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Settings for EDIFACT Business Services

Provides reference information for settings of EDIFACT business services.


EDIFACT business services provide the following settings:

Group Settings
Basic Settings Target Config Names, Doc Schema Category
Additional Settings Reply Target Config Names, Search Table Class, Validation, Reply Mode, Batch Handling, Local Application ID, Tolerate Newlines

The remaining settings are either common to all business services or are determined by the type of adapter. For information, see:

Batch Handling

Indicates how to treat received batch Interchange documents the production receives. The options are:

  • Whole Batch—Do not process child documents individually; accumulate and send the whole batch as one composite document.

  • Single-Session Batch—Forward each document in the batch as part of a single session, including a final parent document object containing the batch header and trailer segments.

  • Multi-Session Batch—Forward each document in the batch in its own session, followed by the parent document object containing the batch header and trailer segments.

  • Individual—Forward each child document in the batch in its own session; do not forward parent batch document objects.

Doc Schema Category

Category to apply to incoming EDIFACT document type names to produce a complete DocType specification. Combines with the document type name to produce a DocType assignment. This setting may also contain multiple comma-separated type names followed by = and a DocTypeCategory, or full DocType values to apply to documents declared as that type.

A trailing asterisk (*) at the end of a given partial type name matches any types beginning with the partial entry.

For example:


Note that a DocType assignment may be needed for Validation or Search Table Class indexing.

Local Application ID

Colon-separated LocalID:Qualifier code that represents the facility and application that receive EDIFACT documents via this business service. These are used to create reply document headers. The @ (at sign) character represents using the corresponding field from the incoming message. If your ID must contain a literal @ symbol, escape it with back slash as follows: \@. The default value is: EDIFACTService:ENS

Reply Mode

Controls response handling and whether or not to send back reply documents immediately upon receipt on an interchange. The Reply Mode options are:

  • Never—Do not send back any immediate reply. This is the default.

  • All—Generate a reply for every transaction set in an interchange.

  • Errors—Only generate a reply for transaction sets in which errors are detected.

  • Success—Only generate a reply for transaction sets that are accepted without errors.

Reply Target Config Names

(File and FTP only) Comma-separated list of configuration items within the production to which the business service should relay any EDIFACT reply messages. Usually the list contains one item, but it can be longer. The list can include both business processes and business operations.

Compare to Target Config Names.

Search Table Class

Specifies the class to use to index virtual properties in the inbound documents. The default is EnsLib.EDI.EDIFACT.SearchTableOpens in a new tab. To use a different class, see Defining EDIFACT Search Tables.

In either case, be sure that the category given by Doc Schema Category includes the DocType values (if any) in the search table class.

Target Config Names

Comma-separated list of configuration items to which to send EDIFACT documents. The value of this field must be the configured name of one or more of the following items within the production:

  • A routing process (for a routing interface)

  • A business operation (if your design bypasses a routing process for this interface and simply relays documents from the incoming business service to the outgoing business operation)

Compare to Reply Target Config Names.

Tolerate Newlines

True or False. If True, the business service processes an incoming file without error, even if newline characters have been inserted into the file after (or in place of) segment terminators to enhance readability. If False, these extra newline characters trigger an error in parsing the file. The default is True.


See Validation in Settings of a Virtual Document Business Service.

Also see the reference for the Separator setting.

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