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InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator 2024.1
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Store a message to acknowledge a step achieved by a business process.


<milestone value='"The applicant has been notified of the interest rate."' />

Attributes and Elements

value attribute

Required. This is the text for the milestone message. It can be a literal text string or an expression to be evaluated.

LanguageOverride attribute

Optional. Specifies the scripting language in which any expressions (within in this element) are written.

Can be "python", "objectscript", or "basic" (not documented). Default is the language specified in the containing <process> element.

name, disabled, xpos, ypos, xend, yend attributes


A <milestone> activity writes a message to the InterSystems IRIS database. <milestone> works very much like <trace>, but unlike <trace> messages, <milestone> messages exist only while the associated business process is running. After the business process exits, all messages generated by <milestone> activities are removed.

Often a programmer uses <trace> messages for diagnostic purposes, whereas <milestone> messages can be helpful to track the progress of a correctly operating, long-running business process.

You can retrieve <milestone> messages by examining values in the ^Ens.Milestone global. The global is defined only if your production has issued <milestone> messages. To obtain the value of ^Ens.Milestone:

  • Programmatically, use the information in Using Multidimensional Storage (Globals).

  • From the Management Portal, navigate to the System Explorer > Globals page, ensure that the Namespaces option is selected, and click the name of the namespace where your production runs. The View Globals option is selected by default.

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