the Business Intelligence User Interfaces.


The productions pages are divided into the categories displayed in the Interoperability portion of the Management Portal. See Finding Information on Menu Items for more information.

System Operations

The system operator pages are divided into the categories displayed in the System Operations portion of the Management Portal. The following table displays each category and the relevant documentation source.

Menu Item Information
System Dashboard Monitoring InterSystems IRIS Using the Management Portal
Backup Managing Online Backups
Databases Maintaining Local Databases
Processes Controlling InterSystems IRIS Processes
SQL Activity Monitoring SQL Activity
Locks Monitoring Locks
Journals Journaling
Mirror Monitor Monitoring Mirrors
Task Manager Using the Task Manager
LDAP Configurations View LDAP Configurations in the Portal as %Operator.
System Logs Monitoring Log Files
System Usage Monitoring System Performance
License Usage Managing InterSystems IRIS Licensing
Interoperability Usage Interoperability Usage
Background Tasks JOB
Diagnostic Reports Using the InterSystems IRIS Diagnostic Report

System Explorer

The database management pages are divided into the categories displayed in the System Explorer portion of the Management Portal. The following table displays each category and the relevant documentation source.

Menu Item Information
Classes Classes
SQL Introduction to InterSystems SQL
Routines Introduction to ObjectScript
Globals Formal Rules about Globals
Tools Provides classes that you can use to record, randomize and playback HTTP-based scripts against various applications for the purpose of QA, scalability, and network load testing. See %WebStress in the InterSystems Class Reference for more information.

System Administration

The system administrator pages are divided into the categories displayed in the System Administration portion of the Management Portal. The following table displays each category and the relevant documentation source.

Menu Item Information
Configuration Configuration Pagestable (below)
Security System Management and Security
Licensing Managing InterSystems IRIS Licensing
Encryption Encryption Guide

Configuration Pages

The Configuration Pages are a subcategory of the system administration pages.

Menu Item Information
System Configuration System Configuration Pages table (below)
Connectivity Connectivity Pages table (below)
Mirror Settings Configuring Mirroring
Database Backup Configuring InterSystems IRIS Backup Settings
SQL and Object Settings SQL and Object Settings Pages table (below)
Device Settings Device Settings Pages table (below)
National Language Settings Configuring National Language Support (NLS)
Additional Settings Additional Settings Pages table (below)
System Configuration Pages

The System Configuration Pages are a subcategory of the configuration pages.

Menu Item Information
Memory and Startup Configuring System Information
Namespaces Configuring Namespaces
Local Databases Configuring Databases
Remote Databases Remote Databases
Journal Settings Configuring Journal Settings
Connectivity Pages

The Connectivity Pages are a subcategory of the configuration pages.

Menu Item Information
ECP Settings Deploying a Distributed Cache Cluster
SQL Gateway Settings Creating Gateway Connections for External Sources
External Language Servers [Gateways]
SQL and Object Settings Pages

The SQL and Object Settings pages are a subcategory of the configuration pages.

Menu Item Information
Objects Swizzling a Fieldname Property with %ObjectSelectMode=1
TSQL Compatibility TSQL Settings
ISQL Compatibility ISQL Configuration Settings
System DDL Mappings System Datatypes.
User DDL Mappings User Datatypes
Device Settings Pages

The Device Settings pages are a subcategory of the configuration pages.

Menu Item Information
Devices Devices Configuration Parameter File Reference
Device Subtypes DeviceSubTypes
IO Settings [IO]
Telnet Settings [Telnet]
Additional Settings Pages

The Additional Settings pages are a subcategory of the configuration pages.

Menu Item Information
Compatibility [Miscellaneous]
Advanced Memory [config] parameters
Monitor Monitoring InterSystems IRIS Using SNMP
Source Control Integrating InterSystems IRIS with Source Control Systems.
Startup [Startup]
Task Manager Email Settings Configuring Task Manager Email Settings in the “System Administration Guide”.
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