Division (/)
The Division operator produces the result of dividing two numerically interpreted operands. It uses any leading numeric characters as the numeric value of the operands and products a result that is the quotient.
The following example performs division on two numeric literals:
WRITE 9 / 5.5 // 1.636363636363636364
The following example performs division on two locally defined variables:
SET x = 4
SET y = 5
WRITE x / y // .8
The following example performs string arithmetic on two operands that have leading digits, dividing the resulting numerics:
WRITE "8 apples" / "4 oranges" // 2
If the operand has no leading numeric characters, Divide assumes its value to be zero. For example:
WRITE "eight apples" / "4 oranges" // 0
// "8 apples"/"four oranges" generates a <DIVIDE> error
Note that the second of these operations is invalid. Dividing a number by zero is not allowed. ObjectScript returns a <DIVIDE> error message.