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Using the MDX Performance Utility

The system provides a tool, the %DeepSee.Diagnostic.MDXUtilsOpens in a new tab class, to enable you to gather query statistics and lower-level performance statistics at the same time. You can use this tool while implementing Business Intelligence or later.

This class provides the %Run() method:

classmethod %Run(pMDX As %String = "", 
                 pBaseDir As %String = "", 
                 pVerbose As %Boolean = 0, 
                 ByRef pParms="", 
                 Output pOutFile="") as %Status

Given an MDX query, this method prepares and runs the query and generates files that contain diagnostic information about that query. The arguments are as follows:

  • pMDX — Specifies the MDX query.

  • pBaseDir — Specifies the base directory to which the output directory (MDXPerf) is written. The default base directory is the installation directory.

  • pVerbose — Specifies whether to invoke routines in verbose mode. Use 1 for yes, or 0 (the default) for no.

  • pParms — Specifies a multidimensional array of parameters. This array can have the following nodes:

    • pParms("CubeStats") — Specifies whether to generate cube statistics. Use 1 (the default) for yes, or 0 for no.

    • pParms("TimePERFMON") — Specifies how long, in seconds, to collect data via ^PERFMON. Specify a positive integer; the default is 15. For details, see Monitoring Performance Using ^PERFMON.

    • pParms("pButtonsOn") — Specifies whether to also generate a ^SystemPerformance report. Use 1 for yes, or 0 (the default) for no.

    • pParms("pButtonsProfile") — Specifies the name of the ^SystemPerformance profile to use. For details, see Monitoring Performance Using ^SystemPerformance.

  • pOutFile — Returned as an output parameter, this argument specifies the name of the main report HTML file generated by this method.

The %Run() method generates the following files:

  • MDXPerf_nnnnn_nnnnn.html — Main HTML report file. This contains query statistics, the query plan, and so on.

  • cubename.xml — Definition of the given cube.

  • Cached_MDXPerf_cubename_nnnnn_nnnnn.html^PERFMON timed collection report for running the query when using the result cache.

    For details, see Monitoring Performance Using ^PERFMON.

  • Uncached_MDXPerf_cubename_nnnnn_nnnnn.html^PERFMON timed collection report for running the query when not using the result cache.

    Note that the engine creates a result cache only for a cube that uses more than 512,000 records (by default), so this report could have the same numbers as Cached_MDXPerf_cubename_nnnnn_nnnnn.html.

  • hostname_date_time.html^SystemPerformance report.

    For details, see Monitoring Performance Using ^SystemPerformance.

  • Other files generated by ^SystemPerformance. These vary by operating system.

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