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InterSystems IRIS Demo: Integrating with LDAP

The InterSystems IRIS® data platform can integrate with an LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) server, which makes it seamless to authenticate users with this popular technology. It’s also easy to provide authorization through LDAP, too.

When a user attempts to log in to InterSystems IRIS, the username and password are sent to the LDAP server to verify that the user exists. Once the user’s identity has been authenticated, the LDAP server sends InterSystems IRIS information about which groups the user belongs to. These groups correspond to the roles in InterSystems IRIS that control what actions the user is authorized to perform and whether they can read or write content. In this way, InterSystems IRIS uses LDAP technology for both authentication and authorization aspects of its security strategy.

By following the steps in this guide, you can connect to an LDAP server and explore how it affects security in InterSystems IRIS. In these exercises, you configure InterSystems IRIS to integrate with a Windows Active Directory server. Though other LDAP servers are supported, this tour of LDAP authentication and authorization focuses on using Active Directory.

Setting up LDAP authentication

Before logging in as LDAP users and exploring LDAP-based security in InterSystems IRIS, you need to do the following:

  • Select InterSystems IRIS Instance

  • Define an LDAP configuration

  • Select an LDAP domain as the default

  • Enable LDAP authentication in InterSystems IRIS

  • Install the security certificate for the LDAP server

Selecting an InterSystems IRIS Instance

To use the procedure, you will need a running InterSystems IRIS instance. Your choices include several types of licensed and free evaluation instances; the instance need not be hosted by the system you are working on (although they must have network access to each other). For information on how to deploy each type of instance if you do not already have one to work with, see Deploying InterSystems IRIS in InterSystems IRIS Basics: Connecting an IDE.

Defining an LDAP Configuration

InterSystems IRIS uses an LDAP configuration to define the information needed to connect to the LDAP server and search for users. To create and define a new LDAP configuration:

  1. Open the Management Portal for your instance in your browser. The URL to use depends on the type of instance you selected; for information about determining the correct URL, see InterSystems IRIS Connection Information in InterSystems IRIS Basics: Connecting an IDE.

  2. Go to the Security LDAP Configurations page (System Administration > Security > System Security > LDAP Configurations).

  3. Click Create New LDAP configuration.

  4. In the Name field, enter

  5. Select the Enabled checkbox.

  6. Select the LDAP server is a Windows Active Directory server checkbox.

  7. Define the following fields:

    Field Contents
    LDAP domain name (Windows only)
    LDAP host names
    LDAP username to use for searches
    • (Windows) sidLDAPQuery

    • (UNIX®) CN=sidLDAPQuery,CN=Users,DC=irisldap,DC=intersystems,DC=com

    LDAP username password Select Enter New Password, then enter the password as Cach3L3arning
    LDAP Base DN to use for searches DC=irisldap,DC=intersystems,DC=com
    LDAP Unique search attribute sAMAccountName
  8. Select the Use TLS/SSL encryption for LDAP sessions checkbox.

  9. Select the Use LDAP Groups for Roles/Routine/Namespace checkbox.

  10. Select the Allow Universal group Authorization checkbox.

  11. Click Save.

Selecting the New LDAP Domain as the Default

Once the LDAP configuration for the LDAP server is defined, you need to set the new LDAP configuration as the default LDAP domain. To set the LDAP server as the default:

  1. From the Management Portal home page, go to the System-wide Security Parameters page (System Administration > Security > System Security > System-wide Security Parameters).

  2. Select from the Default security domain drop-down list.

  3. Click Save.

Enabling LDAP Authentication

Using an LDAP server is just one method of authentication available in InterSystems IRIS. Not only must LDAP authentication be enabled for the entire instance of InterSystems IRIS, but each component of InterSystems IRIS that needs to be accessed by an LDAP user must also be enabled for LDAP authentication. The following procedure enables LDAP authentication for the instance and those components needed for this tour of InterSystems IRIS security:

  1. From the Management Portal home page, go to the Authentication/Web Session Options page (System Administration > Security > System Security > Authentication/Web Session Options).

  2. Select the Allow LDAP authentication checkbox.

  3. Click Save.

  4. From the Management Portal home page, go to the Web Applications page (System Administration > Security > Applications > Web Applications).

    From this page you will enable LDAP authorization for the sections of the Management Portal that you will be accessing in the tour of InterSystems IRIS. Because other sections of the Management Portal will not have LDAP authorization enabled, you might be asked to log in if you try exploring these other sections.

  5. Click /csp/sys to display the page used to configure the web application.

  6. In the Security Settings section, select the LDAP checkbox in the Allowed Authentication Methods field.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Once the setting is saved, click Cancel to return to the Web Applications page.

  9. Click /csp/sys/sec. This web application contains the security pages of the Management Portal.

  10. In the Security Settings section, select the LDAP checkbox in the Allowed Authentication Methods field.

  11. Click Save.

  12. Once the setting is saved, click Cancel to return to the Web Applications page.

  13. Click /csp/sys/op. This web application contains the operation pages in the Management Portal.

  14. In the Security Settings section, select the LDAP checkbox in the Allowed Authentication Methods field.

  15. Click Save.

Installing a Security Certificate for the LDAP Server

The LDAP server is secured with TLS, so you need to install a security certificate to successfully access the server. You will create a .cer file that contains the required certificate content before identifying it as the security certificate.

Creating .cer file

To create the file that will be installed as the security certificate:

  1. Open a text editor such as Notepad and create a new file.

  2. Copy all of the following content and paste it into the new file in the text editor. The new file should begin with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and end with -----END CERTIFICATE-----.

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  3. Save the file as irisldap.cer in a directory that you can access.

Installing the Security Certificate on Windows

If you are running InterSystems IRIS on Windows, complete the following steps to finish the process of installing the security certificate that you created.

  1. Using Windows Explorer, double-click the security file irisldap.cer in the directory where you saved the file.

  2. Click Install Certificate.

  3. Select Local Machine and click Next.

  4. Click Yes to allow changes to be made to your device.

  5. Select Place all certificates in the following store and click Browse.

  6. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click OK.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Click Finish.

Installing the Security Certificate on UNIX®

If you are running InterSystems IRIS on UNIX®, complete the following steps to finish the process of installing the security certificate that you created.

  1. While logged in to the Management Portal as the _system user, go to the Security LDAP Configurations page (System Administration > Security > System Security > LDAP Configurations).

  2. Click from the list of LDAP configurations.

  3. In the TLS/SSL certificate file field, enter the path and filename of irisldap.cer, which is the file you created and saved.

Exploring LDAP Users and Groups

Now that you have configured your LDAP connection and enabled LDAP authentication, you can use the LDAP server to log in to InterSystems IRIS. The LDAP server contains three users: user1, user2, and user3. The user1 belongs to the intersystems-Role-%Operator group, user2 belongs to the intersystems-Role-%Manager group, and user3 belongs to the intersystems-Role-%Developer group. Each group grants privileges belonging to a corresponding role in InterSystems IRIS. For example, when user1 is successfully authenticated by the LDAP server, they are assigned the %Operator role.

In this tour, you will log in to InterSystems IRIS as all three users and explore what actions are available based on the roles associated with the user. When you log in to InterSystems IRIS as a valid LDAP user, InterSystems IRIS automatically creates the user without requiring that you manually add the user beforehand.

User1: Operator

To log in as user1 and explore InterSystems IRIS:

  1. If you are currently logged in to InterSystems IRIS, click the Logout link at the top left of the Management Portal.

  2. Log in to InterSystems IRIS using the following credentials:

    User Name: user1

    Password: Password1

    User1 is a member of the intersystems-Role-%Operator group. Based on this group, when user1 is authenticated, they are automatically granted the privileges associated with the %Operator role in InterSystems IRIS.

  3. From the Management Portal home page, go to the Databases page (System Operation > Databases). User1 has access to this page because they have been authorized by the LDAP server to interact with pages associated with the %Operator role.

  4. On the Management Portal home page, notice that the System Administration menu is disabled. User1 cannot access this menu because the %Operator role does not include the proper privileges.

User2: Manager

To log in as user2 and explore InterSystems IRIS:

  1. Click the Logout link at the top left of the Management Portal.

  2. Log in to InterSystem IRIS using the following credentials:

    User Name: user2

    Password: Password2

    User2 is a member of the intersystems-Role-%Manager group. Based on this group, when user2 is authenticated, they are automatically granted the privileges associated with the %Manager role. As you will see, these privileges include access to pages that user1 could not see.

  3. From the Management Portal home page, go to the Users page (System Administration > Security > Users). Remember that user1 could not access the System Administration menu.

  4. Click user1 from the list of users.

  5. Click the Roles tab.

    Notice that %Operator is the only role assigned to user1.

  6. Click Cancel to return to the Users page.

  7. Notice that there is no entry for user3 in the list of users. This user will be created automatically when user3 logs in, at which point InterSystems IRIS uses the LDAP server to authenticate the user.

User3: Developer

To log in as user3 and explore InterSystems IRIS:

  1. Click the Logout link at the top left of the Management Portal.

  2. Log in to InterSystem IRIS using the following credentials:

    User Name: user3

    Password: Password3

    User3 is a member of the intersystems-Role-%Developer group. Based on this group, when user3 is authenticated, they are automatically granted the privileges associated with the %Developer role.

  3. Notice that the user has access to the System Explorer menu, but not the System Operation and System Administration menus. You can tell that the %Developer role assigned to user3 has different privileges than the roles assigned to user1 and user2. This prevents user3 from seeing their own user profile because the Users page is under the System Administration menu.

Automatic User Creation

You have been logging in to InterSystems IRIS without creating new users first. InterSystems IRIS automatically creates these users when they are found on the LDAP server. The following procedure demonstrates this process:

  1. Click the Logout link at the top left of the Management Portal.

  2. Log in to InterSystem IRIS using the following credentials:

    User Name: user2

    Password: Password2

    Remember that user2 has the %Manager role.

  3. From the Management Portal home page, go to the Users page (System Administration > Security > Users).

  4. Find user3 in the list and click Delete in its row.

    At this point, user3, the user with the %Developer role, no longer exists in InterSystems IRIS.

  5. Click the Logout link at the top left of the Management Portal.

  6. Log in to InterSystem IRIS using the following credentials:

    User Name: user3

    Password: Password3

    Because user3 still exists on the LDAP server, you are able to log back into InterSystems IRIS as user3 even though you just deleted the user account in InterSystems IRIS.

  7. If desired, you can log back into InterSystems IRIS to confirm that user3 is now a user.

    1. Click the Logout link at the top left of the Management Portal.

    2. Log in to InterSystem IRIS using the following credentials:

      User Name: user2

      Password: Password2

    3. From the Management Portal home page, go to System Administration > Security > Users. User3 is now in the list even though you previously deleted the user account.

Learn More About LDAP and Security

You can use the following resources to learn more about LDAP and other security concepts.

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