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Custom SQL Business Services

This topic describes how to build a custom SQL business service, including a detailed discussion of the SQL inbound adapter (EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapterOpens in a new tab) and how to use it in your productions. If you prefer to use a pre-built business service, see Using an SQL Business Service.

Overall Behavior

First, it is useful to understand the details that you specify for the adapter. The EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapterOpens in a new tab class provides runtime settings that you use to specify items like the following:

  • A polling interval, which controls how frequently the adapter checks for new input

  • The external data source to which the adapter connects

  • The ID of the production credentials that provide the username and password for that data source, if needed

  • An SQL query to execute

  • Optional parameters to use in the query

In general, the inbound SQL adapter (EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapterOpens in a new tab) periodically executes a query and then iterates through the rows of the result set, passing one row at a time to the associated business service. The business service, which you create and configure, uses this row and communicates with the rest of the production. More specifically:

  1. The adapter regularly executes its OnTask() method, which executes the given query. The polling interval is determined by the CallInterval setting.

  2. If the query returns any rows, the adapter iterates through the rows in the result set and does the following for each row:

    • If this row has already been processed and has not changed, the adapter ignores it.

      To determine if a given row has already been processed, the adapter uses the information in the KeyFieldName setting; see Processing Only New Rows.

    • If this row has already been processed (as identified by the KeyFieldName setting) and an error occurred, the adapter ignores it until the next restart.

    • Otherwise, the adapter builds an instance of the EnsLib.SQL.SnapshotOpens in a new tab class and puts the row data into it. This instance is the snapshot object. Using the Default Snapshot Object provides details on this object.

      The adapter then calls the internal ProcessInput() method of the associated business service class, passing the snapshot object as input.

  3. The internal ProcessInput() method of the business service class executes. This method performs basic production tasks such as setting up a monitor and error logging; these tasks are needed by all business services. You do not customize or override this method, which your business service class inherits.

  4. The ProcessInput() method then calls your custom OnProcessInput() method, passing the snapshot object as input. The requirements for this method are described in Implementing the OnProcessInput() Method.

The following figure shows the overall flow:

SQL inbound adapter receives OnTask call via ODBC or JDBC, executes the query and for each row sends a snapshot to the servic

Creating a Business Service to Use the Adapter

To use this adapter in your production, create a new business service class as described here. Later, add it to your production and configure it. You must also create appropriate message classes, if none yet exist. See Defining Messages.

The following list describes the basic requirements of the business service class:

The following example shows the general structure that you need:

Class ESQL.NewService1 Extends Ens.BusinessService 

Parameter ADAPTER = "EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapter";

Method OnProcessInput(pInput As EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot, pOutput As %RegisteredObject) As %Status

   Quit $$$ERROR($$$NotImplemented)


Implementing the OnProcessInput() Method

Within your custom business service class, your OnProcessInput() method should have the following signature:

Method OnProcessInput(pInput As EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot,
                      pOutput As %RegisteredObject) As %Status

Here pInput is the snapshot object that the adapter sends to this business service; this is an instance of EnsLib.SQL.SnapshotOpens in a new tab. Also, pOutput is the generic output argument required in the method signature.

The OnProcessInput() method should do some or all of the following:

  1. Create an instance of the request message, which will be the message that your business service sends.

    For information on creating message classes, see Defining Messages.

  2. For the request message, set its properties as appropriate, using values in the snapshot object. This object corresponds to a single row returned by your query; for more information, see Using the Default Snapshot Object.

  3. Call a suitable method of the business service to send the request to some destination within the production. Specifically, call SendRequestSync(), SendRequestAsync(), or (less common) SendDeferredResponse(). For details, see Sending Request Messages

    Each of these methods returns a status (specifically, an instance of %StatusOpens in a new tab).

  4. Optionally check the status of the previous action and act upon it.

  5. Optionally examine the response message that your business service has received and act upon it.

  6. Return an appropriate status.

The following shows a simple example:

Method OnProcessInput(pInput As EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot,
   pOutput As %RegisteredObject) As %Status

 set req=##class(ESQL.request).%New()
 set req.CustomerID=pInput.Get("CustomerID")
 set req.SSN=pInput.Get("SSN")
 set req.Name=pInput.Get("Name")
 set req.City=pInput.Get("City")
 set sc=..SendRequestSync("ESQL.operation",req,.pOutput)

 quit sc

Notice that this example uses the Get() method of EnsLib.SQL.SnapshotOpens in a new tab to get data for specific columns; see Using the Default Snapshot Object.

Using the Default Snapshot Object

When you create a business service class to work with EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapterOpens in a new tab, the adapter passes a snapshot object (an instance of EnsLib.SQL.SnapshotOpens in a new tab) to your custom OnProcessInput() method. This instance contains data for one row of the data returned by your query. Your OnProcessInput() method typically uses the data available in this object.


The EnsLib.SQL.SnapshotOpens in a new tab class provides properties and methods to manage multiple rows. However, multiple-row snapshots are relevant only for operations that use the outbound adapter.

The following list describes the methods that you are most likely to use within your custom OnProcessInput() method:

method Get(pName As %String, pRow=..%CurrentRow) returns %String 

Returns the value of the column that has the name pName, in the current row (which is the only row in this case).

method GetColumnId(pName As %String) returns %Integer

Returns the ordinal position of the column that has the name pName. This method is useful when you work with unfamiliar tables.

method GetData(pColumn As %Integer, pRow=..%CurrentRow) returns %String 

Returns the value of the column whose position is specified by pColumn in the current row (which is the only row in this case). From left to right, the first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

method GetColumnName(pColumn As %Integer = 0)

Returns the name of the column whose position is specified by pColumn.

method GetColumnSize(pColumn As %Integer = 0)

Returns the size (the width in number of characters) of the database field whose position is specified by pColumn.

method GetColumnType(pColumn As %Integer = 0)

Returns the SQL type of the column whose position is specified by pColumn, for example, VARCHAR, DATE, or INTEGER.


SQL type names vary between different database vendors.

The following shows how you might use the Get() method to extract data from the snapshot and use it to populate the request message:

 set req=##class(ESQL.request).%New()
 set req.CustomerID=pInput.Get("CustomerID")
 set req.SSN=pInput.Get("SSN")
 set req.Name=pInput.Get("Name")
 set req.City=pInput.Get("City")

Initializing the Adapter

To initialize the inbound adapter, customize the OnInit() method of your custom business service class. This method is executed during startup of the business host; by default, this method does nothing.

Method OnInit() As %Status

The most common reason to initialize the adapter is to initialize values for use as parameters of the query, as described in Specifying Inbound Queries. The following subsections list the relevant methods and provide an example.

Initializing Persistent Values

EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapterOpens in a new tab provides the following method to initialize persistent values that are saved between restarts of the business service:

ClassMethod InitializePersistentValue
            (pConfigName As %String,
             pPersistentValueName As %String = "%LastKey",
             pNewValue As %String)
             As %String

Use this to initialize a name-value pair associated with the adapter and then use the name for a parameter of the query. This method checks the current value of the given persistent name-value pair. If the value is currently null, this method sets it equal to pNewValue.

By default, if you omit the name, the method initializes the persistent name-value pair &%LastKey which contains the IDKey value of the last row processed by the adapter.

In some cases, you might instead need the InitializeLastKeyValue(), which initializes the transient adapter property %LastKey. This property is reset each time the business service is started. Also see the class documentation for EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapterOpens in a new tab for information on the related methods SetPersistentValue() and GetPersistentValue().


To initialize the &%LastKey persistent value, you would customize the OnInit() method of your business service to include the following:

Method OnInit() As %Status
   #; initialize persistent last key value
   Do ..Adapter.InitializePersistentValue(..%ConfigName,,0)
   Quit $$$OK

To initialize the &TopSales persistent value, you would customize the OnInit() method of your business service to include the following:

Method OnInit() As %Status
   #; must initialize so the query can do a numeric comparison
   Do ..Adapter.InitializePersistentValue(..%ConfigName,"TopSales",0)
   Quit $$$OK

Adding and Configuring the Business Service

To add your business service to a production, use the Management Portal to do the following:

  1. Add an instance of your custom business service class to the production.

  2. Enable the business service.

  3. Set the PoolSize setting to 1.

    If PoolSize is larger than 1, the adapter will process many records twice.

  4. Configure the adapter to communicate with a specific external data source. For details about the configuration settings, see Using an SQL Business Service.

  5. Run the production.

Processing Only New Rows

Because it is often undesirable to keep executing a query against the same data, the EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapterOpens in a new tab provides several tools that you can use to keep track of the rows that it has processed. This section discusses those tools and then describes several ways to use them in practice.


Be sure to set the PoolSize setting equal to 1. If it is larger than 1, the adapter will process many records twice.

Available Tools

The EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapterOpens in a new tab provides the following tools to keep track of the rows that it has processed:

  • If you specify the KeyFieldName setting, the adapter adds data to an InterSystems IRIS global that indicates which rows it has processed. This setting should refer to a field that contains values that are not reused over time; this field must be in the result set returned by the query. The adapter uses the data in that field to evaluate whether a row has previously been processed.


    If you delete a row, InterSystems IRIS removes its KeyFieldName value from the global that tracks processed rows. If you subsequently add the row back in with the same KeyFieldName value, InterSystems IRIS processes the row again.

  • The adapter provides a persistent value, &%LastKey, that contains the value of the Key Field Name for the last row that was processed. This special persistent value is saved when you restart the business service.

  • The adapter provides a transient property, %LastKey, that contains the value of the KeyFieldName for the last row that was processed. This adapter property is created each time you restart the associated business service.

The latter two options are practical only if KeyFieldName refers to a field that increases monotonically for each new row. Also see Initializing the Adapter.

Practical Ways to Not Reprocess Rows

There are three practical ways that you can ensure that you do not reprocess the same data:

  • Use the KeyFieldName setting of the adapter. If specified, this setting should refer to a field that contains values that are not reused over time; this field must be in the result set returned by the query. If you specify a KeyFieldName, the adapter uses the data in that field to evaluate whether a row has previously been processed. Note that if you specify the pseudo field %ID in the SELECT and want to specify this field as the KeyFieldName, you should specify the KeyFieldName as ID and should omit the % (percent sign).

    The default is ID.

    For example, you could specify Query as follows:

    SELECT ID,Name,Done from Sample.Person

    And then you could specify KeyFieldName as follows:


    This technique can be inefficient because InterSystems IRIS might select a large number of rows during each polling cycle, and only a small number of those rows might be new.

  • Use a query that uses a query parameter that refers to the special persistent value &%LastKey (or the transient adapter property %LastKey). For example, you could specify Query as follows:

    SELECT ID,Name,Done from Sample.Person WHERE ID>?

    And then you could specify Parameters as follows:


    Also see Initializing the Adapter.

  • After executing the query, delete the source data or update it so that the query will not return the same rows. To do this, you use the DeleteQuery setting. By default, after the EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapterOpens in a new tab executes the main query (the Query setting), it executes the DeleteQuery once for each row returned by the main query.

    This query must include exactly one replaceable parameter (a question mark), which the adapter will replace with value specified by KeyFieldName.

    This query can either delete the source data or can perform an update to ensure that the same rows will not be selected by the main query of the adapter.

    For example, you could specify Query as follows:

    SELECT ID,Name,Done from Sample.Person WHERE Done=0

    And then you could specify DeleteQuery as follows:

    UPDATE Sample.Person SET Done=1 WHERE ID=?

Reprocessing Rows

In many cases, it is necessary to notice changes in a row that has previously been processed by the SQL inbound adapter. The easiest way to do this is as follows:

  • Include a column in the relevant table to record if a given row has been changed.

  • Install an update trigger in the data source to update that column when appropriate.

  • Within the query used by the adapter, use the value of this column to determine whether to select a given row.


Be sure to set the PoolSize setting equal to 1. If it is larger than 1, the adapter will process many records twice.

Examples That Use Query Settings

This section provides examples that use the preceding settings.

Example 1: Using KeyFieldName

In the simplest example, we select rows from the Customer table. This table has a primary key, the CustomerID field, an integer that is automatically incremented for each new record. We are interested only in new rows, so we can use this field as the KeyFieldName. Within our production, we use the following settings for the adapter:

Setting Value
Query SELECT * FROM Customer
DeleteQuery none
KeyFieldName CustomerID
Parameters none

When the production starts, the adapter will automatically select and process all rows in the Customer table. As it processes each row, it creates a trace message if tracing is enabled and adds an entry to the Event Log if logging is enabled; this message will have text like the following:

Processing row '216'

Here '216' refers to the CustomerID of the row being processed.

After the production startup, during each polling cycle, the adapter will select all rows but will process only the rows that have a new value in the CustomerID field.

Example 2: Using &%LastKey or %LastKey

This example is a variation of the preceding. In this case, the main query selects a subset of the rows, which is more efficient than selecting all the rows.

Setting Value
Query SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE ID>?
DeleteQuery none
KeyFieldName CustomerID
Parameters &%LastKey

In each polling cycle, the adapter determines the value of &%LastKey and passes that value to SQL.

Also see Initializing the Adapter.


When the adapter selects a set of rows, it may or may not process them in the order given by the KeyFieldName. For example, in a given polling cycle, it may select rows with CustomerID equal to 101, 102, 103, 104, and 105, but it may process customer 103 last (instead of customer 105). After this polling cycle, the value of &%LastKey equals 103. So in the next cycle, the adapter will select customers 104 and 105 again, although it will not reprocess them. (This is still more efficient than reselecting all the rows as in the previous example.) To force the adapter to process the rows in a specific order, include an ORDER BY clause within the query, for example:


In this case, the value of &%LastKey will always be set to the highest CustomerID and no rows will be selected more than once.

Example 3: Using DeleteQuery

In this example, the Customer table has a field called Done, in which we can record whether the adapter has previously selected a given row.

Setting Value
Query SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Done=0
DeleteQuery UPDATE Customer SET Done=1 WHERE CustomerID=?
KeyFieldName CustomerID
Parameters none

In common with the preceding example, this example selects any given row only once.


Using the delete query can be slow, because this query is executed once for each row that is processed. It is more efficient to perform a batch delete (or batch update) at a regular interval.

Example 4: Working with a Composite Key

In many cases, you might want to treat multiple table fields collectively as the primary key. For example, you might have a table of statistics that includes the fields Month and Year, and your query might need to treat the month and year together as the unique key for the adapter. In such a case, you would use a query that concatenates the relevant fields and uses the AS clause to provide an alias for the composite field.

For example, with SQL*Server, you could use a query that starts as follows:

SELECT Stats, Year||Month as ID ...

The result set available in the adapter will have a field named ID, which you can use for KeyFieldName.


The syntax for concatenation depends upon the database with which you are working.

Example 5: No KeyFieldName

In some cases, you might not want to use KeyFieldName. If KeyFieldName is null, the adapter does not distinguish rows and does not skip rows that had either an error or were successfully processed already.

For example:

Setting Value
Query Select * from Cinema.Film Where TicketsSold>?
DeleteQuery none
KeyFieldName none
Parameters &TopSales (this refers to a special persistent value named TopSales that is defined within the OnProcessInput() method of the business service)

The business service is as follows:

Class Test.SQL.TopSalesService Extends Ens.BusinessService

Parameter ADAPTER = "EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapter";

Parameter REQUESTCLASSES As %String = "EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot";

Method OnInit() As %Status
   #; must initialize so the query can do a numeric comparison
   Do ..Adapter.InitializePersistentValue(..%ConfigName,"TopSales",0)
   Quit $$$OK

Method OnProcessInput(pInput As EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot,
   Output pOutput As Ens.Response) As %Status
   Kill pOutput Set pOutput=$$$NULLOREF

   for j=1:1:pInput.ColCount {
   for i=1:1:pInput.RowCount {
      for j=1:1:pInput.ColCount {
   Set tSales=pInput.Get("TicketsSold")
..%ConfigName,"adapter.sqlparam","TopSales")) ^("TopSales")=tSales
   Quit $$$OK


Specifying Other Runtime Settings

EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapterOpens in a new tab provides the following additional runtime settings.

Call Interval

Specifies the polling interval, in seconds, for the adapter. This specifies how frequently this adapter checks for input.

Upon polling, if the adapter finds input, it creates an appropriate InterSystems IRIS object and passes the object to its associated business service. If several inputs are detected at once, the adapter processes all of them sequentially until no more are found. The adapter sends one request to the business service for each item of input it finds. The adapter then waits for the polling interval to elapse before checking for input again. This cycle continues whenever the production is running and the business service is enabled and scheduled to be active.

It is possible to set a property in the business service so that the adapter delays for the duration of the CallInterval in between processing each input. For details, see Developing Productions.

The default CallInterval is 5 seconds. The minimum is 0.1 seconds.


ID of the production credentials that can authorize a connection to the given DSN. See Defining Production Credentials.


Specifies whether to keep the connection open between commands, such as issuing an SQL statement or changing an ODBC driver setting.

  • If this setting is 0, the adapter will disconnect immediately after each SQL command.

  • If this setting is –1, the adapter auto-connects on startup and then stays connected. Use this value, for example, if you are managing database transactions as described in Managing Transactions.

This setting can also be positive (which specifies the idle time after each SQL command, in seconds), but such a value is not useful for the SQL inbound adapter, which works by polling. (If the idle time is longer than the polling interval [CallInterval], the adapter stays connected all the time. If the idle time is shorter than the polling interval, the adapter disconnects and reconnects at every polling interval—meaning that the idle time is essentially ignored.)

For any settings not listed here, see Configuring Productions.

Resetting Rows Previously Processed by the Inbound Adapter

During development and testing, you might find it useful to reset the adapter for a given business service in order to repeat previous tests. To do so, use one of the following methods described here; these are class methods inherited by EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapterOpens in a new tab.


You do not normally use these methods within a live production.

ClassMethod ClearRuntimeAppData(pConfigName As %String)

Clears all runtime data for the business service that has the given configured name. Note that you can use the adapter property %ConfigName to access the name of currently configured business service. This data is cleared automatically each time the business service starts.

ClassMethod ClearStaticAppData(pConfigName As %String)

Clears static data for the business service specified by the configured name. This data includes all persistent values associated with the adapter, such as the persistent last key value.

ClassMethod ClearAllAppData(pConfigName As %String)

This method just executes the ClearRuntimeAppData() and ClearStaticAppData() class methods.

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