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Key Values (MDX)

This section describes how the system generates KEY values for level members.

Key Values

The system generates KEY values as follows. Note that these values are case-sensitive, unlike all other items in MDX.

Scenario Format of KEY value Example Member Name* Corresponding KEY Value
Null member <null> None <null>
All member * All Patient Addresses *
Member of a level that uses the HourNumber time function Integer that represents the hour number 2 2
Member of a level that uses the DayMonthYear time function Integer that represents the date in $HOROLOG format Dec 27 2004 59896
Member of a level that uses the DayNumber time function Integer that represents the day number 21 21
Member of a level that uses the WeekNumber time function Integer that represents the day number 6 6
Member of a level that uses the MonthNumber time function Integer that represents the month number July 7
Member of a level that uses the WeekYear time function String in the form YYYYMWW 2012W06 2012W06
Member of a level that uses the MonthYear time function Integer in the form YYYYMM July 2010 201007
Member of a level that uses the QuarterNumber time function Integer that represents the quarter number Q3 3
Member of a level that uses the QuarterYear time function Integer in the form YYYYQQ Q4 2010 201004
Member of a level that uses the Year time function Four-digit integer that represents the year number 2009 2009
Member of a level that uses the Decade time function Four-digit integer that represents the year number, followed by s 1990s 1990s
Member of a computed dimension Member name, followed by a colon, followed by the SQL SELECT statement that retrieves the values member 1 shown after this table***
Other scenarios Source value of the member (which is also used as the member name by default)** Juniper Juniper
Sorenson, Violet 169

*For levels in time dimensions, this column shows their default display names. Depending on how the level is defined, the member names might be different. See Defining Models for InterSystems Business Intelligence.

**In a well-defined cube, each member key is unique. See Defining Member Keys and Names Appropriately.

***The key for a member of a computed dimension might be as follows:

&[member 1:select ID from BI_Model_PatientsCube.Fact WHERE MxAge<50 AND DxHomeCity->PxName='Elm Heights']

You can use the PROPERTIES function to find the value of the KEY property or any other property of a member.

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